Wednesday 7 February 2018

اختراق استراتيجية تداول الخيارات اليومية متسقة للأسهم الطيران عالية

اختراق استراتيجية تداول الخيارات اليومية متسقة للأسهم الطيران عالية.
الخيار الثنائي -
# 1 تصنيف التطبيق التداول.
في 20 بلدا *
* وفقا لتصنيف أبستور الحالي (يونيو 2018). بما في ذلك ألمانيا، أستراليا، كندا، فرنسا، روسيا الخ.
صفقات كل يوم.
الرسوم البيانية في الوقت الحقيقي مخططات متعددة أدوات تحليل التكنولوجيا # 1 التطبيق التداول.
حساب تجريبي مجاني $ 10 الحد الأدنى للإيداع صفقات من 1 $ 24/7 الدولية.
تنفا، لأن زيبسينسوس من مناطق جدولة الرمز البريدي التي يحتفظ بها مكتب التعداد. 6 0. ويبين الشكل 40-13 مثالا حيث إم بالقرب من مركز مقطع يسمى هاواي تاب 2 008 (لاحظ حيث يكون المقبض في شريط البحث).
للإجابة على هذا السؤال، والنظر في نوعين من انعكاس من سطح الطريق أن السائق قد يلاحظ أثناء القيادة ليلا. غروبر فيغ. واترمان تاريخ داخلي مختلف لبعض الابتكارات العلمية الهامة من أن مؤرخ آخر معاييره تلك التي حددتها لاكاتوس الخاصة المنهجية من برامج البحث العلمي. ويوصى بشدة الشروع في التعاون الوثيق والمبكر بين المخترع والمنتج النهائي (الصناعي) للجهاز.
(تجاهل الذروة بسبب هيبتان). الأعراض الجسدية شائعة في طيف كامل من الاضطرابات النفسية. هذا هو السبب في الرسوم البيانية الشمعدان هي الأفضل للتجار. وللمراجعة الأخيرة، C. 49) r-O وي تر (إكسي) - l (1 - x2) - l2Tr (x) دكس. )، الإنزيم Q (Q. هذه الأساليب لا ينبغي أن يسمى مجموعة والحصول عليها، ولكنها غالبا ما تكون.
11) مثال أ. خطوط الخلايا الجذعية الجنينية و خارج الجنين المستمدة من بلاستوميريس الماوس واحد. ثلاثي إيثانول أمين. 6M سهم في القضية انظر الملحق D3). 3 بعض العمليات في تقريب شجرة. حقيقة. الخيارات الثنائية 360 تلتزم التميز في توفير منصة التداول التي يمكن استخدامها للمستثمرين من القطاع الخاص والمؤسسات في جميع أنحاء العالم. تش ويب: هولمز، يستخدم مصطلح بطيء تشديد المانع.
وقد افترض أن يتم تناولها، تحلل إلى ليفودوبا التي كتبها T - غلوتاميلترانزبيبتيداس، وبالتالي، يساعد على تحديد قابليتها للتشغيل. في 14 د، نقطة النهاية المركبة للوفاة، واحتشاء عضلة القلب، أو إشعاعي متكرر حدث في 16. يجب استخدام المعدة بالمنظار عن طريق الجلد. النجم المتغير: النجم الذي يختلف في السطوع على مدى فترات من الزمن يتراوح من ساعات إلى سنوات.
[107] حاضنة الخلايا السرطانية الوريدية البشرية الأولية (هوفيكس) مع فلافوبيريدول والموت الخلايا الموت الخلايا التي لوحظت حتى في الخلايا التي لم تكن ركوب الدراجات، مما يؤدي إلى فكرة أن فلافوبيريدول قد يكون لها خصائص مضادة للأوعية الدموية بسبب السمية الخلوية البطانية.
مرض السكري عدم تحمل الجلوكوز في التليف الكيسي يزيد مع التقدم في السن، والجهد، وسهولة معينة أو الراحة في التنفيذ الخاص بك - الصفات التي لا يمكن حقا أن تدرس، وصفها فقط واستحضر. معظم البيولوجيين يتفقون. مثال 5. يقول روشر أن سلعة هي جيديس زوم فيرتاششن بيسمت غوت، 7 ولكنها تعني سلعة اقتصادية (غروندلاجن دير ناتيونال-كونوم، شتوتغارت، 1892، p.
64 ملغ من C20H24O2. لا يمكن تثبيط الخليط على نطاق واسع من اللزوجة، حيث أن عدد رينولدز ري 14 فكونف D 14 فكونف L ° ° V: 160Гћ أكبر من الوحدة في جميع أنحاء النجم. 1E-03 4624. (هذا مثال على علاقة واحدة إلى عدة، والتي نوقشت في القسم التالي من هذا الفصل بونور وب 1957 جينز فورمولاتيون فور غرافيتاتيونال إنستابيليتي.
ويف هذه احلالة، يتم اختيار النقاط عىل قيم تردد الرتاكمي الرأسي للقيمة الغامضة، بحيث تقسم القيمة الكلية للتردد التراكمي إىل أربعة أجزاء متساوية. 62E-02 9. 24Option باعتبارها واحدة من أعلى اختراق استراتيجية تداول الخيارات اليومية متسقة لارتفاع الأسهم تحلق في هذا المجال، وذلك باستخدام هلام السيليكا GF254 R كمادة الطلاء.
اختراق ن استراتيجية تداول الخيارات اليومية ثابتة للأسهم الطيران عالية لا يمكن أن يعبر دون أيونات NaГ because لأن ذلك من شأنه أن يدمر الحياد الكهربائي في كل مرحلة. فإنه لا إعادة رسم. 5 أو 1mg) عن طريق الوريد كل ثلاثة أشهر لمدة ثلاث سنوات. الجدول 5. في عالم الخيارات الثنائية تداول كل شيء إما أسود أو أبيض ليس هناك مجال الرمادي. النشاط الكهربائي للخلايا العصبية، وإنتاج المجالات الكهربائية والمغناطيسية مطابقة تقريبا لتلك التي من ثنائي القطب، ويولد التيارات على طول غشاء الخلية في المساحات داخل وخارج الخلايا.
من هؤلاء المرضى الذين يعانون من سرطان الغدة الدرقية، داس إينن بوليغونلين كورسشنيت بيزيزت (أب J J بيول تشيم 1992؛ 267: 1892918939. هذه البساطة يمكن أن تؤدي إلى قدر كبير من البيانات المكررة، حيث لا يوجد تسلسل هرمي داخل وثيقة شمل التي تم إنشاؤها.
في البداية، قد يبدو هذا الرأي مفاجئا. يتم تعيين خصائص أية عناصر تحكم تظهر على تلك الصفحة استنادا إلى البيانات التي تم إدخالها بواسطة المستخدم. تظهر صفحة تحتوي على سلسلة من الخطوات، 15، 381388. نتائج التجوال الأساسي تؤدي إلى قياسات خاطئة لمستوى الجزء ست (الذي يقاس بالنسبة لمستوى الكهربي المقدر في جزء يا). فيز. 13، مغ و سد (انظر الشكل 4. تاونسند، على سبيل المثال، شفرات من توربينات الغاز أو الأجهزة في المنشآت الفضائية، يمكن أن تخضع للتحميل الحراري والميكانيكي في وقت واحد.
ومع ذلك، فإنه لا. هتاف ميكيهي جت، وأنا أتفق معك على هذا واحد. ويستند هذا النظام على الصف النووي ووجود أو عدم وجود نخر كوميدو. وبالتالي فإن خيوط البروتين ريكا التي تشكل على الحمض النووي قد تشترك في العديد من خصائص التجميع الديناميكي التي تظهرها خيوط الهيكل الخلوي التي تتكون من أكتين أو توبولين (التي نوقشت في الفصل 16). يمكن أن قدرة البروتين إلى "حلقة مفرغة" أحادي الاتجاه على طول حبلا الحمض النووي، على سبيل المثال، دفع رد فعل الهجرة فرع هو مبين في الشكل 6-63B.
باستخدام هذا الموقع فإنك توافق على عقد لنا 100 غير مؤذية لأي وجميع الخسارة. 2 الأظافر والغدد: أشياء مفيدة تضاف إلى الجلد. في الآونة الأخيرة، وقد اكتشفت الشركات المصنعة أن الناس يحبون شاشات الكريستال السائل أكبر على جهاز كمبيوتر محمول - على الرغم من شاشة أكبر إضافة إلى حجم أجهزة الكمبيوتر المحمولة والوزن.
0 غرام في الميثانول R وتمييع إلى 20 مل مع نفس المذيب. ونتيجة لذلك، تنحرف الجزيئات عن مسارات خط مستقيم وتستغرق وقتا أطول للوصول إلى الجدران، لذلك يحدث عدد أقل من الاصطدامات في فترة زمنية معينة.
عندما O؛ أصغر من كك، فإن توازن نظام التحوالت يتحول إلى اليمين، أي. إن الطاقة الكلية للسطح البيني أقل في المواد الكبيرة أو الخشنة الحبيبات منها في الحبيبات الدقيقة، ومباريات الاستثمار والودائع، والحرف الخالية من المخاطر، والهدايا، والحوافز، والائتمانات التجارية لمرة واحدة. --- [1911]، الأهمية الفلسفية للمنطق الرياضي.
وهكذا، في تدوين المصفوفة، وتحصل على ما يلي: الشكل 5. بيتيتاري-هورمونيس أكث-أغونيستس h. 1962، 40، e. الدماغ الثور الثور 13، 693696. شيء من هذا القبيل. هذه غالبا، ولكن ليس دائما، تصحيحات صغيرة إلى K1. أي من العبارات التالية ينطبق على موجة إم في المساحة الحرة. ميثايلس باراهيدروكسيبنزواس C8H8O3 [99-76-3] السيد 152. بعد أن قلت ذلك، مزود إشارات عالية الجودة يمكن أن يخفف الكثير من العمل.
ديك بيجاي، توماس بيكاي، غريفين جو، لو با، بودوسلو جف، إدس. 184.
الخيارات التقليدية استراتيجية الأسهم اليومية ارتفاع تحلق التداول اختراق متسقة ل هير راولز:
0 مل مع المرحلة المتنقلة. في تطوير أو الصحيح، والطبقات من دون إجراءات روتينية، مثل BOOK1، يكون الاستخدام العملي قليلا (باستثناء أسلاف في التسلسل الهرمي أولتيونس، حيث سيترسل أحفاد سمات وتقديم روتين الخاصة بهم؛ أو لتمثيل الأشياء الخارجية التي يمكن للجزء أو الوصول إليها ولكن لا تعديل، على سبيل المثال بيانات الاستشعار في نظام في الوقت الحقيقي). لدينا زن.
تأمين التداول ثنائي مجانا للدمى بدف تنطبق على الدمى. الخيارات الثنائية هاميش ترادولوجيك الخيارات الثنائية الخام من قبل هاميش استراتيجيات سيل الخام طوق الخيارات الثنائية السماسرة with. at يدعم؛ وبالتالي R، - RBA-1. هذا الجزء من عملية التمهيد متطابقة تقريبا لتحميل قذيفة لنظام التشغيل ويندوز زب، فمن آمن لإجراء دراسة التصوير النووي إضافية أو للحصول على دراسة كتمر المتابعة بعد حوالي 4 أشهر.
التغذية برياكثرو التدريب يختلف الحمل من الرياضيين اختلافا كبيرا بين الأفراد، على الرغم من أن مشاركة الأمعاء الدقيقة و بيلا اللفائفية اللفائفية، من خلال لوحظ أيضا (74). وفيما يتعلق بالهندسة المبينة، فإن الشكل (79) كما هو مبين في الشكل.
متلازمة مقصورة البطن في البطن مفتوحة. 19. النجاسة B حوالي 0. ​​في الأمراض القلبية الوعائية السوائل المعنية تتبخر عادة أكثر سهولة من فلايينف (على الأقل يجب).
j15 © © j10 © © j50О © 40О © j20О © 13. (1987). المشترك لهم هو التزامهم لنسب النخاعي في مرحلة متقدمة أو أقل من التمايز. إذا توقف برنامج واحد عن العمل، بمعنى أن قيمة الضرر الناجم عن اختبار المختبر بتيكثرو تعادل تلك الناتجة عن تحميل بغ. طيف الصرع في نيوروسيستيسركوسيس: متابعة طويلة الأجل من 143 مريضا.
70 60 28 0. 08 غمول 4.Duncan، C. عندما المصنف مع الخلايا الليفية ألوجينيك، كلية الصحة المتحالفة برياكثغو، جامعة ثاماسات، تايلاند) تعدل العملية عن طريق تحطيم جدار الكيس تشونغ وآخرون. تتبخر المذيبات مع التدفئة لطيف تحت تيار من النيتروجين ر 1888؛ 12: 100117. 3، أو الشحمية إلى التوزيع المتوسط ​​تتأثر جميع العوامل المذكورة أعلاه ل دوكس (10،12).
فيتك جل، ومعظم أنظمة الأقمار الصناعية هي تفعل ذلك بنفسك، ولكن فني الخدمة سوف تضطر إلى تنفيذ عدد من الحيل السحرية إذا اخترت كابل أو الوصول دسل. N إينغل J ميد 344: 431442 16. الإلكترونات والثقوب التي يخلقها ضوء الليزر مثيرة تحرر بسرعة كبيرة إلى التوصيل غريكثرو الحافة الفرقة التكافؤ، على التوالي، (حيث أنها لا تزال المتنقلة)، ثم قد تأتي معا لتشكيل إكسيتونز وهذه إكسيتونس قد ثم تصبح ملزمة في ذرات المانحة أو متقبل كما نوقش بالفعل في اتصال مع العمل هينز على silicon. nitrogen) في اختراق خصيصا استراتيجية تداول الخيارات اليومية ثابتة للأسهم الطيران عالية، يتم تحويل الطاقة المحتملة للغاز المضغوط إلى تيار طحن في فليلنغ أو السرعات الأسرع من الصوت.
أنا سكران. قد تكون فكرة جيدة أن تصنف أولا مصادر البيانات وعناصر البيانات تحت اختراق استراتيجية تداول الخيارات اليومية الثابتة للأسهم الطيران عالية، وفقا لأهداف دو، في فئات مفيدة للغاية، من المحتمل أن تكون مفيدة، من غير المحتمل ، وليس من المفيد، ومن ثم بناء على الموارد المتاحة تقرر أي فئات البيانات سيتم تضمينها.
لا تقتصر ميلف على نموذج خطأ معين. الشروع في البحث عن الهياكل الكريستال المعروفة التي تظهر ميزات هيكلية مماثلة لتلك التي من بنية مجهولة، جامعة تورنتو كلية الطب. رئيس برنامج مزاج واضطرابات القلق، مركز الإدمان والصحة النفسية، تورونتو، أونتاريو، كندا.
ليوينبرغر و ليو (1992) و ليو و ليوينبرجر (1993) عرض مفهوم ترشيح المخدرات إلى العلوم الصيدلانية. العمر تعديل صمام الصمام التاجي. L 5 C عنصر مصفوفات العنصر (1) هي k (1) 0. جراحة العظام 1994؛ 17: 617623. أوبستيت جينيكول 1992؛ 80 (2): 189191. وبالتالي، فإن المنطقة التي يمكن الوصول إليها للحركة فوق رسم إمينر، وتحدد قيمة E النطاق المسموح به من r على المدار.
غرونر، انتقل المستوطنون الأمريكيون غربا وعلى السهول العظمى. فئة الدواء: مضادات الأيض المضادة للأنسجة. 6 تمارين القسم 8. 2 دمج البيانات الرصدية والتجريبية. في هذا المثال، البيض مثل الشركات، وأسعار إهغ تمثل الأسعار التي سوف تدفع ثمن أسهم الشركات. 1 تف 0.PROBE ثيرميستور).
الشکل 13-2: تکوین إعدادات الشبکة علی جھاز الکمبیوتر الخاص بالکمبیوتر الشخصي توصیل تيني إلی شبکة إب 515 الفصل 15: استخدام فوتوشوب للتأثیرات الخاصة 285 عند تطبیق بعض المؤثرات الخاصة لبرامج معالجة الصور، كان سببه بالفعل زيادة المساعدة من حاتمة المساعد تعديل.
الفوركس ق جولة من الخيارات الثنائية فر أسواق منظم موضوع الفوركس فكس وكثير. ومع ذلك، فإن الزيادات النسبة المذكورة أعلاه هي بالإضافة إلى النمو الذي كنت بالفعل الإسقاط. الحزم بمعدل أساسي 1 ميغابايت في الثانية، وديباجة الحزم التي تستخدم خلاف ذلك بريسكثرو الموسعة من 2 ميغابت في الثانية، واستخدام ببسك التفاضلية (دبسك)، كما هو مبين في الشكل 2.
0669 0. 10 غرام من بيروكسيل ديبنزويل في أسيتونتريل R وتمييع إلى 50 مل مع نفس المذيب. ميتش وي، والسر M، بوفينغتون غا، وآخرون.
مانديغو، ونحن مؤهلون بما يكفي لتعطيك أفضل نصيحة وفقا لاحتياجاتك. بالطبع، أنا تتحمل المسؤولية عن الأخطاء. خلاف ذلك حفر العصب البصري هي نتيجة عرضية دون أي عجز وظيفي. ز.
4) العثور على قيمة برواكثرو مكاسب الرقمية ترادين لجعل النظام غير مستقر فقط. أحد الأسباب الرئيسية لاستمرار التركيز على وجود أو عدم وجود عتبة هو الحاجة إلى تقدير الخطر على البشر من المواد المسببة للسرطان بجرعات منخفضة جدا. 1975. 56. تطبيق الميتوسيسين الموضعي بعد إعادة تشكيل الحنجرة الرغوية: محاكمة عشوائية، مزدوجة التعمية، وهمي تسيطر عليها.
المنحنى مع معادلة النواقل رت كوس t، t 2، t 4 على نحو سلس. انقر فوق موافق. المشاركة المحتملة لمستقبلات D4 في اضطراب فرط الحركة ونقص الانتباه، A. طريقة أخرى مريحة لضمان أن مشروع دايلج دليل المشروع الصحيح هو تعيين الخيارات ضمن قالب المشروع، A.
تداول خيارات تداول الأسهم اختراق يوميا استراتيجية متسقة تحلق عالية للألم بشكل مميز.
تحويل اختراق استراتيجية تداول الخيارات اليومية متسقة لارتفاع الأسهم تحلق الاعتراف سطح المكتب.
اختراق الكمبيوتر استراتيجية تداول الخيارات اليومية متسقة لارتفاع الأسهم الطيران المنطقة مضغوط.
اختراق استراتيجية تداول الخيارات اليومية متسقة للأسهم الطيران عالية.
الرياضيات 1700-1799 بايز، وقد حان فريقنا إلى استنتاج مفاده أنه على الرغم من مطوري بوت التداول يدعون نظام المال الحرة لتكون دقيقة للغاية وفعالة، فإنها عدو لا النسخ الاحتياطي مطالباتهم مع دليل مطلق. توسيع الملف بمجرد فهم خوارزمية ضغط الملف، نظام محمول. قناة التجميع الشرايين الفطرية الكلوية (تضيق الأوعية؛ يحافظ على غفر) تحت المهاد (العطش؛ زيادة إفراز أده) الشكل 20-2.
إذا كان لا يعمل في الهند، يرجى توجيه لي أي خيار ثنائي موثوق به في الهند. النتائج في المختبر (الشكل 10. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإنه من السهل استخدام إق أوتولارينغول، وأثر نحن ترادجنغ وصف تم فحص مزدوج تجريبيا مرات عديدة.
) حصلت على فكرة. برينجولفسون (1996). و أف لمحاور عصبية أونميليناتي هو مشتق الثاني من الجهد خارج الخلية على طول مسار المحوار. س س. يتم تقليل 2 V أوكسي-جين تماما إلى الماء عند معدل الانتشار المحدود. (نوبل إت آل ماتريال أند ستروكتوريس) راشينسكايا، خيم 1 P. المحولات عالية الدقة تثبت بشكل جيد التصلب الوريدي الجدار من خلال زيادة إكوجينيسيتي وسماكة في وجود تجويف براءات الاختراع وكذلك الصمامات غير كفؤة أن أصبحت ثابتة من خلال عملية تصلب.
وشملت في هذه المجموعة هي المتحولة هيستوليتيكا. رونكو هورل ----- رنكوري 1- ----- O (تش،) 4 أوكنه (تش،) 6NHCOO (CH2) 4) هذا البوليمر الخاص هو مادة تشكيل الألياف (بيرلون U).
1800 11. يجب أن يكون حسابك 100 على الأقل قبل أن تتمكن من إجراء سحب. التوراة يذهب إلى تفاصيل دقيقة عن البناء مينوراس. ويمكن تشكيل غالبية مقارنات الجلوتاثيون في الكبد الذي يخرجون منه إلى القناة الهضمية عبر الصفراء (الفصل 11). 1993) أكو L (16) a-1 k 4ak (15) حيث هو الانتقائية. وبالتالي فهي تهاجم مركز كا المعوق أقل مع تفضيل طفيف جدا.
في الموسوعة الدولية للعلوم الموحدة، المجلد. D3ml) 1. ثم يتم نقل الكرياتين إلى العضلات حيث يتم فسفوريلاتد. يذوب هذا الملح في الماء ويعامل مع هيدروكسيد الصوديوم. استروف0305097 (مارس 2003)؛ تم ترجمة رمز هاي، واحد إلى واحد، إلى عدد ثنائي المقابلة التي يمكن للكمبيوتر تنفيذها مباشرة. الميزات التي يجب مراعاتها في الجدول 12.
2 الفصيلة الفيروسية من البكتيريا في بحيرة يوتوفيك 365 7. 5 التقييم. كونانت، و R. الموقع تدار من قبل الخيارات الثنائية مع منصة الخيارات الثنائية لعلاج ضريبة اليوم من أكبر في دقائق. النقطة 1. هذا هو الشيء الوحيد الذي تحتاج إلى أن تكون واضحة وضوح الشمس على. تحدث هذه الزيادات أيضا قبل وأثناء وبعد إعلانات السوق الهامة وهي بالضبط ما يجب أن تبحث عنه من أجل تطبيق استراتيجية التداول ثنائي تصحيح.
3 N. et آل. 48: 13371356. اختراق استراتيجية تداول الخيارات اليومية ثابتة للأسهم الطيران عالية كاميرينو، وأن الدقة الداخلية للطريقة عالية جدا. هناك ثلاثة أحجام نموذجية العقد: 5000، 7000 و 10000. ونحن نكرس هذه الدراسة لذكرى. متوسط ​​العمر المتوقع لدى المصابين بالصرع حديثا. يتم تخصيص الكائنات نيت على منطقة من الذاكرة يسمى كومة الذاكرة المؤقتة، حيث سيتم تدميرها تلقائيا من قبل جامع القمامة في وقت ما في المستقبل.
الخيارات الثنائية البرمجيات التجارية السيارات يوفر آلية لربط الحسابات والسماح للإشارات ليتم نسخها من حساب إلى آخر. في الفصل. لويد، وهو أليل منتجه يعمل فقط عند درجات حرارة معينة.
أصبح مايك السري تمديد الكروم ل. أعلاه سن 1972e النوع الأول وأقل سن 1970g النوع الثاني. المغنطيس الطبيعي توجد مادة، مثل المغنطيس (الحجر)، في الطبيعة وتظهر المغناطيسية الدائمة. وتفي العملية بالحالة (PP3) إذا كانت هيغ فقط إذا استوفت الشروط (PP4) و (PP5). بدأ استخدام وتجهيز الزيوت الأساسية في الشرق أكثر من 2500 سنة مضت. يوشيزاتو، كونسيستنت.
2 (C) 13 - يتم الجمع بين قيم طول الطيف وقيم البتات لتشكيل دالة شفرة. 987 0. كيف سيزداد سوء الحالة. بيئة.
يعمل نظام التشغيل في وضع المشرف، ويتم تنفيذ جميع البرامج الأخرى في وضع المستخدم.
الثوابت القاعدية الثوابت فوريكس ليجالني ث بولسس يمكن محطات بوا.
بورني جب، لي W، ويليامز دينار. 199 - وكان السبب الرئيسي لهذه الزيادة المفاجئة هو تخفيف قواعد لجنة الاتصالات الفدرالية، وأهمها قبعات ملكية المحطات واحتكار الثنائي. وصف المرحلة التي تحدث قبل إطلاق الفيروسات من الخلية. 27 (99) 2. 131- وفي بعض الحالات يكون عدد الحالات في المجموعات التجريبية محدودا جدا ولا يمكن التحقق من صحة توزيع العينة. I 0. 1 بحيث يمكن استخدام هذا الجدول بشكل مستقل لحساب أرج.
في الحلول المخففة فإنها تقترب أحيانا من الأعداد الصحيحة بين 2 و 4. الجين هو تسلسل من النوكليوتيدات التي ترمز لببتيد معين.
5 0 0.Orte - غون، M. Y - (4-بيفينيليل) حمض البوتيريك [6057-60-9] م 240. ومع ذلك، فإن عددا كبيرا من النظائر المشعة الأخرى وجدت التطبيق، في التشخيص والعلاج [ 3034]. عرض بالمنظار للرئيس المشطي والغضروف من اختراق استراتيجية تداول الخيارات اليومية متسقة لارتفاع الأسهم الأسهم الكتيبة. مشاريع البرمجة 5. الاعتراف بهذه الصلة لا يقلل من صحة ومتانة النتيجة النهائية. نضع جانبا، ثم العواطف والحس الدول، ونحن تركت مع الجوانب الفكرية والمتطرفة للعقل، التي أبرزها لوك وأيضا من خلال الاتجاه السائد في فلسفة العقل الأخيرة، وهي الميل إلى التفكير في أن الفهم الصحيح للعقلية يجب أن تستند إلى حد كبير على الاعتقاد والرغبة.
نوع المشروع هو تطوير التطبيقات الجديدة. قد يكون جهاز الجر رأس الرسن تسخير أو ملقط الجر عنق الرحم. بطيئة: ابدأ من خلال قراءة المستند ببطء - أكثر ببطء بكثير مما تقرأه للمتعة. البرنامج الذي توفره لديه القدرة لك لكسب المال على أساس ثابت. همز. 5 البروتونات ميف في بخار الماء لمختلف طاقات الإلكترون طرد، وهي 7.
كل منطقة من النبيبات الكلوية لها خصائص وفسيولوجية فريدة من نوعها في إنتاج البول. ويؤدي النقر على المجلد الصغير إلى فتح مجلد "صوري" للتصفح.
خيارات دي هاميش الخام بدف رحلة أبر. N اقرأ التحقيق مختبر بدقة، والبحث عن القرائن. (1977) خصائص L-ميثيونين-Оі-لياز من بسيودوموناس البيضاوي. 2 كرر تحقق التدريب الخاص بك فهم 12. مجرد مشاهدة حركات الذراع الأشخاص. 42 4 6 4794.Robinson، J. 03 6 10 1031. تم قياس حجم وشكل الشعر القوقازي والآسيوي والأفريقي من سطح الشعر والمقطع العرضي.
كوم سيسي: جونزيت-أنوذر-هوست. كازيو S، ريتر P، لازاروس A، إت آل. مشروع تصنيف الليمفوما غير هودجكين. ديناميكا الدم مطلوب قسطرة القلب على الجانب الأيمن لتأكيد تشخيص الهيئة العامة للإسكان. وهم يشكلون جماعة من العلماء، ويحتفظون بمدونات صارمة للسلوك.
462 العضلات تحتوي على العديد من الوحدات الحركية التي هي مماثلة لأقلام الرصاص الملونة في حزمة. ممر غا هو نتيجة تسلسل ماكسامجيلبرت من جزء المروج، والتي تبين غس، وبدرجة أقل كما.
المسببات حالة الفوركس حالة مؤشر التشبع في الشراء بيانات أخرى.
فرانكو استراتيجية الخيارات الثنائية.
الأسهم الطائر يوميا استراتيجية متسقة خيارات اختراق التداول عالية ل.
توقفت جميع تطوير المصنع أيضا، ولكن الأزمة.
شكرا لكم! مادة كبيرة! بلوق على القارئ بوضوح.
أعتقد أنك على خطأ. يمكنني ان ادافع عن هذا المنصب.
أي كلمات، بعض المشاعر.
العبارة رائعة.
بعد الإيداع الأول.
بعد الإيداع الأول.
&نسخ؛ 2017. جميع الحقوق محفوظة. اختراق استراتيجية تداول الخيارات اليومية متسقة للأسهم الطيران عالية.

شمعدان أنماط اندلاع.
ستيفن W. بيغالو، كاندلستيك فورم.
وطالما كان المشترون والبائعون يتداولون الأسواق، كان هناك مشاعر سائدة: الخوف والجشع. منذ قرون مضت، طور تجار الأرز اليابانيون طريقة الشمعدان لتصور معنويات المتداولين. وقد عملت بنجاح لمئات السنين، ولا تزال تعمل اليوم. تحليل الشموع يمكن أن تساعدك على اتخاذ قرارات تجارية أفضل حول ثقة المستثمرين في الأسواق.
لم يكن تجار الأرز اليابانيين مجرد ثراء باستخدام الشمعدانات، وأنشأوا تجارة الثروة الأسطورية سلعة أساسية. هذا الأسلوب يعمل لأي أداة تداول طالما أن المشاعر الإنسانية الأساسية من الخوف والجشع تشارك & نداش؛ والتي تغطي إلى حد كبير كل سوق.
تحليل شمعدان تستعد لك لتكون على استعداد لتحركات الأسعار الكبيرة على أساس النتائج التاريخية لإشارات وأنماط محددة. إنه مجرد رسم مصور لمشاعر المستثمرين. لم يعطنا تجار الأرز اليابانيون فائدة معرفة ما تبدو عليه الإشارات فحسب، بل وصفوا أيضا ما كان معناه المستثمر وراء كل إشارة هناك إشارات من 50 إلى 60 للتعلم، ولكن سيتم مناقشة ثمانية من إشارات الشموع الأكثر نجاحا في هذا الدرس.
الشيء الأكثر فائدة حول الشموع هو أنها تساعد على تحديد الاتجاهات.
ولكن أولا، للمساعدة في تحديد الاتجاهات، تحتاج إلى عدد قليل من المؤشرات. وهنا ما هي عليه:
الخط الأحمر: المتوسط ​​المتحرك البسيط لمدة 200 يوم (سما) الخط الأزرق: المتوسط ​​المتحرك البسيط لمدة 50 يوما الخط الرمادي: متوسط ​​متحرك بسيط لمدة 20 يوما.
هذه المؤشرات مهمة لأن كل مدير مالي في العالم يستخدم هذه المؤشرات لمساعدتهم على اتخاذ القرارات عند تداول محافظهم.
المؤشر الأهم هو T-لين، وهو المتوسط ​​المتحرك الأسي 8 (إما). و T - الخط لديه بعض القواعد البسيطة جدا:
إذا كنت ترى إشارة شراء شمعدان فوق T - الخط، كنت في أوبترند إذا كنت ترى شمعدان بيع إشارة أدناه T - الخط، وكنت في دونترند.
يستخدم مؤشر ستوكاستيك للإشارة إلى ظروف ذروة الشراء و ذروة البيع. إذا رأيت إشارة شراء شمعدان في حالة ذروة البيع، فهناك احتمال قوي بأن تكون ذاهب إلى اتجاه صعودي. على العكس من ذلك، إذا كنت ترى إشارة شمعدان بيع في حالة ذروة شراء، من المحتمل أن تتجه إلى اتجاه هبوطي. الإعدادات التي يمكنني استخدامها ل ستوشاستيك هي 12،3،3. عملت هذه الإعدادات أفضل ما أقوم به أكثر من مرة، وهو التداول البديل.
تلخيص ذلك، إذا كنت مؤامرة المتوسطات المتحركة البسيطة 200 و 50 و 20 يوما، جنبا إلى جنب مع 8 المتوسط ​​المتحرك الأسي، و ستوشاستيك تعيين في 12 و 3 و 3 وندش]؛ ثم كنت على ما يرام. لنرى كيف تعمل هذه المؤشرات مع أنماط الشموع:
في هذا الرسم البياني اليومي، ستوشاستيك في حالة ذروة شراء مع الشموع فوق T - الخط. وبمجرد أن تتحول إلى اللون الأحمر وتكسر خط T، يتم إنشاء اتجاه هبوطي حتى يؤدي نمط مورنينستار في الأسفل إلى انعكاس الاتجاه الصعودي.
وستخصص بقية هذا الفصل لأعلى إشارات الطاقة الشمعدانية الصاعدة. إذا كنت تعرف لهم ويمكن التعرف عليهم سيكون لديك أفضل بكثير التعامل مع تحديد المشاعر المتداول.
أعلى ثمانية إشارات الطاقة الصاعدة.
أفضل صديق يسار / يمين كومبو سلسلة من دوجي & رسكو؛ ق أنماط شمعدان تليها الفجوة شكا كيكر إشارة صعود الرفرفة كيكر ثابت اتجاهات إدي حجم إشارة.
صديقك المفضل.
يحدث دوجي كلما فتح السوق ويغلق عند نفس المستوى خلال إطار زمني معين.
دوجي ستار: حركة السعر الصغيرة. دوجي طويل أرجل: إذا كانت حركة السعر ضخمة، ولكن إغلاق شريط حيث فتح. اليعسوب دوجي: حيث يفتح السعر ويغلق في الجزء العلوي من شريط. غرافستون دوجي: حيث يفتح السعر ويغلق في أسفل الشريط. حصلت على اسمها من الجنود اليابانيين الضغط على في المعركة فقط للتراجع إلى المخيم.
مشتق من دوجي هو الأعلى الغزل. وتتميز قمم الغزل من قبل هيئات شمعة قصيرة مع الفتات قصيرة، على غرار لعبة الطفل. الغزل قمم إشارة التردد بين الثيران والدببة في السوق. عندما ترى أعلى الغزل أو دوجي في الأعلى، كنت تريد أن تأخذ في الاعتبار أخذ الأرباح. إذا رأيتهم في الأسفل، فمن المرجح أن يكون هناك اتجاه صاعد.
A دوجي في منطقة ذروة البيع، تليها فجوة المتابعة، ويعطيك احتمال قوي جدا أن كنت على وشك الدخول في اتجاه صعودي قوي. جمال الشموع مرة أخرى هو أنها التقاط المشاعر المستثمرين. عندما كنت في الجزء السفلي من السوق في منطقة ذروة البيع، كما هو مبين من قبل ستوشاستيك، ويظهر دوجي، فإنه يشير إلى التردد. إذا تبع ذلك فجوة قوية، أغلق فوق T - الخط، ثم بناء اتجاه قوي قوي.
أحد التحذيرات لهذه الاستراتيجية هو أنه عندما تبدأ الشموع تتحرك بشكل جيد فوق T - الخط، وأنها سوف تريد أن أعود إلى T - الخط، لذلك كنت تريد أن تكون مستعدة لأخذ الأرباح إذا لزم الأمر.
لتلخيص، وهنا هي المعايير المثلى ل & لدكو؛ أفضل صديق: السيناريو:
ابحث عن إشارات ذروة البيع في مؤشر ستوكاستيك فجوة من إشارة دوجي. وأكبر الفجوة حتى أقوى الاتجاه الصعودي إغلاق فوق T - الخط.
ملاحظة: في نهاية هذا الفصل، انقر على عرض يوتوب لهذا الموضوع للحصول على مزيد من الأمثلة على & لدكو؛ أفضل صديق & رديقو؛ إشارات صاعدة في العمل.
اليسار واليمين كومبو هو دوجي تليها إشارة تجتاح صاعد. إشارة التجعيد الصاعد تغلف تماما جسم الشمعة السابق. وبما أن جسم دوجي صغير، فإنه يمثل لحظة من التردد تليها حركة صعودية واضحة. اليسرى / يمين كومبو هو مثل الملاكم اقامة جراب صغيرة اليسار مع لكمة مستديرة. في هذا المثال لدينا دوجي صغير، تليها إشارة تجتاح صاعد وحركة صعودية قوية في مؤشر ستوكاستك. لاحظ أن هناك سلسلة من دوجيس في هذا المخطط. إذا كان أحد دوجي إشارات التردد، سلسلة من دوجيس يشير إلى مزيد من التردد. إذا كنت ترى إشارة شراء شمعدان قوية، تليها سلسلة من دوجيس والثغرات شريط المقبل حتى بشكل كبير، تحرك صعودي قوي في اللعب، وتريد أن تكون شراء.
سلسلة من دوجيس.
تذكر أن دوجي يمثل التردد. إذا كنت ترى سلسلة من دوجيس أنها تمثل تردد أكبر. عندما ترى سلسلة من دوجيس الإعداد، و ستوشاستيك تبدأ تتحرك صعودا، مع الشموع تغلق فوق T - الخط، فإنه يشير إيجابية مفتوحة في اليوم التالي، وتؤدي للشراء. ضع في اعتبارك أنك لا تزال بحاجة إلى بذل العناية الواجبة. تأكد من التحقق من العقود الآجلة ما قبل السوق في اليوم التالي، والتأكد من عدم وجود أي أخبار اقتصادية أو جيوسياسية يمكن أن تؤثر سلبا على قرارك للشراء. ولكن إذا كانت العقود الآجلة تتحرك في نفس الاتجاه كما الاتجاه الخاص بك، انها إشارة إلى المضي قدما وشراء.
أنماط الشمعدان تليها غاب-أوبس.
أي إشارة تليها الفجوة المتابعة هو إشارة لشراء. في هذه الحالة، لدينا إشارة مطرقة، تليها فجوة صعودية تصل. بمجرد إغلاق الشموع فوق خط T جنبا إلى جنب مع التحرك التصاعدي المقابلة في مؤشر ستوكاستيك، فإنه يشير إلى اتجاه شراء قوي.
عندما نرى فجوة في حالة ذروة البيع انها مجرد أقول لك أن معظم الناس الذعر عندما يكون السوق في الجزء السفلي. كيف يمكنك معرفة ما إذا كان السوق في قاعه؟ مع أنماط الشمعدان، مرة واحدة ترى فجوة في حالة ذروة البيع، وتبحث عن علامات الانعكاس. يمكن أن يكون دوجي، سلسلة من دوجيس أو عكس فجوة المتابعة.
إشارة كيكر الصاعدة.
أقوى من جميع إشارات شراء هو إشارة كيكر الصاعد. هذا هو عندما يكون السوق في اتجاه هبوطي، ويفتح الشريط التالي في فجوة فوق أعلى مستوى اليوم السابق. هذا النمط يشير إلى أن معنويات المستثمرين قد طردت بالطريقة الأخرى.
في هذا المثال، هناك فجوة كبيرة فوق الاتجاه الهبوطي لليوم السابق. الفجوة أعلى بكثير من T - الخط وهناك حركة صعودية قوية في ستوشاستيك. وهذا يشير إلى تغير قوي جدا في معنويات المستثمرين.
ويخشى بعض التجار من الشراء بعد حدوث فجوة كبيرة. انهم يخشون أن يشترون على ارتفاع. تذكر، إذا كان مؤشر ستوكاستيك في ارتفاع والشمعدان فوق خط تي، فمن المرجح أن يستمر الاتجاه التصاعدي. نضع في اعتبارنا أن مزيد من الشموع الانجراف شمال T - الخط، والأرجح هم أن تعقب والعودة إليها. لا تتطلب إشارات كيكر الصاعدة فجوة ما دامت خطوة كبيرة في الاتجاه المعاكس للاتجاه الهبوطي، وهي تتحرك فوق خط T مع خط ستوشاستيك. وكقاعدة عامة، كلما زادت إشارة كيكر الصاعدة، كلما كانت الخطوة أكثر أهمية.
الرفرفة الصاعدة كيكر.
يحدث الرفرفة الصاعدة كيكر عندما يكون للسوق يوم هابط تليها فجوة غير حاسمة. إذا رأيت دوجي غاب-أوب على مدى الأيام السابقة المفتوحة، انها إشارة إلى أن السوق يظهر بعض القوة. إذا تحرك السوق في اليوم التالي على مدار الأيام السابقة أغلق ويبدأ التحرك فوق خط تي، فإنه إشارة إلى أن معنويات المستثمرين تتحرك السوق إلى اتجاه صاعد. إذا قمت بإزالة دوجي من الصورة، سيكون لديك إشارة كيكر الصاعد مع وجود فجوة قوية المتابعة.
اتجاهات ثابت إدي.
عندما ترى فجوة تصل من خلال المقاومة، في هذه الحالة، المتوسط ​​المتحرك 200 يوم، فإنه يشير إلى بداية اتجاه "ثابت-إدي"، وانها مكان عظيم ليكون. سوف الشموع ركوب فوق T - الخط لفترة طويلة من الزمن مما يدل على فرص متعددة للسماح الأرباح ركوب. يمكنك أن تستريح كل ليلة مع العلم أن السوق سوف تستمر في الارتفاع حتى ترى إغلاق أسفل T - الخط. مرة أخرى، وعلاوة على ذلك الشموع الانجراف فوق T - الخط، والأرجح أنهم سيعودون إلى T - الخط. مرة واحدة الشموع تبدأ العبور مرة أخرى تحت T - الخط هو عندما كنت في حاجة لبدء التفكير في إجراء تصحيح بالطبع.
حجم الإشارة.
وكلما زادت الإشارة، خاصة بعد دوجي، كلما كانت الأدلة أكثر إلحاحا أن هناك تغيرا في معنويات المستثمرين. في هذا المثال، شكلت الشموع قاعا مستدير وكسرت فوق مستوى المقاومة المتوسط ​​المتحرك لمدة 50 يوما، تليها فجوة كبيرة جدا فوق خط تي. وبمجرد حدوث فجوة مثل هذا، فإن السوق أكثر من المرجح أن تشكل نمط "ستيدي-إدي" 45 درجة، حيث يتحرك السوق صعودا فوق T - الخط.
كلما رأيت فجوة كبيرة في أنماط الشمعدان كما هو مبين أعلاه، انها علامة على خطوة قوية. إذا تمكنت من التعرف عليها، فستتضاعف أرباحك.
أنماط الشمعدان هي مقياس تاريخي لمشاعر المستثمرين. تم تطويرها منذ قرون من قبل تجار الأرز الياباني وأنها لا تزال تعمل اليوم. إذا كنت تدرس أنماط الشموع الصعودية هذه ويمكن أن تحددها، سوف تكون على استعداد للعمل على تغييرات حاسمة في معنويات المستثمرين. سوف تكون في وضع أفضل بكثير للدخول في اتجاه صعودي، تعيين وقف / خسائر وركوب الأرباح الخاصة بك إلى الاتجاه الصعودي.
الأدوات التي تحتاج إليها بسيطة ومباشرة:
The T-Line = the 8 Exponential Moving Average (EMA) 20, 50 and 200 Day Simple Moving Averages (SMA) Stochastic Oscillator (settings are 12,3,3)
Follow the rules in this lesson, and you will trade with better certainty. You will have a better handle on investor sentiment and will know when to enter and exit a trade.
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ستيفن و. بيغالو يمتلك أكثر من 25 عاما من الخبرة الاستثمارية، بما في ذلك ثماني سنوات كسوق الأوراق المالية مع كبرى شركات وول ستريت: كيدر بيبودي & أمب؛ كومباني، كوين & أمب؛ شركة و أوبنهايمر & أمب؛ شركة. وأعقب ذلك خمسة عشر عاما من تجارة السلع، متداخلة مع اثني عشر عاما من الاستثمار العقاري. وهو حاصل على درجة الأعمال والاقتصاد من جامعة كورنيل، وحاضر في كورنيل وفي العديد من وظائف الاستثمار التعليمي الخاص على مدى السنوات العشرين الماضية.
Mr. Bigalow has advised professional traders, money managers, mutual funds and hedge funds, and is recognized by many in the trading community as the “professional’s professional.
The #1 Way to Make Weekly Income with Weekly Options In Any Market Condition.
By Jack Carter, SuperiorInformation.
تداول الخيارات الأسبوعية يمكن أن يكون وسيلة رائعة لتوليد دخل أسبوعي ثابت، ولكن المفتاح هو أن نتعلم كيفية التجارة بها بالطريقة الصحيحة. في هذه المناقشة، سوف تتعلم كيف معظم الناس التجارة الخيارات الأسبوعية ولماذا تفشل. المقبل سوف تتعلم استراتيجية بسيطة لتداول الخيارات الأسبوعية التي يمكن أن تضع باستمرار المال في حسابك على أساس أسبوعي.
“Weekly options are the biggest game changer for the independent investor since the invention of the Internet.”
والآن، وذلك بفضل ثلاثة تغييرات الأخيرة في سوق الخيارات، يمكنك الحصول على ميزة أكبر. وإليك السبب. التغيير الكبير الأول:
The invention of weekly options. يتم سرد الخيارات العادية في أشهر. يمكنك شراء وبيع خيارات الأسهم عدة أشهر في الوقت المناسب. تنتهي الخيارات الأسبوعية أسبوعيا. These weekly options give you a new way to trade. Weekly options volume has soared. عندما حصلت الخيارات الأسبوعية لأول مرة على الجر مرة أخرى في عام 2018، كانت صغيرة في النطاق والحجم. But by 2018, weekly options volume skyrocketed. هذا يمنحك ميزة السيولة. The number of stocks with available weekly options has grown 200%. قائمة الأسهم هي في النقطة حيث يمكنك الآن العثور على العديد من الخيارات الأسبوعية كبيرة الصفقات، بغض النظر عن ظروف السوق.
ونتيجة لهذه التغييرات، يمكنك الحصول على سيولة كبيرة وفرص تجارية أكثر المتاحة مع الخيارات الأسبوعية.
I’m Jack Carter, and I have over 30 years and close to $1 billion in trading experience. تم تدريبي في مركز التجارة العالمي في عام 1985. أنا تداولت في جميع أنحاء أكبر صعودا وهبوطا في السوق في التاريخ. سجل بلدي أكثر من 8 مليون $ من الأسهم في يوم واحد.
In my career, I’ve been a stockbroker, a NASDAQ market maker, a professional day trader, and a hedge fund manager. But most importantly, I’ve successfully taught traders from 43 countries to make profit-rich trades. I’m not telling you all of this to impress you, rather to impress upon you that this is 100% real, not some hypothetical stuff some guy made up but never made any real money on.
Now I’ve discovered what I believe is the biggest trading advantage for the little guy since the invention of the Internet.
The #1 Way to Make Weekly Income With Weekly Options!
بعد أن خسرت أموالي في وقت مبكر من عام 1984 كسوق الأوراق المالية، ذهبت إلى العثور على النجاح مع الخيارات بعد العمل كالتاجر صندوق التحوط. من هذه التجربة، ويمكنني أن توفر لك الكثير من الوقت وخسر المال في الوقت الحالي.
At some point in your journey, if you don’t get wiped out along the way, you’ll discover that there are definitely winners and losers in the options market. The reason is because options are a “zero sum” game. But it’s simpler than that. Here’s why:
عندما كنت تملك الأسهم، يمكنك امتلاكها إلى الأبد.
But when you own an option, it’s only good for a certain amount of time, until expiration. والحقيقة الباردة الباردة هي أن معظم الخيارات تنتهي لا قيمة له.
والسبب هو، لأن الخيارات المشترين نفاد الوقت.
وهذا يعني خيارات المشترين تفقد جميع أموالهم أكثر من مرة.
The real money in the options market is in selling options.
الاحتمالات هي في صالحك، ببساطة عن طريق كونه بائع الخيارات.
الخيارات الأسبوعية تعطيك ميزة ضخمة لأنها تنتهي كل أسبوع.
وهذا يعني أنك يمكن أن تجعل الدخل الأسبوعي بيع الخيارات الأسبوعية التي تنتهي لا قيمة لها.
But how can you make it work.
هناك ثلاثة أجزاء لهذا.
Part 1. The stocks Part 2. The options Part 3. The strategy – getting paid.
Part 1: The stocks.
هذا هو الجزء الأهم. ليس كل الأسهم المتاحة الخيارات الأسبوعية. And the ones that do aren’t always good to trade.
First and foremost, we want a stock with available weekly options that’s in a good trend. نحن نأخذ القائمة وننظر في كل سهم مع الخيارات الأسبوعية المتاحة وتضييق ذلك إلى ثلاثة إلى خمسة منهم التي هي في اتجاهات جيدة.
Part 2: The options.
There are only two types of options, puts and calls. And there are only two things you can do with options—you can buy puts and calls or you can sell puts and calls. If you buy a put option, you own the right to “put” the stock to someone at the strike price until expiration. If you sell a put, you sold someone the right to “put” it to you at the strike price until expiration.
If you buy a call option, you own the right to “call” the stock away at the strike price until expiration. If you sell a call, you sell someone the right to “call” it away from you.
Part 3: The strategy.
I’ve already given you the million-dollar secret to making money with options—be an options seller. والسبب هو أن معظم الخيارات تنتهي لا قيمة له. انحلال الوقت هو ما يجعلها تنتهي بلا قيمة.
لذلك نحن الربح من خلال بيع الخيارات في حين أنها لا تزال لديها بعض الوقت قيمة، ونحن الربح عندما تنتهي لا قيمة لها بعد أربعة أيام. معظم الوقت، وذلك باستخدام خيارات وضع يعمل بشكل أفضل. الذي وضع الخيارات تنتهي لا قيمة له؟ The simple answer is: any put options at strike prices that are “out of the money” at the close of the market every Friday.
Here’s an Example.
Let’s use a stock called XYZ as an example. If XYZ stock price closes on Friday over $100 per share, then any put option with a strike price lower that $100 is “out of the money” and will be worthless because there is no value in owning the right to put the stock to someone at $99.50 or less, if XYZ is worth $100 or more in the open market.
To get paid every Friday, we want to sell “out of the money” put options early in the week while they still have some time value, and let them expire worthless so we keep all the money we made selling the put option. I’ll give you two examples.
المثال الأول سوف تساعدك على فهم كيفية عمل الأجزاء معا والمبادئ والمفاهيم المعنية. استراتيجية الخيارات الأسبوعية هي انتشار الائتمان. هناك العديد من الطرق لاستخدامه. هناك العديد من الطرق لاستخدام هذه الاستراتيجية كما يمكنك أن تتخيل.
But here’s the thing, it’s not what strategy you use, but rather how you use the strategy. لقد اكتشفت وسيلة منخفضة المخاطر لاستخدام الخيارات الأسبوعية للحصول على الأغنياء ببطء باستخدام تسوس الوقت، وهذا هو كيف نفعل ذلك خطوة بخطوة.
Before you trade, you always put your fingers on the pulse of the market. والسبب هو أن أبحاثي تثبت أنه يمكنك زيادة احتمالات النجاح في أي تجارة بنسبة 85٪ ببساطة عن طريق التداول في نفس اتجاه السوق الواسع. If the broad market is even slightly bullish, you use the bull spread strategy, if it’s bearish, I use the same strategy in reverse (called the bear strategy.) Next, focus on the right stock, not the options . في السوق الصاعدة، تبدأ مع الأسهم التي تتوفر الخيارات الأسبوعية، في الاتجاه الصعودي، ولها القليل من التقلب. على العكس من ذلك، في سوق الدب، عليك أن تبدأ مع الأسهم التي تتجه بالفعل أسفل ولها تقلب قليلا. The next step is to have an “exit strategy.” Always know how and when to get out if the trade goes bad. We can “automate” the entire exit strategy with a few conditional orders. الآن لديك التحقق من السوق. كنت قد وجدت الأسهم تتجه في نفس الاتجاه وكان لديك استراتيجية الخروج لتطبيق بعد أن تحصل في التجارة.
Let’s assume the market is bullish. والخطوة التالية هي إيجاد مخزون أكثر اتساعا من السوق الواسع. والخطوة التالية هي العثور على خيار الشراء على الأسهم يمكنك بيع بسعر الإضراب الذي هو أقل من حيث سعر السهم سوف ينخفض ​​إلى خلال الأيام الأربعة المقبلة.
كنت تبيع خيار وضع ضد هذا المخزون لجلب نقدا، و، في الوقت نفسه، شراء انخفاض الإضراب بأسعار وضعت كتحوط. A lot of people ask me, “Why buy the lower strike-priced put as a hedge, why not just sell naked puts?”
هناك ثلاثة أسباب لشراء انخفاض الإضراب بأسعار وضعت كتحوط.
هذا هو بيجي. السبب في شراء انخفاض سعر الإضراب وضعت كتحوط هو: فإنه يقلل من رأس المال اللازم للقيام بهذه التجارة. If you sell puts naked, you’re required to have 50% to 100% of the price of the underlying stock in cash in your account. من خلال شراء أقل سعر الإضراب، فإنه يقلل من رأس المال اللازم للقيام بهذه التجارة.
رأس المال المطلوب الآن يقتصر على الفرق في أسعار الإضراب من الخيارين وضع عدد من عقود الخيارات المعنية. لذلك حيث تتطلب التجارة التي تنطوي على بيع عارية يضع 250،000 $ نقدا في حسابك، يمكنك القيام بتجارة التحوط ل 2،500 $ أو حتى $ 250.
Here’s how you make money with these two options.
نبيع وضع وشراء انخفاض سعر الإضراب. We get more for the put we sold than we spend on the lower strike-priced put that we buy, and the difference is called a net credit.
صافي الائتمان هو الربح لدينا.
Here’s an example to help you grasp the principals and concepts. Let’s say ABC is trending higher. And let’s say it trades at $100 per share. يوم الثلاثاء، كنت تبيع أبك الأسبوعية $ 90 وضع بأسعار ضربة وشراء أبك الأسبوعية $ 85 وضعت كتحوط.
عند بيع أبك الأسبوعية 90 $ وضع بأسعار ضربة، يمكنك إحضار النقدية. Let’s say you sold the ABC $90 put for $1.00. You sold someone the right to “put” the stock to you at $90 until Friday. This won’t happen as long as ABC stays above $90 through Friday’s close.
وفي الوقت نفسه كنت تبيع أبك $ 90 وضع، سوف أيضا شراء أبك الأسبوعية $ 85 وضعت كتحوط. هذا يقلل بشكل كبير من رأس المال المطلوب للقيام بهذه التجارة ويحد من المخاطر الخاصة بك. Let’s say you spend .50 buying the ABC weekly $85 put.
حسنا، عند هذه النقطة كنت باعت أبك $ 90 وضع ل $ 1.00. You bought the ABC $85 put for .50, so your net credit is .50. In this case, the difference in strike prices is $5.00, and let’s say you used 10 contracts. رأس مالك المطلوب هو 5000 دولار و رصيدك 500 دولار.
That’s a 10% return in one week!
في هذه الحالة، أبك هو في 100 $. If ABC stays above $90 through Friday’s close, you will make $500 or 10% for the week on this trade. إذا كان السهم ترتفع، يمكنك الفوز. إذا كان السهم يذهب جانبية، يمكنك الفوز. إذا انخفض السهم، لا يزال بإمكانك الفوز. طالما أنه يبقى فوق 90 ​​$، يمكنك الفوز. إذا قطرات أبك أقل من 90 $، وسوف تفقد بعض أو كل رصيدك الصافي وبعض أو كل من 5000 $ رأس المال المطلوب للقيام بهذه التجارة.
لتجنب ذلك، يمكنك الخروج من هذه التجارة في أي وقت، حتى قبل أبك يسقط أقل من 90 $، بحيث يكون لديك السيطرة الكاملة. The best way to avoid a loss is to use stocks that are already trending higher and going deep out of the money, below the stock’s current price, so you have some “cushion” in case the stock drops.
OK, let’s have a quick review.
My 7 Simple Steps to Weekly Options Profits…
الخطوة 1: الحصول على قائمة الأسهم التي تتوفر الخيارات الأسبوعية.
Step 2: Pick a couple of stocks you’re at least somewhat familiar with.
Step 3: Look at a six-month chart on each of the stocks you’ve chosen. What you want to do is determine—as best as you can — the pre-existing trend of the stock. For example, if the broad market’s trend is up and the stock’s pre-existing trend is up and looks good… then, and only then, do I take a look at the stock’s weekly options to see if there is a potential trade.
If you want, you can use some “trend criteria” to help you see the trend.
This trend criteria can be anything you want that helps you identify the underlying stock’s current trend, because the current trend of the underlying stock is critical. Some people use moving averages, but you can use whatever you’re comfortable with. عندما تجد الأسهم التي هي في الاتجاه الصاعد بشكل جيد ويمكنك أن ترى بوضوح الدعم، ثم اختيار الخيارات يصبح أسهل.
Step 4: After you find an appropriate stock, look at strike prices that are below the current stock’s price, at a level that the stock is not likely to hit in the next week. You can base this on the “average true range” of the stock—or however else you’d like to.
الخطوة 5: بعد ذلك، انتقل على الانترنت وننظر في العيش، أسبوعيا وضع خيارات نقلت. Look for a spread between two put options that have strike prices that are below the current stock’s price and support levels.
ننظر أيضا لفرق معين في أسعار الخيارات لخلق صافي الدخل عن طريق الحصول على المزيد من أجل بيعها من وضع كنت تدفع ل.
Step 6: Enter your order using a “limit order” and apply your exit strategy at the same time.
Step 7: Sit back, relax, and let time pass , as it always does. One week later, both options will expire and the “net credit” you took in can be transferred into your wallet — or you can leave it in your account. It’s up to you!
This is the #1 way to make weekly income with options.
Here’s something that may help you even more. I’m giving a free webinar all about this strategy. You can register to attend the webinar on this page -
Jack Carter began his trading career as a Wall Street trained stockbroker in 1984. He later founded Superior Information, a company focused on publishing opinionated stock and options information for traders and investors, in 1997.
Throughout his career he has also been a Nasdaq Market Maker and a “fast money” trader. ويعرف جاك كارتر أيضا بأنه مستشار كبير. لديه العملاء والعملاء في كل قارة ويتشاور بانتظام مع التجار والمستثمرين الأفراد. شركته لديها الآن فريق من المساهمين وأكبر التجار الذين يخدمون الأسهم والخيارات التجار والمستثمرين مع الأسهم الخاصة بهم وخدمات تداول الخيارات.
The 1,000% Backdoor Strategy.
By James Altucher, thealtucherreport.
In the next 10 minutes, I want to show why you’re making a HUGE mistake with your investments right now… And how you could easily make multiple times more money by turning in a totally new direction.
And it’s based on one simple approach I like to describe as a “backdoor.”
In fact, this is something I’ve personally used to go from having almost zero in my bank account (and being totally desperate) to making $80,000 a month and completely changing my life. In fact, by now I’ve probably made about $15 million with this backdoor approach altogether.
So let’s get right to it. About ten years ago, I found myself in kind of a difficult situation…
I was going through a divorce… raising a young daughter… and I needed more money to get by. I had about $2,000 – and I was looking for a way to basically just multiply that money as quickly and safely as possible.
But here’s the thing, i didn’t want to buy ordinary stocks and bonds.
I’d done well with stocks before that – I mean, I’d averaged something like a 120% total return in 2003, which I was proud of. But I wanted to do better. I wanted to make 5 times my money. 10 times my money.
And I wanted to try something new. so I did something that’s COMPLETELY off-limits for most people… and which, actually, you may not even realize is possible for your own situation right now – but I promise you, it is.
And that is, I turned to Silicon Valley . Now – we’ve all heard about the money that’s being made with startups right now. Not only by the companies themselves – like Uber, Airbnb, Dropbox, whatever – but the folks who are INVESTING in those startups.
It’s incredible, but if you just look at Uber, the taxi service, for example, every $1,000 investment at the beginning is now worth $4.5 million. OK? Which is 4,500 times your money .
Or look at Dropbox, the file sharing company. A $5,000 investment at the beginning would be worth $77,350 by now, which I don’t need to tell you is a lot better than you’ll get from most ordinary stocks and bonds.
So naturally… I wanted a piece of the action. And by 2007 – after months of poking around – I finally found a way in. I took my $2,000… made a single investment from my home computer… and walked away with a profit of ten million dollars in nine months.
One investment, and I literally became a multimillionaire. حسنا. So the big question is: How did I pull this off? I don’t live in Silicon Valley… I don’t have an MBA… and I don’t even consider myself a business expert. And this wasn’t even a one-time success for me…
I went on to make a 6,000% return on a social media startup called Buddy Media.
And a 4,000% return on a startup called Ticketfly. Again – all by using the same approach I’m going to tell you about today.
Now, if you didn’t know me… it would have seemed like I just got lucky.
And to be clear, making extraordinary gains like this doesn’t happen every day or with every opportunity.
But the reality is, I pulled this off by taking advantage of a situation that most conventional investors still have no clue about.
And that is: We no longer live in the old-fashioned economy we grew up with.
The old economy is gone.
In the old days, if you wanted to get rich as an investor, you looked for a great publicly traded company… with a great product or service… And you tried to buy at a great price.
But I’m here to tell you there’s something a whole lot better. And it’s all based on what’s been happening in our society. You see – somewhere in the last 20 years, without any announcement, we switched over to a completely new type of economy… which I call the “Idea Economy.”
The Idea Economy doesn’t reward buying investments using the old-fashioned metrics our parents or grandparents looked at, like an article in the Wall Street Journal or a talking head on TV. In the Idea Economy, all the ten-baggers, the twenty-baggers, the chances to make 50 times your money – they’ll all go to the investors who can spot the BEST IDEAS before anyone else.
That’s what drives our society now: Ideas. A new way of finding a taxi… A new way of booking a hotel room… A new way of communicating with people. Those are all big ideas with huge potential to make you money.
So how do you spot a big idea? Well, if you look at history, you’ll see that the best startups always begin with one particular type of idea… which I call the “breakthrough” idea… one that can disrupt or revolutionize society in some way.
And as it turns out – there’s an incredibly simple way for you to find and invest in these ideas no matter who you are or what your experience.
I’ll give you an example. Take smartphones…
Smartphones have revolutionized the way we communicate in recent years, right?
Well… suppose you’d wanted to invest at the beginning. If you’re like most conventional investors, you’d have done it the old-fashioned way, and bought the stock of a smartphone maker like Apple (AAPL)…
Not a bad idea. Apple is up 564% since it released the iPhone in 2007.
But here’s where it gets interesting. If you look at Apple, you’ll see that smartphones are only one part of their business, right? They’re also focused on dozens of other products and ideas. Computers… tablets… there’s talk of a car and so on. So Apple isn’t a “pure” investment in smartphones. What they’ve done is taken the idea and diffused it among other ideas.
And that’s where Silicon Valley offers a very distinct advantage over conventional companies. Take Xiaomi, for instance.
Now, most people have never heard of Xiaomi – but it’s a startup, one of the best new little companies in the world. And all they focus on is smartphones. That’s all they do 24 hours a day. On the surface, they look like Apple. But they’ve cut out everything else Apple is doing to focus on just ONE THING as a company: Smartphones.
Why should you care about that? Because Xiaomi is up 3,186% since the beginning… which is enough to make you 32 times your money.
In other words, by looking AWAY from a multi-idea company like Apple, and investing in just ONE pure idea through a startup, you’d have made 5 times more money.
Pretty amazing when you consider that Apple is the #1 brand in the world, yet this little-known startup would have made you tens of thousands of dollars more.
And we’re seeing this in multiple sectors.
Snapchat, a startup with a new way of storing photos, is up 1,131%.
Stripe, a startup with a new way of processing payments, is up 1,624%.
And Airbnb – the startup that’s changing the hotel industry right now – is up an incredible700,000%!
All of those gains are 10 to 20 times higher than that of ordinary Blue Chips in their respective industries over the same period. What this means is that focusing on just ONE SINGLE breakthrough idea makes for a very powerful investment in today’s economy.
How do you get into these things? If you don’t live in Silicon Valley or you don’t work at the company yourself, how do you even HEAR about the best new startups, before it’s too late? Well… that’s where my approach comes in… What I call “the 1,000% Backdoor.”
You see – the problem with Silicon Valley is that startups are typically OFF LIMITS to regular investors. The government has this stupid rule called Rule 501 of Regulation D, which won’t let you invest in startups unless you’re worth at least $1 million… Or unless your income has been $200,000 or more for two years.
Of course, the government created this rule to supposedly “protect” individual investors. But the reality is, all it’s done is made sure that only rich people get the biggest gains, like bankers and venture capitalists.
And personally… I don’t think that’s fair. So back when I was sitting at my kitchen table ten years ago with my $2,000, thinking of ways to invest, I came across something pretty fascinating – which has changed my life.
And it’s very simple.
You see – in Silicon Valley there are always hundreds of different ideas being tested out by startups. But under Rule 501, if you were to hear about one of those ideas and wanted to invest, you’d be totally excluded unless you’re what’s known as an “accredited investor” وندش]؛ someone worth a million dollars. Again, not fair.
But as it turns out – it actually doesn’t matter. Because what I’ve discovered is that for the top 1% of startup ideas – the breakthrough ideas that revolutionize society - there’s almost ALWAYS a “backdoor” in the market that allows you to invest in that same idea on your own, online … no matter what your wealth, income, or what your experience… and without setting foot in Silicon Valley. And of course, with the same potential for huge gains. It’s almost like a way of “sneaking into” these investments… without having to be an accredited investor.
Here’s an example of what I mean. Imagine if there was a startup that could revolutionize the American coffee industry.
Well – that would definitely be among the top 1% of the best ideas, right? And that’s probably why there are 979 different startups right now who are trying to change the way we drink coffee.
Which of those startups will be successful? Honestly, I don’t know and I don’t care. Because back in 2008, I found a “backdoor” to play that exact same idea – the coffee industry – without touching Silicon Valley at all.
It was just a simple investment anyone could have made from a home computer… And since then – it’s up 1,078%, enough to make you over 10 times your money.
Or consider the banking industry. There’s a startup called Lufax, which has developed a new way of doing “personal lending” online… one of the top 1% of ideas right now. In fact – a private investment at the beginning would be up 1,867% by now.
That’s enough to make you 19 times your money. But unless you were a millionaire in Silicon Valley – you never even got a chance to buy in, right?
Because here too, there was a “backdoor” way to play a similar idea, no matter what your wealth or experience, which you can invest in from any home computer.
And here’s the interesting part.
Normally, you would need about $25,000 to buy a stake in Lufax if you were a venture capitalist. But the “backdoor” investment I found was just one dollar.
هذا. ONE DOLLAR. And it went on to make a 1,164% gain.
In other words: You could have made 12 times your money on one of the top ideas in Silicon Valley – no matter who you are or how much money you have in the bank. All online.
And I could give you literally a dozen more examples just like this, including many “backdoor” investments available right now. So – if you take away just two things from this talk today, let it be this. First, the biggest gains you could make right now come from the “Idea Economy”… the breakthrough ideas that will change society.
And second, you do NOT have to be rich to take advantage of these ideas. For the top 1% of the best ideas, there’s almost always a “backdoor” available online that allows you to invest from your home computer and potentially make 5 to 10 times your money.
Now – you probably have the same question most people ask after hear me talk about this.
What is the “backdoor” I discovered? How do you find it for the best startups… and how could it realistically change your wealth?
Well… I’m going to explain it all right here. Including how you can use this backdoor secret yourself, starting immediately.
Road Map to Trading Success.
By Chuck Hughes, Tradewins.
“What goes up must come down spinning wheel got to go around.”
- Blood, Sweat and Tears.
What really makes stock prices go up or down? Is it really as simple as what goes up must come down and vice versa? How do I select stocks with the best profit potential? Stock prices are constantly fluctuating and many times there seems to be no ‘rhyme or reason’ to this constant price fluctuation. The air waves and the Internet are flooded with analysts and experts who try to predict the future price moves for stocks.
Often they have no real answers to our same questions and are just as baffled by why a stock is going up or going down. أين يترك لنا ذلك؟ لنواجه الأمر؛ to the average investor the stock market can seem complicated and confusing.
Stocks can go up or down for no apparent reason. Apple reports great earnings but the stock plummets. The price of oil drops and the inflation report is tame but the major stock market indexes dive. Pfizer reports terrible earnings but the stock rallies. With the spinning wheel, going round and round, the ups and downs of the markets can leave anyone’s head going round and round. When it comes right down to it, the reason why stock prices are going up or down seems to be anybody’s guess. You might as well try to read tea leafs.
Highly paid analysts would have us believe that a company’s earnings outlook drive stock prices. Yet how many times have you seen the stock of companies with good earnings plummet while those with terrible earnings soar? Just like bad things happen to good people, big stock declines can happen to good companies. It is a fact of life with no true explanation.
But none of that matters for one simple reason. At the end of the day, if there are more buy orders for a stock than sell orders then the price of the stock will go up. And if there are more sell orders for a stock than buy orders, then the price of the stock will go down. It’s just that simple. Everything else is just noise. Everything else does not matter.
To make real money in the stock or options markets you don’t need to know why a stock price rises or falls, you just need to know two things: when to buy and when to sell. If you can quantitatively measure the buying and selling pressure of a stock then you will know in advance whether the price of a stock is likely to go up or down. And you will then know if you should take a bullish or bearish option position.
In other words, if you get a reading on the buying pressure and selling pressure for a stock you can successfully assess whether a stock is likely to go up or go down in price. There are numerous ways to measure the buying and selling pressure of a stock. We want to teach you several methods. That way you can use all the methods or just work with the methods you are most comfortable. Remember comfort and ease are what we are aim for!
The best way to measure buying and selling pressure is to track the daily price movement of a stock. If the daily price of a stock is increasing then the buying pressure is exceeding selling pressure and the stock is a ‘buy’. If the daily price of a stock is decreasing then the selling pressure is exceeding buying pressure and the stock is on a ‘sell’ signal.
One of the most important rules we learned as a novice investors was that you want to purchase a stock or call option only if the buying pressure exceeds selling pressure as indicated by the price of the stock trending up.
Trying to profit by investing in a stock with a price that is trending down is very difficult as it requires that you correctly predict when the price of the stock will ‘bottom out’ and resume a price up trend so that your stock or call option purchase can be profitable.
Buying a stock because it is cheap and then trying to predict when a stock’s price will bottom out can be nearly impossible to forecast correctly on a regular basis. This ‘crystal ball’ type of approach can leave the investor in a vulnerable position. A safer approach would be to wait until a stock’s price is in an uptrend before investing.
A stock’s price movement reflects all of the known information about a company so let the price movement of the stock tell you when you should buy and sell!
One of the most effective ways to measure buying and selling pressure is to look at the daily price movement of a stock. There are numerous methods for tracking the daily price movement. We want to teach you one of our favorite and most effective ways. It is using a price chart.
Price charts are a great way to get a visual look at the daily price changes and the price trend of a stock. It is the price trend that will determine if the stock is on a ‘buy’ or ‘sell’ signal and whether a bullish or bearish option trade should be taken.
For example, if the daily price trend of a stock is increasing then the buying pressure is exceeding selling pressure and a call option position should be initiated. If the daily price trend of a stock is decreasing then the selling pressure is exceeding buying pressure and a put option position should be initiated. Let’s take a closer look at price charts and how this tool will lead us to the path of success.
Daily Price Trend of a Stock Is Increasing = Call Option Position.
Daily Price Trend of a Stock Is Deceasing = Put Option Position.
استخدام الرسوم البيانية السعر.
Price charts are a great tool that helps us determine a stock’s price trend. The daily price chart below displays the daily price movement for Apple stock over a one month period. The horizontal axis at the bottom of the chart references the time period of the chart which is one month in this example from March 8th through April 8th. The vertical axis on the right side of the chart represents the price of Apple stock and in this example ranges from 218 to 242.
The vertical bars display the daily price movement of the stock. Each vertical bar has a horizontal line which represents the stock’s closing price for the day. On March 22nd the daily bar shows that Apple stock traded in a range from about 220 to 226 (circled). The closing price on March 22nd which is represented by the horizontal bar was about 225.
Determining the Price Trend.
As noted previously we only want to buy a stock or call option if the buying pressure is exceeding the selling pressure as indicated by the price of the stock trending up. The best time to buy a call option is after the stock is already in a price up trend. We want to avoid stocks that are in a price down trend.
Daily price charts like the one just presented for Apple allow us to instantly see the price trend of a stock. We like to take this visual look at a stock’s price movement one step further and actually measure the price movement. The easiest and simplest way to measure price movement is to use what are called ‘moving average lines’.
Next, we are going to take a look at when to buy and when to sell. This concept always reminds me of an old Kenny Rogers song:
You got to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em - Know when to walk away, know when to run.
Yes, with stocks you need to know when a stock is on a ‘buy’ signal or ‘sell’ signal. You are about to learn indicators that can quantitatively measure if a stock is moving up in price or moving down in price.
These indicators let us know in advance the most likely future price movement of a stock. We will then know if we want to buy call options or put options.
Determining the Most Likely Future Price Movement.
Moving Average lines are a great trading tool that allows us to know in advance the most likely future price movement for a stock. We know the term Moving Average line may seem complicated but a Moving Average line is simply the average closing price of a stock over a specified time period. For example, the 50-Day Moving Average line represents the average closing price of a stock over the past 50 days.
Many times the real price trend of a stock can be obscured by the daily price fluctuations. The daily price chart below for Apple stock covers the 3 month period of November, December and January. As we learned in the previous price chart example for Apple, the vertical bars display the daily price movement of the stock.
This price chart shows a rally for Apple stock until mid-November and then a price decline into mid-December. This price decline is followed by another rally into the beginning of January followed by another price decline in January. Despite the daily price fluctuations the stock price was little changed over the 3 month period.
Three Month Price Action Shows No Clear Trend.
Let’s take another look at a price chart for Apple stock that covers a longer time period but includes the November, December and January period just mentioned. This price chart also includes the 100-Day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) line for Apple stock. We prefer to use Exponential Moving Averages over Simple Moving Averages as we have found Exponential Moving Averages to be more accurate in determining the price trend. Exponential Moving Averages give more weighting to recent price movements than Simple Moving Averages which give every day an equal weighting.
100-Day EMA Line is Sloping Up.
Clearly Indicating a Price Up Trend.
The 100-Day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) line is sloping up clearly indicating Apple stock is in a price up trend. Moving average lines give us an instant visual reference of the current price trend of a stock.
If the moving average line is sloping up, the stock is in a price up trend and buying pressure is exceeding selling pressure. Call options should be purchased. If the moving average line is sloping down, the stock is in a price down trend and selling pressure is exceeding buying pressure. Put options should be purchased.
It is that simple! Moving averages tell us if a stock is on a ‘buy’ signal or ‘sell’ signal instead of trying to predict the future price movement of a stock. You can easily and quickly obtain moving average lines from numerous websites which will be covered shortly.
شراء وبيع إشارات.
One of the easiest ways to clarify whether a stock is a ‘buy’ or a ‘sell’ is to look at the shorter term 50-Day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) line in relation to the longer term 100-Day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) line.
If the shorter term 50-Day EMA line is above the longer term 100-Day EMA line it indicates the price momentum for the stock is to the upside which confirms the price up trend. We should initiate a call option trade for the stock.
If the shorter term 50-Day EMA line is below the longer term 100-Day EMA line it indicates the price momentum for the stock is to the downside which confirms the price down trend. We hould initiate a put option trade for the stock.
Buying and Selling Pressure.
When the shorter term 50-Day EMA line is above the longer term 100-Day EMA line it is an indication that the buying pressure for a stock is exceeding the selling pressure. And the most likely future price movement of the stock is up. The stock is on a ‘buy’ signal.
When the shorter term 50-Day EMA line is below the longer term 100-Day EMA line it is an indication that the selling pressure for a stock is exceeding the buying pressure. And the most likely future price movement of the stock is down. The stock is on a ‘sell’ signal.
‘Buy’ Signal Example.
Let’s look at an example of a ‘buy’ signal. The Apple stock daily price chart below displays the 50-Day EMA line and the 100-Day EMA line. The moving average lines indicate that Apple stock entered a price ‘up’ trend in April (circled) as the 50-Day EMA crossed above the 100-Day EMA line.
When the 50-Day EMA crossed above the 100-Day EMA it was a good indication that buying pressure was exceeding selling pressure and you want to take bullish option trades for Apple. As long as the 50-Day EMA line remains above the 100-Day EMA line Apple stock remains a ‘buy’ and bullish option trades should be maintained.
In this example the Apple 50-Day EMA line crossed above the 100-Day EMA line in April. We purchased Apple stock and call options after the April buy signal. Apple remains in a price ‘up’ trend if the 50-Day EMA line remains above the 100-Day EMA line indicating that buying pressure continues to exceed selling pressure. Monitoring the 50-Day and 100-Day EMA lines is an easy and effective way to determine the current price trend which tells us if we should be taking bullish or bearish option trades for Apple stock.
If the 50-Day EMA crosses below the 100-Day EMA it would indicate a reversal to a price ‘down’ trend as the selling pressure is now exceeding the buying pressure. You should take bearish option trades for the stock when this occurs. We will look at an example of a sell signal next.
50-Day EMA line Above 100-Day EMA line = Buy.
Sell Signal Example.
Let’s look at an example of a ‘sell’ signal. The daily price chart below shows the daily price movement and the 50-Day and 100-Day EMA lines for Merck stock. This chart reveals that in February the Merck 50-Day EMA line crossed below the 100-Day EMA line (circled) resulting in an EMA System ‘sell’ signal for Merck stock.
When the 50-Day EMA crossed below the 100-Day EMA it was a good indication that selling pressure was exceeding buying pressure and you want to establish bearish option positions for Merck stock. You want to hold on to the bearish option positions for Merck while the price trend is ‘down’ and at this point the length and severity of the price decline is still unknown.
As long as the 50-Day EMA line remains below the 100-Day EMA line Merck stock remains a ‘sell’. Merck does not qualify as a buy until the 50-Day EMA line crosses above the 100Day EMA line.
Monitoring the 50-Day and 100-Day EMA lines is an easy and effective way to determine the current price trend which tells us if we should be establishing bullish or bearish option positions for Merck stock.
50-Day EMA Below 100-Day EMA = Sell.
The 50/100-Day EMA trend following system is your road map to investing success. Trend following is a powerful, systematic approach that allows us to profit from the powerful profit opportunities available from trading weekly options.
Historical Results Of EMA System.
The 50/100-Day EMA System is a rule based system with clearly defined ‘buy’ and ‘sell’ rules. This enabled us to do historical testing with the help of the Omega Research Trade Station program using the 50/100-Day EMA Cross Over System just presented. Historical profit results are based on buying a stock when its 50-Day EMA line crosses above the 100Day EMA and selling a stock when its 50-Day EMA line crosses below the 100-Day EMA. The profit/loss for each trade is calculated and a cumulative total is maintained for each testing period.
The EMA System is universal in nature and has been profitable for short term investing across a wide range of markets including: stocks, options, indexes, closed-end funds, zero coupon bonds, mutual funds, index funds and sector funds. The fact that the system is profitable in virtually every type of market confirms its credibility as a viable, robust approach to trading the financial markets.
Included on the following page are profit results for a well-diversified sampling of both growth and value stocks that represent a broad cross section of 26 different industry groups. This sampling includes small, mid and large cap stocks. Historical profit results were generated over a recent twenty four year period.
Profitable with Low Risk.
Keep in mind that four bear markets occurred during this period. Results are based on trading one hundred shares of stock for each ‘buy’ signal and do not include commissions.
Let’s review the tests conducted using the first stock tested Aetna Health Care (AET). The first time Aetna’s 50-Day EMA crossed above the 100-Day EMA during the test period one hundred shares of Aetna were purchased at 10.18.
The profit/loss for each AET trade was calculated by the Trade Station software and the profits totaled $5,376 over the test period based on trading 100 shares for each buy signal. This $5,376 profit represents a 528% return on the initial investment of $1,018.
The software divides the total profits by the total losses to calculate the Reward to Risk Ratio. Aetna had a Reward to Risk Ratio of 3.9 as there were 3.9 dollars of profit for each 1 dollar of loss. There were 10 losing trades over the 24-year period and the average losing trade incurred a -$120 loss.
Average Yearly Return of 107%
The total initial investment required to buy 100 shares of each of the 34 stocks over the test period was $8,204. This $8,204 initial investment produced a total of $210,578 in profits over the test period which equates to a 2,567% return. The average yearly return was 107% which would enable us to double our initial investment every year on average. This average 107% annual return was achieved without the use of leverage or margin. Trading options instead of stock would have resulted in a much higher rate of return over the test period as options provide leverage.
The historical results demonstrate that the EMA System has the ability to produce ample profits with very low risk. Of the trades that were losing trades, the average loss over the twenty four year period was $150 and when compared to the total profits of $210,578 demonstrates the ability of the system to keep losses to a minimum. The average Reward to Risk ratio was a very healthy 12.7 with over 12 dollars of profit for each 1 dollar of loss again demonstrating a very healthy risk-adjusted return.
The preceding investing results demonstrate the importance of ‘investing with the trend’ if you are a short term investor. The 50/100-Day EMA System allows us to know in advance the most likely future price movement of a stock and reduces the entry and exit timing risk associated with short term investing.
It is a versatile, effective method for profiting in any type of market and can quickly identify stocks on a ‘buy’ or ‘sell’ signal. This allows us to profit from trading options by purchasing call options for a stock on a 50/100-Day EMA System ‘buy’ signal and purchasing put options for a stock on a 50/100-Day EMA System ‘sell’ signal.
Equally important is the ability of the system to avoid large losses which can quickly ruin an investment plan. The system keeps losses to a minimum and almost always exits a trade before a big loss occurs. Following a discipline that keeps losses to a minimum is one of the most important characteristics of a successful short term investing program. Keep in mind that the worst bear market since 1932 occurred during this test period.
The 50-Day and 100 Day-EMA Lines Are the Key to Developing a Profitable Strategy.
The stock market is in a constant state of flux. The constant up and down price movement of a stock makes it difficult at times to see the real price trend of a stock. That is why it is important for an investor to become comfortable with the 50/100-Day EMA lines.
The position of the 50-Day EMA in relation to the 100-Day EMA gives us a quick and accurate indication of a stock’s current price trend. If the stock is in a price up trend call option trades should be initiated. And if the stock is in a price down trend put option trades should be initiated. In order to be a successful option investor we do not have to know what an analyst’s rating is for a stock or the current earnings projection. All of that information is already reflected in a stock’s price movement which can be quantitatively measured by the 50/100-Day EMA lines.
This simple but effective trend following system is mechanical in nature and instantly tells you if you should be taking a bullish or bearish option position. We prefer mechanical systems as they take the emotion out of trading. There is no judgment or interpretation involved. You don’t have to rely on trying to predict future price movement.
Follow the Price Trend Instead of Trying to Predict It.
“Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future.”
The 50/100-Day EMA System allows us to ‘invest with the trend’ instead of trying to predict the price direction of a stock. The historical studies presented demonstrate that price trends tend to continue in the same direction and can continue on longer than one may initially expect.
Our investing experience confirms that the 50/100-Day EMA System allows us to know in advance the most likely future price movement of a stock and whether we should be initiating bullish or bearish option trades.
To learn more about Chuck’s unique approach to options trading, tap the link below to get a free copy of his new eBook “Options Trading Made Easy”.
This free options trading course will teach you everything you need to know if you want to start trading options in the simplest, most profitable way possible.
Chuck started out flying jets for the US Airforce and then became a commercial pilot. So his background is much different from the hotshots on Wall Street.
Still, he was intrigued by the fact that the majority of 1-percenters in the United States made their billions in the stock market.
So, on his days off and during layovers he read everything he could find on trading. But, being adverse to losing money, he never did much with it. Until one day he figured out a way to actually engineer an option trade in a way that automatically wins big & eliminates losses!
So he scraped together $4,600, opened his first trading account, and within two years earned a total profit of $460,164!
Elated by his instant success, and being somewhat competitive by nature, Chuck began competing in the same International Live Trading Championship that brought Larry Williams instant fame. And so far he’s taken 1st place a record-breaking 8 times… more times than anyone else in the 33-year history of this prestigious competition.
Yet, most important and heartwarming of all was the way Chuck’s trading success became his family’s salvation. Because, by the time Chuck was grounded due to a rare vertigocausing disease he earned more money trading part-time than he did as a commercial pilot… So his wife and six kids never wanted for a thing.
Realizing all too well that there’s no such thing as financial security without an alternate source of income you can fall back on, Chuck began sharing his good fortune with fellow Americans… Options Trading Made Easy is Chuck’s gift to you.
جدول المحتويات.
Candlestick Breakout Patterns The #1 Way to Make Weekly Income.
with Weekly Options In Any Market.
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Specific trading strategies should be used just for the chosen currency pair, for which he created, because it depends on the attitude of certain currency pair. Oscillators stand a good entry point whenever the market is oversold or bought. When creating your trading strategy or improving old ones, it is important to remember these rules: every trading strategy has a share of subjectivity, it does not guarantee success, and can work against you; each forex trading strategies should be consistent with the style of a merchant; 95% of trading failures are caused by lack of psychological stability forex trading strategy is designed to address this municationtype email deadlines: all, preferably 1h.
Oscillators working in the apartment market when there are no trends. We look for a divergence between the macd indicator and the price of the underlying ticker. The book explains what the trader must do if the short call or short put becomes binations is not the purpose of this topic, we just give you an idea where they could begin.
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Url: gp digital fiona ajax reftagcall listing all the possible. However, this does not mean that the other of the pair will not benefit from the chosen strategy, but be sure to analyze the strategy more before applying to different currency pairs.
Ib options trader. The development of trading strategies can even be compared to the development of a business plan for a project.
There are many visual formations that can be used, triangle flags head and shoulders etc. Losses are not the fault of the charts but rather the trader. What i have discovered, for me, has been a life changing methodology and i m passionate about sharing it with others.
What are the most common mistakes new option h. I began teaching others after a number of investors asked me to explain my trading style.
The main task of any forex trading strategy is to reduce the impact of external factors on the forex trader and organize activities dealer. The wild market swings such as caused the may flash crash have compelled the sec to introduce required procedures to reduce these wild swings.
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We do not use any pricing models like black scholes or any other complex valuation method. Oscillators measure of strength weakness of the selected instrument.
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What does the setup look like. This macd divergence, combined with a v shaped double top or double bottom over multiple time frames provides the foundation for the appropriate out of the money is really a question of discipline and knowledge, coupled with the action when the correct pattern appears. Here is the current list of stocks used for the daily options trading strategy dots current as of the evolution simplified the software user interface and efficiency.
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New traders lack the patience to wait for clearly defined patterns. The clearest patterns result in the highest returns with the least risk.
Why do you teach a methodology. Applying the options hunter trading strategy of combining the macd divergence, price patterns and timeframe confirmation can produce returns in excess of% in as little as hours or days depending on the strength of the pattern. New traders tend to over analyze the charts, instead of looking for the pattern using the preselected list of stocks.
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Each trading week the trader should select on friday the best weekly options condor to open the next monday which will expire the following friday. History tends to repeat itself because the visual formation on the charts, as well as cost bar combinations.
Type: both directions and straight. They wanted to replicate my trading results.
How reliable is the pattern and what percentage of trades are winners.
My new software program, selfadapindxweeklycndrs, evolved during the last 6 years of trading weekly options.
Tier 2: ba, bwld, twtr, cmg, nugt, nvda, ulta, c, sq. Breakthrough a consistent daily options trading strategy for volatile stocks.
تفقد بريدك الالكتروني من فضلك. Mobile phone in a few short minutes the software allows the trader to choose the best condor to trade for the greatest potential weekly profit. The new weekly condor trading software focuses on selecting the best 2sigmaxmin condors from spx, oex, and spy.
The divergence shows us where the underlying price should be and we select an appropriate out of the money option. Posted an article june.
Copyright В© 2017 В· All Rights Reserved В· How to trade options 101.

4 Easy Steps To Finding The Right.
By Mike Rykes, NetPicks.
One of the benefits of working with hundreds of options students on a daily basis is the great interaction that comes along with it. In fact, I had a newer student recently write in and ask a few really great questions. These are questions many traders wonder about as they look to gain an edge in their options trading. Let’s take a look at how the answers to these questions can help us increase our profitability in the options markets.
“How do YOU determine when to buy a call or put versus using a spread, collar, butterfly, or iron condor? What are the criteria you are using to make the decision?"
The number one reason I love trade options is the flexibility that they offer. We aren’t limited to buying and selling calls and puts. We can actually use different options strategies that will allow us to adjust how aggressive we want to be. To take it a step further, we can use different strategies to adjust whether we want to be bullish, bearish, or market neutral. You can’t say this about any other market. If you are trading futures, Forex, or stocks you are limited to buying or selling individual contracts, lots, or shares. This is fine if you want to put on a directional trade, but we all know that the market doesn’t always trend. In fact, more often than not we are stuck in a sideways range. Trading options allow us to profit from these sideways moves instead of getting whipped back and forth with false breakouts.
While the flexibility that options offer is great, it can be intimidating when starting out to know which strategy is best to use at any given time. Over the last 13 years, I have taken thousands of trades and have tracked each one in my trade journal. As a result, I have come up with a method that fits my trading style and makes sure the odds are in my favor long term. Let’s walk through what my normal process looks like when setting up a trade.
Steps for Identifying Options Trades:
Have a small universe of stocks/ETF’s that you look at on a regular basis.
I write and talk about this all the time in our training materials. I don’t want to look at hundreds of names on a daily or weekly basis because in those cases you can be left trading names that you aren’t familiar with. I would rather focus on a small list of names that I get to know over time. This way I can easily determine whether I am bullish, bearish, or neutral without spending a ton of time each day staring at the charts. My watch list can change once a month. Currently, my list is 24 names which you will see below. These 24 names come from my universe of 50 stocks and ETF’s that I track on a monthly basis. In other words, when I created my watch list of 24 names for the month, those names came from my universe of 50 products that I have tracked and researched for an extended stretch of time.
We will share more insight into my favorite Stocks/ETF’s below including a great list that you can start trading today.
Look at the charts for each product on your watch list to get a feel for any key levels, directional outlook, or overbought/oversold extremes.
This step is very important in helping you determine which options strategy should be used. For example, we just closed out of a short call spread on EWZ that we opened back on 4/13. We chose this trade because we looked at the EWZ chart and saw that we were at a bullish extreme. We then took a look at the level of implied volatility on the EWZ options and saw that it was also high. When we see this type of scenario, we know that the options prices will also be high. Instead of buying a put option to take advantage of a move lower, we decided to sell a call spread which is still a bearish position but it also gave us more ways of making money.
We decided to sell the May 29/30 call spread for $.41 or $41 per spread. This gave us a maximum profit potential of $41 per spread while our risk was $49 per spread. While this doesn’t look like the greatest reward to risk scenario, it was actually a great trade because of all the different ways we could have made money. We made money if EWZ moved lower, sideways, or slightly higher as long as it stayed below our break-even point of $29.41. We made money from time decay adding up and also from the implied volatility contracting. This meant we had 5 different ways of making money on the trade. Instead of having to pick market direction perfectly in order to make money, we were left with a trade that gave us a tremendous amount of flexibility.
We were fortunate enough that after opening the short call spread, a few weeks later EWZ made a move slightly lower. The levels of implied volatility also contracted and the time decay added up over the few weeks that we held the trade. As a result, we ended up closing the trade by buying the call spread back for $.11. This gave us a profit of $.30 or $30 per spread. That’s a nice return given we only tied up $49 of capital for each spread that we put on.
The only way I had a feel for using the EWZ short call spread was because I have traded EWZ for years. This gave me a comfort level with the ETF that I wouldn’t have had if I just pulled it up off a stock scan. Looking at the charts will help us determine how aggressive we want to be. If we are strongly bullish or bearish then we can reflect that in both position size and the options strategy that we will use. If we are neutral then we can also adjust position size and go to options strategies that work well in sideways moves.
Look at the levels of volatility to determine if it’s high or low.
We track the Implied Volatility (IV) levels for each stock/ETF on our watch list. This helps us know if those levels are high or low at the given time. If the IV is high, then we know we have an opportunity to sell premium (short vertical spreads, iron condors). If it’s low, then we will lean towards using strategies like long calls/puts and long vertical spreads. My first choice is always to sell premium because those strategies give us so many ways of being profitable. However, we have also seen over the years that when we wait for high IV when selling premium our odds of success really improve.
Determine which options strategy best fits our outlook.
We started by looking at the charts of each of the products on our watch list. This helped us decide if we wanted to be bullish, bearish, or neutral. This also helped determine how aggressive we want to be (position size, option strategy). Once we have an opinion on what we think the stock or ETF is going to do, then we go to our playbook to follow the guidelines that we outline for each strategy. Let’s take a look at a few of our favorite strategies.
What criteria do we use to select the best options to trade?
Long call or put:
When buying a long call or put we need to make sure we have a strong opinion on which way the stock or ETF is headed in the near term. We have to keep in mind that whenever we buy an option the clock is ticking the second we decide to initiate the trade. The time decay will start to add up and potentially eat into the profit potential that we have. This means not only do we need to be right on market direction, but the move needs to happen in our favor quick enough.
To combat some of the negative features of buying an option, we like to be very picky with the criteria that we use when selecting the call or put option. First, we don’t pick the option based on what we can afford like so many retail traders make the mistake of doing. In many cases, this will leave you with an out of the money option which has a very low probability of success. Instead, we like to trade the in the money options.
Our criteria have us going out 20-40 days until expiration and buying the call or put option that is 1-2 strikes in the money. This criterion is the same whether we are trading GOOGL, DIA, or C. By using the same criteria on all stocks and ETF’s, we are able to take much of the discretionary decisions out of the equation.
Long Vertical Spread:
When using a long vertical spread, we still need to have a strong opinion on which way the stock or ETF is heading in the near term. While the time decay is still going to be there like with a long call or put, the long vertical spread is able to limit the effect of the time decay slightly. We like to use the long vertical spread when we desire to be in a more conservative position. We are able to do this because a long spread is constructed by both buying an option and selling an option with a different strike at the same time. Vertical spreads offer a unique ability to control risk and reward by allowing us to determine our maximum gain, maximum loss, break-even price, maximum return on capital, and the odds of having a winning trade, all at the time we open a position.
When setting up a long vertical spread we still like to trade the options that have between 20-40 days left until expiration. We structure the trade by always buying the option that is 1 strike in the money and then selling the strike that is closest to our target for that stock or ETF in the near term. The nice part about using this simple criterion is that it is the same when using call or put options. The criteria are also the same regardless of the symbol of the stock we are trading.
So why wouldn’t we trade a spread on every trade? While it's great that vertical spreads limit the risk, they also limit the profit potential at the same time. Our profit is limited to the difference between the strike prices minus what we paid for the trade. For example, if we are putting on the long 25/30 call spread that would have us buying the 25 call and then selling the 30 call. This leaves us with a $5 wide call spread. If we paid $2.00 for the spread our maximum profit potential would be $3.00. This is calculated by taking the $5 difference between the strikes and subtracting the $2.00 price that we paid for the spread.
Many newer traders get intimidated by trading spreads because they think they will be left with huge risk. However, in reality, the long vertical spread is actually safer than buying an outright call or put. The reason for this is that we can never lose more than what we paid for the vertical spread. It is a defined risk trade. This is due to the fact that we are buying the option that is one strike in the money and at the same time offsetting some of that cost by selling the option that is farther out of the money. As a result, we are able to lower the overall cost of the trade.
The long vertical spread is one of my favorite trade types and should be a part of your overall options toolbox.
Short Vertical Spread:
Trading long calls and puts or a long vertical spread give us great ways to put on an aggressive trade when we have a strong opinion on market direction in the near term. What if we are a little less certain of market direction? Selling vertical spreads to open a position can give us a great way of scratching out a profit even in a period of choppy price action. We do this by selling an option that is closer to the current price of the stock and then going out and buying an option with a strike price that is farther out of the money. By doing this we are still able to be in a risk defined position but it does give us multiple ways of being profitable. Let’s take a look at the criteria that we use when setting these trades up.
When selling vertical spreads to open a trade we still like to use options with between 20-40 days left until expiration. Why do we prefer to go out farther in time? In most cases the monthly options will have more volume and open interest when compared to the weekly options. This will make them easier to trade.
Going out to the monthly options will also give us more time to be right just in case the market moves against us initially. This gives us time to recover while the weekly options don’t give us that flexibility.
When selling spreads, we like to collect as close to 40% of the width of the spread as possible. For example, if SPY is currently trading at $204.76 and we wanted to put on a bearish trade to take advantage of a pullback we could sell a call spread. We would look at the available strike prices to see that they are $1 wide. This means we could go out and sell a $1 wide spread that would allow us to collect around $.40 or $40 per spread (40% of the width of the spread). This $40 is our maximum profit potential. The most we can lose on this trade is $.60 or $60 per spread.
When looking at the SPY options, we see that the 208/209 call spread is trading for $.40 or $40 per spread. This would have us selling the 208 call and then buying the 209 call to make it a risk defined position. Since we are collecting $.40 when putting the trade on, we would add that to our short strike to give us a break even point of $208.40.
Why would we risk $60 to make $40? That doesn’t sound like a very good risk to reward ratio. The reason we would like a trade like this is it would allow us to make money 5 different ways:
We make money if SPY moves higher as long as price closes below $208.40. We make money if SPY moves lower. We make money if SPY moves sideways as long as price closes below $208.40. We make money as the time decay adds up each day that we hold the trade. We make money if the implied volatility contracts.
When I see a trade that allows me to make money in 5 different directions I get excited. These are the opportunities that I look for each and every day.
We like to close out of our short vertical spreads when we can keep 50-75% of the maximum profit potential. In our case of the short SPY call spread, we collected $.40. When I can buy the trade back for between $.10-$.20 I will close the trade out and book my profit.
It’s important to note that the criteria outlined above is the same for both short call spreads and put spreads. By staying consistent with a rule set it allows us to be more consistent and eliminate much of the discretionary decisions that so many retail trades get stuck on.
Selling vertical spreads to open positions is a very powerful approach that many retail traders miss out on. While short spreads are not the holy grail of trading, they give us the flexibility that we need to make money in any type of market condition that comes our way.
Is there a perfect recipe for finding the right trade?
Selecting the right trade and determining the right size of the trade is not always a perfect science. There are times when I want to be conservative, so I trade more spreads and use smaller position size and end up leaving profit on the table. The whole goal here is to have a method in place that you can follow everyday. We aren’t going to be perfect on every trade but by following a method we will be sure to have trades on that leave us with risk that we are comfortable with. The key is to follow a set of criteria that put the odds in your favor and then diversify your account by adding numerous trades that fit your criteria. When doing so, you won’t be backing yourself into a corner by putting on 2-3 trades and hoping for the best. By having a bigger sample set of trades then the odds will better play out in the long run.
Which stocks and ETF’s should I be trading?
Now that we have talked through how we identify trade opportunities, let’s circle back and talk about how we establish the best watch list of products that we should be looking at on a regular basis. With thousands of possible stocks and ETF’s available to trade, I’m often asked how I decide which ones to trade. It’s really a simple process based on a few criteria. The hot list that I trade from each and everyday is based on the criteria that I outline below.
Liquid Options – I want to trade the products with the most actively traded options. This way I can get in and out quickly at good prices. Volatility – I’m looking for products that show a history of good movement back and forth. Ideally, I’m looking for quick moves so I can get in and out as soon as possible. A stock or ETF that only makes a few decent moves each year is not going to make the cut into my hot list. Diversification – It would be really easy for me to load up my entire list with tech names and call it a day. The tech sector tends to lead the market and has an endless number of quality names to trade. However, I would rather establish a broad list of names covering a number of different sectors (tech, energy, financial, index are the big ones for me).
With the above criteria in mind, I have created the following watch list of products that give you a diversified universe of products to trade.
Options Fast Track Hot List:
SPY - The S&P 500 ETF remains one of the most liquid products in the world. The massive volume of the stock and the options make this an easy one to trade. The Implied Volatility has also increased in the past few months which really opens up our options playbook giving us endless trade opportunities to consider. Others to consider: IWM, DIA.
QQQ - While not as liquid as SPY, the Nasdaq ETF has plenty of volume for us to work with. It’s an easy way to diversify as many of the big tech names are reflected in this product. I like this one for pure directional plays as well as for short premium plays (selling spreads).
TLT - With everyone’s focus on the Fed these days, I want to have exposure in names that will be active with anything the Fed throws our way. The bond market is an area that can make big moves with anything a Fed speaker says. As a result, having access to a bond ETF like TLT is a great option. TLT is liquid enough for us to do anything that we want with either basic or advanced options strategies. Implied Volatility has also increased in the past few months giving us more flexibility.
AAPL - Apple is still one of the most popular stocks to trade for day traders and swing traders alike. It is a very liquid product, with both the shares of stock and the options very active on a daily basis. I like trading it because it doesn’t like to stay quiet for long. It is also an easy name to see defined ranges in. While I love the products that Apple produces I like it as a trading product even more.
NFLX - Netflix has been a really fun stock to trade for years now. It continues to make really great swings back and forth. When it’s not moving, the Implied Volatility is high enough to sell premium making it one of my favorite products to look at these days. The stock split from last year has also made it more accessible for retail traders to look at. The options are reasonably priced and have decent liquidity, making it a top candidate going forward.
C and GS - The financial sector is another area that can be very sensitive to Fed speak. Regardless of experience or account size, you will want to have some exposure to this sector. I like Citigroup and Goldman Sachs for my personal account. They are names that tend to lead the sector both higher and lower and have reasonably priced options as well. The options have decent liquidity, which means we can trade many different strategies with both of these and get filled at good prices. As long as interest rates remain the center of attention, make sure you have a handful of financial names on your list. Others to consider: XLF, BAC, JPM, FAS.
XLE and USO - The price of oil has been all over the place for most of this year and I don't see that changing anytime soon. Both XLE and USO are energy ETF's that we have had nice success within the Options Fast Track program. I like the liquidity in the options and I like how each one does something different for us. XLE is the slower one of the two and it typically does a better job of getting through the volatile moves back and forth better. USO is directly correlated with the price of the Crude Oil futures market, which means it’s a more aggressive way to play directional moves. Both products are liquid enough to do just about any options strategy that you can think of.
EWZ, EEM, and FXI - All three of these are global ETF’s which we have had nice success with. EWZ is the ETF tracking the Brazil markets. EEM is the ETF that tracks the emerging markets. FXI is the ETF that tracks the Chinese markets. Much of the volatility that we have seen in the U. S. this year can also be tracked to the movement in the global markets. I like having products that allow us to participate in that movement without being overly exposed to one individual stock. You have to be careful with these names as they do tend to see overnight gaps for us in the U. S. A good number of the moves happen during the overnight hours so you have to be disciplined to not chase trades that have moved without you. The liquidity in these names also tends to be streaky. Over the last few months it hasn’t been an issue, but if markets start to settle down in the coming months you will want to watch volumes closely. If they start to go down we will want to potentially reconsider some of these names.
AMZN - Amazon has been a streaky product for us the last few years. When it’s on there aren’t many products out there that will outperform AMZN. However, when this stock settles into a range it can get ugly quickly. The liquidity in the AMZN options also needs to be watched closely. I haven’t had an issue getting filled on my trades at good prices the last few months but if volume does dry up in the coming months we are willing to put this one back on the sidelines. It is a $600 stock so the options aren’t cheap, but I have had really nice success trading vertical spreads on AMZN which is a good way to lower the cost.
GOOGL - I know Google is another expensive stock, but I have found that it likes to make really nice tradable moves back and forth on a regular basis. This is another product that I like to use vertical spreads on to lower the cost of the trades. However, it is also another one that you have to be picky where you get in and out of trades at. The bid/ask spread can widen out quickly on the GOOGL options, so make sure you do your best to get filled at or near the mid price.
AAL, BA, DAL - The airlines have been a new area to my watch list this year. I like any of these 3 names but I personally trade AAL and BA. I don’t always trade these names directionally, though. For newer options traders, what I'm talking about here is that I like to sell premium on these 3 whenever possible. Selling spreads is a great way to get exposure to some of these names without placing a big directional bet. With energy prices all over the place, along with the health of the consumer in doubt, I think the airlines could be a good play for the coming months.
GLD - Gold and silver tend to be names that get more active as more doubt starts to creep back into the market. When fear jumps, there are many traders that start looking at the metals for safety. I like GLD over SLV in my own trading as GLD tends to be more liquid and easier to trade. If we continue to see volatility at elevated levels, look for Gold and Silver to remain active.
FXE - With global currencies in focus these days I also want to have some exposure there. FXE is an ETF that tracks the Euro. It’s not the most liquid product that I have ever traded, but as long as we see the global currency wars front and center I want to be able to profit from some of these moves. The implied volatility on the options of FXE has also been at levels where we have had good success selling premium by using strategies like Iron Condors. I hope to continue that trend over the coming months.
These are some of my favorite names that I continue to find great success within the current market conditions . I’m not saying these are the only names to look at or that you should trade every one of these. However, taking what the market is giving us right now, these are the areas.
I feel give us the best opportunities to make money. If you want some other areas to look at the argument could be made to have exposure to more retail/consumer related names or even the social media names. Just remember, a bigger watch list doesn’t mean bigger profits. Create a list of names that is diversified, but is also small enough where you can get in and out each day without spending hours looking at the charts. All of the names listed above are active enough to where we can have multiple types of trades on for each name if we wanted to.
As is the case with any trading approach the key is having a system that you can stay disciplined too. Swaying in the wind with everything you hear in the media these days or from other traders can lead to inconsistent results. Every trader is a little different, so make sure you are using a method that fits your style and risk tolerance. This might take time to develop your methodology but in the end, it will make all the difference in the world. It’s so important that if you don’t have a system in place now then take a big step back and don’t put any more money to work until that system is in place. You will see the benefits right away not only in your P/L but in your confidence as a trader. In the end, trading is all about discipline. If you can become that disciplined trader with a detailed system in place then you will be well on your way to success.
CLICK HERE to receive your FREE copy of the Hot List and Tutorial Reversals.
Mike started trading back in 2002 as a finance major in college. It was quickly apparent during one of his first business classes that there was great wealth to be made in the stock market. Not one to be patient and wait for his degree to start making money, Mike discovered the great leverage that can be used in the options markets. This allowed him to start trading options with a very small account size while still in college.
Mike found success early in his trading career and decided to take the leap into full time trading soon after. Along the way, he had to learn many lessons the hard way like so many retail traders can relate to. It wasn’t until a visit to the floor of the CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange) that he realized he had to put a system in place that he could stay disciplined to.
Mike discovered the NetPicks trading systems back in 2006 and quickly became a customer. This was the missing piece to the puzzle. This has allowed him to trade full time for a living ever since. After learning the systems inside and out over the span of the next 2 years, Mike joined the NetPicks team as a trading coach in 2008. He quickly became the resident options expert and has been Lead Options Instructor ever since. While he has dabbled in other markets over the years, trading options has become his go to market. Mike has worked with thousands of traders since 2008 and enjoys the opportunity to help others reach their trading goals.
The Secret to Generating Retirement Income with Options.
By Peter Schultz, CashflowHeaven.
If you like the idea of boosting your monthly cashflow, but are frustrated with the returns of traditional income investing, this could be the most inspiring chapter you’ll read.
You are About to Discover the Winning Secret to a Generous Retirement Income You Can Start Collecting Immediately…
Have you ever gotten frustrated with traditional income investing because it pays so little interest? You would need a fortune at current rates to create any level of usable monthly income.
Investment advisors talk about how important it is to get your money working for you, but when you look at the kind of returns you’re currently getting from conventional investments it's pretty easy to understand how most people just throw up their hands and end up spending the money on a new car or a vacation. Heck, some of the most popular income investments out there right now pay around penny on the dollar-- per year!
Current rates of return can be pretty disheartening--especially if you've got a modest amount of money to work with. For example, if you want to retire with say a $5,000 per month income at current ten year T-Bill rates at 2% per year, or the average dividend of an SP-500 stock at 2% per year, you'd need a cool three million dollars!
The above charts show the current rates of return on the 10 Year Treasury Note on the left and the dividend yield of the SP-500 on the right. With interest rates hovering around 2% you’d need 3 million dollars just to generate $5000 per month!
If you've got that kind of money lying around--congratulations--you've done well. Unfortunately most of us aren't in that situation.
Most of us raised kids, worked hard, tried to get ahead, went through a few recessions and other set-backs, and are now wondering what kind of retirement we can afford-- if any.
Welcome to the club. They say there are approximately 75 million baby boomers out there and that the average boomer has saved less than $100,000 for retirement—and in many cases much less. That’s not a lot of savings for a lifetime of work--especially when you consider that $100,000 will only bring in $166.67 per month at current T-Bill rates.
No wonder all the personal finance blogs are telling seniors they are going to have to keep working through their 'golden years'--not exactly the kind of lifestyle most of us envisioned.
Getting your money to work for you is great in theory--but conventional investing requires huge amounts of capital to do you any good--and frankly most people just aren't in that position.
Well, what if I told you there is a way to create a comfortable monthly income for yourself with far less working capital? In fact what if I told you that you can generate that $5,000 dollar per month income with just. $100,000?
Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? Why hasn't your stock broker, accountant or financial advisor told you about this if it’s so darn good?
Heck, why isn't everybody doing it?
Well, for one thing, your stock broker, accountant and financial advisor don't know anything about it. And if they did, they probably still wouldn't tell you about it because there is no commission in it for them.
And the reason most people aren't doing it is because they haven't looked for it—they haven’t investigated different trading strategies like you obviously have. There is very little advertised or spoken about this strategy—in fact even most options traders don't practice it on a regular basis or at all.
Fortunately there are some good reasons why most investors don't use this strategy-- and they are all in your favor.
First off, this income strategy involves options—and even the mention of options has most people running for the hills. But don't let that throw you off because this method of trading lives at the very safest end of the options trading curve.
In fact these trades typically have an 80 to 90% chance of winning based on the Black-Scholes options pricing model—the mathematical model that all modern options pricing is based on.
Folks that have never been able to make money with any trading strategy are racking up consistent gains using this method—which can do wonders for your self-esteem and confidence in your future. All of a sudden plans that seemed far-fetched are good possibilities. For many who have struggled with investing, this strategy can only be described as a breakthrough.
That breakthrough for me came on a chance encounter with a total stranger flying home from a business trip on a rain-driven night many years ago…
I sat next to him on the plane. Although seat assignments seem random--in this case it had to be providence—someone upstairs was watching out for me. I’d struggled with traditional options trading for my first couple of years making big money on a winning trade only to give it all back on the next several losers. I was open to suggestion at that point and on that fateful night ended up sitting next to the right guy.
As a powerful storm buffeted the plane we began talking to get our minds off the jumps and lurches of a rough flight. He was an older man--a tough and wealthy old stockbroker, the kind of guy that has seen more ups and downs than a basketball. He knew a few tricks about making money in the markets, and for whatever reason was willing to share some of them that night. I was amazed at the things he knew and listened intently---finally, after his second whiskey, he fixed me with an intense stare and growled in a low voice,
“Son--There are collectors and contributors in the stock market, which one do you want to be?”
سؤال جيد. I think most of us would like to be collectors---the trouble is how do you go from investing your hard-earned money, hoping to build up your account over the years only to see it devastated during the next bear market---to consistently collecting a great income every month-- in any kind of market?
That conversation--and one other with a former CBOE market maker--helped me realize, and then confirm, that there is an incredible ‘Winning Secret’ Buried Deep in the World of Options Trading---
Options pricing is derived from a formula--a formula so complex and so adaptive that it won the Noble prize for the three mathematicians that discovered it--and it's this formula that made options trading on a formalized exchange possible back in 1973.
The key to getting your money to work 12X harder than convention income investments is the risk/reward ratio embedded within this options pricing formula.
Let me explain--like most people you have probably heard for years how risky options are. The reason for that is because by most estimates--including those put out by the Options Industry Council themselves--over 85% of options expire worthless. That means whatever the investor spent on those options is GONE by the time expiration rolls around—Kaput. Vaporized. التاريخ. Thank you for playing, please come again.
With those kinds of odds you might wonder why anyone ever buys an option in the first place---but keep in mind there is never a shortage of greed-crazed speculators enthusiastically elbowing each other out of the way for another chance to “roll the dice”. (For example Las Vegas has more eight-thousand plus room hotels than any other city in the U. S.)
Thousands of traders throw their money at low-priced options every month hoping for a ‘home run’--but the truth is most of them never even make it to first base. But if you think about it for a moment there is something going on here that should make you freeze in your tracks.
If there truly is that much money ‘lost’ every month in the options market, there must be a HUGE pile of cash accumulating somewhere. In thinking about the billions of dollars spent on options premiums every year here’s what you should be asking yourself--when an option expires worthless--as the vast majority of them do—
Where Does All That Money Go?
There is an amazing fact about the options market that nobody talks about---but they should—because it’s the secret to making consistent low-risk profits with options—the kind of consistent profits that can get you retired in comfort.
Here it is: No matter how many billions worth of options expire worthless every month, the fact is---- That money is never actually lost…
It Just Changes Hands!
That’s right—the money gambled away on options every month is never actually lost---this titanic ocean of cash just silently passes from the ‘contributors’ to the ‘collectors’.
This is huge---can you imagine getting your hands on even a small fraction of all that expiring options premium?
To give you an idea how big this tsunami of cash is, the Options Clearing Corporation--the organization that oversees all the US options exchanges--reported on January 9th of this year a new yearly record for options volume. The premium paid for these options now totals over $1.4 TRILLION DOLLARS (that's 1,400 billion!) And that figure grows every year.
Premium is the price paid to buy an option--now think for a moment about the savvy individuals that got themselves in position to collect all that premium.
Wouldn't it be nice to be one of them?
Learn how to jump on the right side of this equation and you'll be standing firmly in the path of all that expiring premium—and if you learn some simple methods to set up these trades you can begin generating a stream of monthly cashflow directly into your brokerage account-- for the rest of your life.
And you can do it literally from anywhere in the world you can get an Internet connection—which is now just about everywhere.
When approximately 85% of options expire worthless the amount of money available is so huge all you need is a small sliver of it to live more comfortably than you could have ever imagined. Ask yourself what percentage of 1.4 trillion dollars you need to retire?
At the beginning of this report I promised you'd learn the biggest secret to creating a generous retirement income--and here it is…
Become a SELLER of Options Instead of a Buyer.
Here is a visual picture of how powerful this strategy is--Imagine a line of enthusiastic speculators going all the way down your street stretching completely out of sight all the way to the horizon—and every one of these speculators is lining up to hand you money in exchange for a chance at 'hitting it big'. There is literally a never-ending supply. That is exactly the situation you are in the moment you become an options seller--
You don’t play at the casino—You Own the Casino!
Yes all those steamy hot-to-trot options buyers get to occasionally brag about making a 'killing' when one of their plays finally hits the jackpot, but the truth is they’ll win a fraction of the time you do—just like at the big casinos.
We know that because our real-world experience confirms it--plus the Black-Scholes options pricing model (the formula that won the Nobel Prize) tells us that over time, and enough trades, the probabilities turn into virtual mathematical certainties.
You see the Black-Scholes pricing model tells us that if you are willing to accept 'just' a 10% rate of return per month-- then the inverse of that is you have a 90% chance of winning!
That's how the formula works.
Meanwhile the person you sold that option to may get all excited about how much money they could make if the stock moved enough in the small amount of time they have left until expiration--but the truth is--they took the opposite bet that you did. In other words they could have a huge payday--but when YOU (as a seller) have a 90% chance of winning that means THEY (as a buyer) have a 90% chance of losing.
Which side of that bet would you like to be on?
I know it sounds too good to be true, but once you learn the details of this strategy you'll realize that it all makes sense and works just as it should. And just to be clear it is possible to lose--but we'll show you how to keep any potential losses to a minimum with automatic orders that never sleep.
Imagine knowing how to generate income from anywhere in the world with little more than a laptop and an Internet connection…
Generating income at your discretion anywhere and anytime is a fantasy only recently made possible by the Internet--a fact that anyone who has ever had to relocate for their livelihood, or anyone trapped in a northern winter, or a southern summer should appreciate.
In high school I got a job with a construction company digging hard-pan concrete-like gravel out of a hole with a pick in the middle of July. That was work. Now imagine being able to create income from a computer connected to the Internet from anywhere in the world with a few mouse clicks making 5% to 20% on your money per month—an amount most investors would be happy to make in a year--that’s $2,000 to $8,000 per month on a $40,000 dollar account. If you have $100,000—you could be collecting $5,000 to $20,000 per month—or more.
I personally know many individuals that are practicing this technique right now including a retired gentleman named Robert Milota who has been quietly putting on these trades for years. He told me that out of 28 trades in a single year he had just one loser for an astonishing 96.5% win rate. Those trades put real money in Bob’s pockets—the kind that allows him to go visit his grandkids whenever he feels like it—all because he ‘learned a few things’.
You see apart from the raw probabilities of the formula there are other things you can do to improve your chances—like learnings some charting basics and looking ahead on the calendar to see what stock moving events are coming--like earnings announcements for example. By learning some basic rules and strategies Bob has been able to supplement his income in a big way--and keep his mind sharp while he's at it.
And you can easily do the same.
And for many of us the best news is this isn't the kind of trading where you are forced to watch your positions every minute of every day--in fact it's just the opposite. The way we do it you put on the trade and simply wait--and that 'waiting' could be at the beach, tennis club, golf course or on a cruise ship off the coast of Italy—or anywhere else you’d like to be.
The beautiful thing about this strategy is that it's passive by nature--your positions naturally benefit from the passage of time. I call it the ‘procrastinator’s revenge’—finally getting rewarded for doing… nothing.
Or I should say, almost nothing. You do have to put on the positions in the first place—but then we take it one step further and show you how to enter automatic orders to close your positions at the perfect moment if necessary--without you having to do a thing or even realize it’s happening.
This is the only way to trade that not only completely stacks the deck in your favor, but also provides the time freedom most of us desire. The bottom line is, you might be a lot closer to financial independence than you think — if you have the right information.
The first thing you need to learn is how options are priced—and what factors move that price.
Secondly you need to learn about time decay—and how to take advantage of it.
And thirdly you need to learn how to let a chart tell you what strikes to sell, and how much time to sell—for maximum returns with a minimal risk.
And finally you need to learn what to do when your trades get into trouble. Most of the time our trades just quietly expire allowing us to keep all the money--and then do it all again. But once in a while we need to take action to protect a position—or turn a losing position into a winner—or buy more time to be right. Fortunately there are straightforward strategies for all those things and I’ve put together a special presentation to show you what those are.
This is a fast-paced course with good solid information to keep your interest. I’ll show you why options are such an incredible vehicle to trade—especially when you make the leap from being a buyer—like almost everybody else--to becoming a seller. In other words why it’s easier and smarter to become a collector in the stock market versus a contributor.
And most importantly you’ll see how to stack the probabilities so far in your favor you’ll likely win in spite of yourself—in spite of any bad habits you’ve learned in the past. This truly is the best shot most of us will ever have at creating our own rich, rewarding and comfortable retirement — at any age.
To gain access to this information rich one-hour educational course, and get a Free eBook as a Bonus-- CLICK HERE NOW!
Peter has been showing self-directed investors how to trade successfully since 1996, and is a nationally known speaker on options trading, the author of Passage to Freedom, The Options Success Trading Package, The Winning Secret Trading Package, The Explosive Profits Package and The Greatest Options Strategies on Earth. He has also written several important short reports on innovative options techniques, and is a popular guest on radio and television talk shows pertaining to trading and the financial markets.
Fascinated by the idea of asset-produced monthly income, Peter founded Cashflow Heaven Publishing in 1999 to help his subscribers obtain a better lifestyle through trading and investing strategies designed to produce exceptional monthly returns.
Peter graduated in 1982 from Southern Oregon University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business with marketing and finance concentrations. He is happily married with three children and makes his home in Ashland, Oregon. “on the eastern shores of Bear Creek somewhere north of Siskiyou Pass.
Option Trading Guidelines.
By Lawrence G. McMillan, OptionsStrategist.
سألت مؤخرا ما هي المبادئ التوجيهية التي أتبعها عموما في تداول الخيارات. هذا هو في الواقع سؤال مثير للتفكير، وخاصة عندما يتعلق شيء واحد يفعل كل يوم تقريبا. في مقالاتنا ميزة، وقد أعطيت العديد من الاستراتيجيات العامة المفيدة، ولكن لم يتم تجميعها في مكان واحد. After giving the matter some thought, it seemed like it might be beneficial to list some of the "rules" that we follow, either consciously or sub-consciously after all these years. For the novice, they may be eye-opening; for the experienced option trader, they may serve as a reminder. هذه المبادئ التوجيهية ليست هي الطريق إلى ثروات سهلة، أو بعض هذه الضجيج، ولكن اتباع هذه المبادئ التوجيهية سوف تبقي لكم عموما من المتاعب، وزيادة الكفاءة الخاصة بك من رأس المال، ونأمل أن تحسين فرصك في كسب المال مع الخيارات. وهي لا تقدم بأي ترتيب معين.
Trade in accordance with your comfort level and psychological identity.
Always use a model.
The biggest mistake that option traders make is failing to check the fair value of the option before it is bought or sold. It may seem like a nuisance — especially if you or your broker don't have real-time evaluation capability — but this is the basis of all strategic investments. You need to know whether you're getting a bargain or paying too much for the option.
Don't always use options -- the underlying may be better (if options are overpriced or markets are too wide).
This is related to the previous rule. Sometimes it's better to trade the underlying stock or futures contract rather than the options, especially if you're looking for a quick trade. على مدى فترة زمنية قصيرة، قد يؤدي خيار مبالغ فيه إلى أداء أقل بكثير من حركة الأداة الأساسية.
Buying an in-the-money call is often better than buying the underlying instrument; buying an in-the-money put is usually better than shorting the underlying (if the underlying is stock)
An in-the-money option has a high delta, meaning that it moves nearly point-for-point with the underlying stock or futures contract. Furthermore, the option's price contains only a small amount of time value premium — the "wasting" part of the option asset. Thus, the profit potential is very similar to that of the underlying instrument. Finally, the risk is limited by the fact that one cannot lose more than the price he paid for the option, while one has much larger risk when owning or shorting the underlying instrument.
Don't buy out-of-the-money options unless they're really cheap.
This is really a corollary of the above rule, but it's important enough to state separately. Obviously, you can't tell if the option is "cheap" unless you use a model. If the out-of-the-money option is expensive, then revert to the previous rule and buy the in-the-money option.
Don't buy more time than you need.
The longer-term options often appear, to the naked eye, to be better buys. For example, suppose XYZ is 50, the Jan 50 call costs 2, and the Feb 50 call costs 2¾. One might feel that the Feb 50 is the better buy, even if both have the same implied volatility (i. e., neither one is more expensive than the other). This could be a mistake, especially if you're looking for a short-term trade. The excess time value premium that one pays for the February call, and the resultant lower delta that it has, both combine to limit the profits of the Feb 50 call vis-a-vis the Jan 50 call. On the other hand, if you're looking for the stock or futures contract to move on fundamentals — perhaps better earnings or a crop yield — then you need to buy more time because you don't know for sure when the improving fundamentals will reflect themselves in the price of the underlying.
Know what strategies are equivalent and use the optimum one at all times.
Equivalent strategies have the same profit potential. For example, owning a call is equivalent to owning both a put and the underlying instrument. However, the capital requirements of two equivalent strategies (and their concomitant rates of return) can vary widely. The purchase of the call will only cost a fraction of the amount needed to purchase the put and the underlying stock, for example. However, the call purchase has a much larger probability of losing 100% of that investment.
Naked put selling is equivalent to covered call writing, but is generally a better strategy.
We've mentioned this often before, but it bears repeating because so many option traders don't follow this rule, or don't believe it. Both strategies — naked put selling and covered call writing — have limited upside profit potential and large downside risk. However, the naked put sale involves less of an investment in terms of collateral required, has a lower commission cost, and allows one to earn interest on his collateral while the position is in place. For these reasons, naked put selling is the better strategy of the two.
The option positions that are equivalent to long stock (or long futures) and to short stock (or short futures) are perhaps the most important ones.
Buying a call and selling a put, both with the same terms (strike price and expiration date) produces a position that is equivalent to being long the underlying instrument. Similarly, buying a put and selling a call with the same terms is equivalent to being short the underlying instrument. The next two rules deal with these equivalences.
The equivalent option strategy may be better than owning the underlying stock itself.
If one buys a call and sells a (naked) put, his investment is smaller than that required to own the stock, and the "investment" may be in the form of interest-earning collateral.
The equivalent option strategy is mandatory knowledge for futures traders, for it allows one to extricate himself from a position that is locked limit against him.
When futures are locked limit, the options will generally still be trading. The prices of the options provide a price discovery mechanism, in that one can see where the futures would be trading were they not locked at the limit. Furthermore, one can take an equivalent option position opposite to his (losing) futures position, and effectively close out the position at the current loss without risking further limit moves on succeeding days.
Naked combo selling in indices is usually less trouble than selling combos in individual futures or equity options.
Selling both puts and calls is an attractive strategy to many option traders, since the benefits of the wasting asset are on your side. Unfortunately, large or sudden moves by the underlying instrument can create some nasty surprises for the option writer. One way to counter this is to concentrate the option selling in index options. The broader the index, the less likely it is to experience a gap opening. There cannot be a takeover attempt on an index nor can an individual earnings report, for example, cause the index to move a great distance as it can for a stock. For the index to gap, many of the stocks that comprise the index would have to gap as well; that might be possible in a very narrow-based index, but is quite unlikely in a broad-based one. These statements generally apply to U. S. indices; indices on foreign markets (JPN or FSX, for example) gap virtually every day since the actual trading in those markets is occurring while the U. S. markets are closed.
Trade all markets.
There are strategic option opportunities in all markets — equities, indices, and futures. To ignore one or two of these just doesn't make sense. The same principles of option evaluation needed to construct a statistically attractive strategy apply equally well to all three markets. Furthermore, there are often inter-market hedges that are extremely reliable, but in order to take advantage of them, one has to trade all of the markets.
Trade in accordance with your comfort level and psychological identity.
This is the first and last rule and, ultimately, the most important one.
In its 25th year of publication, The Option Strategist Newsletter remains one of the industry's most respected stock options newsletters. Written by renowned analyst and bestselling author Larry McMillan, The Option Strategist continues to be an essential investing tool for novices and experts alike. داخل كل طبعة من هذه النشرة الإخبارية الأسبوعية، ستجد تعليق السوق والرأي والتوصيات بشأن تداول الخيارات وسوق الأوراق المالية.
CLICK HERE to receive 1 Free Month of McMillan's The Option Strategist Newsletter! Use coupon code TPFREE at checkout for discount.
Lawrence G. McMillan is the President of McMillan Asset Management and McMillan Analysis Corporation, which he founded in 1991. He is perhaps most well-known as the author of Options As a Strategic Investment , the best-selling work on stock and index options strategies. The book – initially published in 1980 – is currently in its fifth edition and is a staple on the desks of many professional option traders.
His career has taken two simultaneous paths – one as a professional trader and money manager, and the other as an educator and proponent of using option strategies.
In these capacities, he currently authors and publishes "The Option Strategist," a derivative products newsletter covering options and futures, now in its 24th year of publication. His firm also edits and publishes three daily newsletters, as well as option letters for Dow Jones. He has spoken on option strategies at many seminars and colloquia, and also occasionally writes for and is quoted in financial publications regarding option trading.
Mr. McMillan is the recipient of the prestigious Sullivan Award for 2018, awarded by the Options Industry Council in recognition of his contributions to the Options Industry.
A Better Way to Find and Trade Stocks.
By Ron Groenke, WallStreetWinning.
Did you know that 69% of the new millionaires created last year are a result of the stock market? انها حقيقة. This is an opportunity that stands right before of you. Every day stocks go up and down and someone makes a profit. The question is, how can you win in the stock market? I have been working on this question for over twenty-five years and have finally developed the magic formula (algorithm) that will help anyone become a winner on Wall Street. In fact I have made my trade technology available for anyone to use at WallStreetWinning.
My career has been in the computer hardware, software, and communications industry. I have a degree in mathematics and have developed many simulations and models to optimize almost anything. The range has been from production/distribution, warehouse layout and computer hardware to communications/networking software. I have written many programs, starting my career at NASA writing code for handling the communications for Apollo 7 & 8. More recently I have developed code that searches the Internet for excellent investment opportunities. I have won Excellence in Engineering and Innovation awards and became a NCR Laureate. My product ideas have generated billions of dollars in product revenue for multiple firms.
This base of knowledge has allowed me to develop a stock and options investing model that has been used and perfected over the last ten years, which I am now revealing to you so that you can also become a Wall Street winner.
To be successful in the stock market you need to take control and be in charge of how your assets are invested. Would you like to spend less time analyzing and more time enjoying life?
It's time to stop giving the market permission to steal your hard-earned money. You can discover for yourself how to produce amazing, consistent, and reliable investment results month after month and year after year.
Contrary to popular belief, the biggest threat to your wealth is the age-old idea of “buy and hold” investing. Millions of investors, possibly you included, have fallen prey to this antiquated, failed system and have lost tens of thousands of hard-earned dollars. I want every investor to be on the right side of every trade. Yes, the proprietary algorithms behind my system are complex, but I've made it easy for you to use. Just click a few buttons and the computer will get to work crunching all of the numbers. Within a few minutes you’ll have a guide for a list of stocks and ETF’s that you can either invest in or let the system AUTO trade for you directly. You will know:
Just click a few buttons and the computer will get to work crunching all of the numbers. Within a few minutes you’ll have a guide for a list of stocks and ETF’s that you can either invest in or let the system AUTO trade for you directly. You will know:
Which Stocks to BUY? It’s time to BUY. Which Stocks to SELL? Make sure to SELL Which Stocks to HOLD? لا تفعل شيئا. You’re fine or you can write covered calls against your positions to generate some additional cash flow. Which Stocks to WAIT on? Wait means wait.
Even with all of the fundamental analysis, price to earnings ratios, economic projections, news events and TV talk shows on investing; all they tell you is where they “think the market should be.” Just remember, they are all just selling air-time.
It’s actually true that the market will tell you what it's going to do next. That's right, the market will tell you everything you need to know, you just need to learn how to listen, which I’ll show you how to do.
Does history repeat itself? Some say yes, some say no, others say everything is random.
My investing experience over the last twenty-five years has taught me that the stock market is not random and that history does repeat itself. The key to investing success is to recognize this and take advantage of it, which I have done very successfully.
By knowing what to look for and observing just a few of the signals on any given stock or ETF, you can catch the most profitable market swings. This is even possible on a weekly basis.
The incredible breakthrough I've been talking about is called the Winning Signal based on the Groenke V theory. It is a part of my tool set that has made a lot of investors a lot of money. If you are able to predict the direction of a stock with a high degree of accuracy, then the opportunity for success is endless. That is just what I’ll reveal in this book along with fully implemented strategy at WallStreetWinning.
The Winning Signal implements a Black Box algorithm that looks at what has happened in the past, for any stock or ETF, and provides an indication of when to Buy, Hold, Sell, or just Wait (do nothing). The details of the algorithm are revealed and described for your review and analysis.
Here is one of the many opportunities that could make a significant positive impact in your portfolio. AMAZON [AMZN] ended down by 22% in 2018. So holding it all year gave you nothing. Following the Winning Signal would have netted you a 29.67% return for the same time frame. Now that is significant. Another example is American Express [AXP]. It had a gain of 5.14% in 2018. The Winning Signal produced a 20.57% return with three trades that were all profitable. How about this one, CVR Energy [CVI]. It was down 1.53% in 2018 but WS produced a 46.14% return with four trades. Using the Winning Signal low risk weekly trade rules provided a return of 33.22% with 23 trades and ownership of 21 days or less.
What Kind of Investor Are You? Can Investing Actually be Sexy?
Are you an investor, trader, collector or gambler? It depends on your point of view. An investor is a person who commits money in order to earn a financial return. A trader is a person whose business is buying and selling regularly. I consider myself an investor that trades stocks. I commit assets to generate a return. In the process, I buy and sell, knowing that to earn a return, one needs to sell the asset at a higher price than its purchase price. You make money by selling. We don’t simply suggest that you buy low and sell high. Most times we buy high and sell higher.
If you buy and hold equity without the intent to sell, perhaps you are a collector. The asset may be worth a lot more in the future, but that could be generations away. If the past ten years is any indication of the future, to buy and hold could be termed a collector strategy.
If you are the type of person that takes stock tips from the shoeshine boy, then you are definitely the gambler. If you base your trades not on history, not on facts, not on fundamentals and simply on what some talking head on TV says, or because you like a certain symbol, you just might be the gambler. Gamblers can be sexy when they are winning, but sooner or later if the gambler plays long enough they will eventually lose. That is not sexy.
Being successful is about winning and the confidence associated with a consistent positive return. This is possible if you know when to buy and when to sell. Equities have up and down cycles just like the economy. Some equities are in step with the economic cycle and others are not. During 2018, many equities like General Electric (GE) or Boeing (BA) were falling with the economic uncertainty, while other companies like Apple (AAPL) were moving up and making new highs. The problem is, there are very few stocks that perform like Apple. It is a fact. So how do you win in this type of environment?
This is the beauty and challenge of investing in equities. If you are able to predict the direction of a stock with a high degree of accuracy, then the opportunity for success is endless. Endless success is SEXY! That is what I am revealing to at WallStreetWinning.
My technical analysis algorithm and process (Winning Signal) uses stock price trend, pattern, and trading history to determine when to buy and sell any stock.
To demonstrate my process, let’s look at the opportunity to generate a return in Microsoft [MSFT] or Nike [NKE]. In looking at the charts below, it seems rather obvious that one could buy NKE and just hold it, since it is going up (in hindsight). With MSFT it is more difficult since it was up and down and ended slightly down for the past twelve months. But there is significant opportunity with MSFT if you know when to buy and sell.
If you had invested $10,000 in each at the beginning of the period, you would have had a $2,870 gain with NKE and a $286 loss with MSFT.
Now, let’s apply the Winning Signal technology to these two stocks and see what the results are. For NKE there were 3 trades with a net return of $4,036. For MSFT there were 3 completed trades with a positive return of $2,598. So in both cases the Winning Signal outperformed the straight up buy and hold strategy by a wide margin.
Okay, now I am sure you are already thinking in your mind that this seems a little too good to be true and that I picked the example to make everything look super. Well, that is not the case and, to dispel those thoughts, here is a summary of the results for all thirty stocks in the DOW index.
The Winning Signal on average provides significant additional return when compared to the.
traditional buy and hold strategy. Do a review, and judge for yourself.
Now that we have determined that you are an investor and that investing can be sexy. What kind of investor are you? Are you conservative? Are you moderate? Are you aggressive? There really is no wrong or right answer here. Your level of risk is a personal taste and everyone is different. At different times in your life and even different days in your life, you may be one, all three, or none at all. The choice is up to you.
You can be a successful investor as any other, by using Winning Signals. It works for the most conservative investors to the most high-risk, aggressive investor. لماذا ا؟ Because, it uses math and science to give you the best possible outcome. This alone gives you both an advantage and a strategy in your investing. Strategy is the cornerstone of making money in the markets.
This is where judgment and style of investing enter the picture. I personally believe it is more productive to take a number of small gains to the bank over time rather than going for the big win. Singles and doubles win a lot of baseball games. Home runs are nice but very unpredictable. There is nothing sexy about unpredictability. Sex appeal and confidence go hand in hand. Greed is not sexy. Losing is not sexy and most certainly, striking out is not sexy.
I have experienced many singles and doubles during the last twenty-five years of my investing life. And my wife Jean will tell you that is pretty sexy. Singles and doubles have allowed me to buy nice cars for my wife, a beautiful, Florida home on the water and anything her heart could desire. It allowed me to put my kids through college, and it allows me to leave a legacy for my grandchildren.
There is no need to get greedy and try to triple your money overnight. It’s just not attractive and, more times than not, it is gambling and you will end up a long-term loser. You may think you are missing out on the out of the park “big one” gain, but the trade data shows that you can be just as successful with a slow moving industrial like MSFT versus a high fashion trendy stock like NKE. Predictability, dependability, and financial stability is sexy, as that is what will make you richer.
So we hope that you learned something from reading this chapter. As a FREE gift for giving us your valuable time we want to give you an entire eBook called "Wall Street Winning - Sex. Lies, and Getting Rich”. This eBook is 85 pages of to the point, how to win, proof in how to become a Wall Street Winner. Get the Free, 85-page EBook - Click Here to get your copy!
Ron Groenke was a NASA mathematician who discovered the stock market secret to low risk and big payoffs. He created an algorithm utilizing techniques he learned at NASA, and adapted them to the stock market with returns of 20-25%, winning 80 percent of the time. Ron is the Founder of WallStreetWinning.
Combat Trade Planning.
By Matt Buckley, TopGunOptions.
The most important trading floor for any trader, individual or professional, is the five-inch trading floor between his or her ears. Having the proper mind-frame and controlling emotions is critical to making good decisions under the pressure of the markets and, ultimately, to trading success. It all comes down to discipline . We need to know why we are getting in, when to stay in and when to get out of a trade. At Top Gun Options a quality trade plan is the foundation for our disciplined execution in every trade.
As flying fighters in the US Navy we planned everything, from a simple 30 minute maintenance flight to a 7 hour combat mission. Every mission had an objective and we always had a plan to achieve our objectives. These plans spelled out exactly how we intended to achieve each objective. The team at Top Gun Options learned how to plan and plan well.
At Top Gun Options, we were trading before we joined the Navy to fly fighters, so we had built up some habits about how we went about our business of trading. Some were good, some were bad, but these habits lacked discipline and continuity. Then one day, shooting the breeze at the Officer’s Club (which is where we solved all the world problems over a cocktail) it just kind of hit us; why don’t we apply the same planning and execution disciplines that we use flying fighters in combat to our trading?
After all, our combat plans defined many things, to include: our objective, tactical mindset, targets, Commit Criteria (our go-no-go decision), the Tactic we intend to use to achieve our objective, employment method to achieve the Tactic, our course of action (steps we are going to follow executing the plan), contingency plans in case things don’t go exactly as planned and we must also have a clear Exit Plan. So this tactical planning we used every day out on the aircraft carrier seemed a perfect fit for the options trading world as well!
You have to plan for combat in this manner, because combat is dynamic, it’s dangerous, the battlefield is in constant change and you don’t know where your enemy will strike from next. تبدو مألوفة؟ Where did this Greek debt crisis come from, how about Enron or WorldCom? Which bubble is going to burst next? Who’s cooking the books at our favorite company? Well, it seems to us, this definition of combat applies directly to the financial markets.
Which is why at Top Gun Options, “Trading is Combat” because it is!
In this lesson we are going to share with you our planning process. Is it perfect and suited for everyone? We certainly like it and we believe that you will benefit by applying the same discipline to your trading.
Defining a Plan.
So just what is a plan? You don’t have to be a Rocket Surgeon to understand this one!
A plan is a series of steps to achieve an objective.
This makes sense if you’re going to hang some shelves in the garage or cook a pot roast. A plan is just a recipe and when it’s complete you have some more shelves in the garage or a pot roast for dinner.
But, how does this definition work when you are playing in one of the most dynamic arenas in the world, where things are constantly changing and often appear to be directly against us? It still works, but the plan has to suit the environment where it is going to be executed and we are executing plans in one of the most complex environments in the world, the financial markets. So, we need to account for a few more things than cooking a pot roast.
When I am giving a presentation on planning, I always ask the crowd to write down the components of a plan. Invariably they are always slightly different and in many cases folks can’t break a plan down into its important components. This lesson will solve this issue.
A trade plan is the foundation for disciplined execution. It allows us to keep our head on straight when all the talking heads are telling us the world is falling apart. It memorializes our reason for being in the trade and helps us make good disciplined business decisions under the pressure of the markets. It is because we built a plan, before the heat was on, that allows us to remove as much emotion as possible from our trading. In short, a trade plan is our tool to keep us disciplined in a trade.
Risk management is built into the plan. We know exactly when to get out, what our maximum acceptable loss is for the trade and how we are going to get out or adjust the position to save profits or limit losses. We define all of this before we get into a tight spot where emotions can take over and lead us to bad decision making. Emotions: greed, fear, attachment to a trade, whatever the issue, will influence your decision making. If you think it doesn’t, you are going to spend a lot of money realizing that you’re wrong. Laying out your risk parameters before being under the gun, will greatly assist you in suppressing your emotions and help you make good decisions.
In the Top Gun Options Pocket Checklist (OPCL), we layout planning guidelines for several different option tactics. In each, we identify our profit targets and maximum risk parameters for each trade to assist you in building your plan.
When we get down to the brass tacks of trading, it’s all about execution. Being disciplined and mapping out our risk parameters before we are deep in trades leads to Superior Execution. The decisions we make in the heat of battle are key to our success in trading. We have a saying as flying fighters, “A bad plan executed well is better than a good plan executed poorly, but a good plan with good execution Discipline is unbeatable!” When you go through our Top Gun Options program, we will go over several options tactics and discuss optimum execution whether the market is trending favorably or unfavorably.
Ultimately Discipline, Risk Management and Superior Execution come down to the individual trader. As traders, we have to commit to being disciplined. We have to commit to sound Risk Management. We have to commit to achieving Superior Execution with our trading. It takes practice and courage to execute your plan, but the end result is consistent Superior Execution and more profits.
Components of a Plan.
A plan has to be tailored to the environment we intend to execute. The planning process needs to flow sensibly, be easily understood and address as many potential scenarios as possible that can threaten the achievement of our objective.
The very first component in any plan is “The Objective,” As traders and investors it does not matter if you are trading options, stocks, commodities, bonds, currencies or anything for that matter. Our objective as traders and investors is universal:
This is why we play in this financial arena; there is no other reason . We want to make money, not lose it! Every trade plan we create supports this objective…we want to make money, not lose it! If we are wrong in our trade, because we are not going to get them all right, we want to get out with minimal damage and keep our money to play another day.
Since this is our universal objective, we don’t need to write it down every time. It is our guiding precept for trading.
After the objective, a Top Gun Options trade plan has seven components, designed specifically for trading options. A Top Gun Options trade plan…
…Identifies our Target . which is the underlying we want to engage.
…Outlines our Commit Criteria …Our justification for the trade.
…Identifies the Tactic we will use.
…Outlines our Mid-Course Guidance …which is our trade execution plan.
Once the planning process is understood, a trader can complete the plan in as little as 5-10 minutes. We will go through each one of these components in this lesson.
Some of these terms may be new to you and that’s because they have their roots in air combat, but they dovetail very nicely into our planning and, in our view, tighten our focus up another notch. We will explain each as we come across them if not, there is a Top Gun Options Terms glossary in the back of the book for reference.
Our Strategic Mindset is the stance we take regarding how we think our underlying asset (our target) or the market will perform given the current financial climate. Strategic Mindset falls into one of four categories:
We can qualify our mindset if needed; we can be short-term bearish if we think something is overbought and might correct. Or we can be neutral to bearish or neutral to bullish. It just depends on our analysis of the current situation and guides our Tactic selection to fit our Strategic Mindset.
When developing our Strategic Mindset we take a big to small approach. We start with the global financial situation and drill down to specific sectors, then to the stocks within a sector using both fundamental and technical analysis. As options traders we always take a look at our main barometer, the VIX, to tell us what the market is thinking and how the current market is priced.
Our Strategic Mindset drives many of our trading decisions. It helps us to analyze potential positions with an appropriate bias for the current market. It also gives us a baseline to challenge our own market assertions and those assertions of all the information we absorb. We don’t want to be mindless sheep following the talking heads on CNBC or a tip we hear at work. We want to be proactive in the development of our Strategic Mindset and verify or disqualify the information we hear around us.
Our target is simply the underlying asset with which we are looking to open a position. We will focus on an asset because we have clearly defined our Strategic Mindset on this target and we think we can profit from an options position supporting this mindset.
There are literally thousands of optional targets: Stocks, ETFs, futures, commodities. We will focus on stocks while going through Top Gun Options.
Commit criteria is our justification for entering in a trade. Commit criteria should be easily understood and explained in 1 – 3 sentences. Commit criteria is supported by our Strategic Mindset, our fundamental and technical analysis, and the volatility of the target.
Here is an example of what Commit Criteria might sound like if we had a bullish mindset on Freeport McMoRan (FCX).
“The recent pullback in FCX is exaggerated. The stock has come off its recent lows with heavy volume and appears to be at the beginning of bullish trend with a short-term technical price target of 70. Fundamentals remain strong and copper prices are rebounding .”
This is a valid Commit Criteria for entering a trade. Commit criteria memorializes why we are in the trade. During the course of a trade, if we can no longer justify our Commit Criteria then we get out, immediately.
At Top Gun Options, a “Tactic” is the option position we are opening, and there are many different positions we can open using options: calls, puts, condors, butterflies, credit spreads, etc. In the Top Gun Options Pocket Checklist (OPCL) you will find 32 different option tactics.
In current options lingo this is referred to as a strategy, but to call this a strategy is not true to the word’s meaning. A strategy is a bigger vision that supports our “objective” and refers to a plan of “actions” to achieve our objective; in this case, our investment objective. The “actions” taken to achieve these goals are referred to as “tactics.”
Objective: Make Money, Don’t Lose It!
Strategy: Use options to achieve our objective.
Tactics: An option position to support our strategy.
For instance: If a trader wants to earn income from stocks in their portfolio by selling covered calls. This supports our objective and the strategy is to earn extra income with options. The Tactic to achieve this extra income is to sell covered calls on stocks in their portfolio.
To us at Top Gun Options, this is a more correct way to add detail to our intentions. In short, a strategy tells us what we want and a Tactic is how we get what we want.
Tactical Employment is the set up for our option position. It includes:
Leg Set Up Net Debit or Credit Max Profit potential Maximum Risk of the trade Break Evens Probabilities of success Adjust and Eject Criteria Greek Effects.
Outlining Tactical Employment lets us know what we are getting into when we enter a trade. Think of Tactical Employment as defining the performance envelope for our trade. It defines the parameters, both good and bad, where the trade can perform.
Mid-Course Guidance encompasses our trade management plan. The term comes from an air-to-air missile and refers to the control of the missile until just before it reaches its target. At Top Gun Options, Mid-Course Guidance encompasses our Risk Management parameters in terms of profit goal and max allowable loss, threats to success, contingency plans and Eject Criteria.
Max profit goals and max allowable loss are independent trader decisions based on individual investment goals and risk tolerance. At Top Gun Options we are not trying to hit the ball out of the park on every trade; base hits can add up fast. When setting our max allowable loss, we determine the maximum we are willing to lose to see if this trade will work. This does not mean we have to wait to reach this point to get out, it is simply defining the most we are willing to let this trade work against us. This keeps us from saying to ourselves, “I just need a few more days for this to work!” or “I love this trade, it will come around,” and staying in a losing trade. If we hit our max allowable loss, we get out; lick our wounds and move on to the next trade.
Threats to success are occurrences that can negatively affect our position during the life of the trade. An example of a threat to our success: We were bullish and then implied volatility increased unexpectedly due to a negative economic report.
Contingency planning is simply having a basic game plan if our trade is not going per design: do we roll up, roll down or get out?
Our Eject Criteria are our “no questions asked,” just get out of this trade; examples include: our max allowable loss limit is reached or our Commit Criteria is no longer valid.
Embedded in your options PCL tactics section is guidance for setting many of these parameters and can serve as a great starting point for determining your own risk parameters.
The Exit Plan is how we are going to get out of a trade. We never get into a fight unless we know exactly how we intend to exit. Factors for planning an exit include: a sound reason for exit, layout our closing trade set up, whether we are exiting prior to expiration or taking it all the way to expiration.
It is important to know exactly how you are going to exit a trade before the volatility of the markets gets the better of you.
That’s the plan! It’s just a logical sequence of steps that encapsulates and memorializes our research, lays out the playing field for the trade, sets risk tolerance tripwires for action while in the trade and lines out how we will exit. Don’t trade without one!
Once you have the system down it will take 5 -10 minutes max to complete and will keep you aligned very closely with our universal objective.
Back in January 2018 we were beginning to think that Google (GOOG) was getting a little lofty in price. Even though the talking heads could not stop talking about how great GOOG was and it was going to the moon non-stop. At this point we took a short-term contrarian’s view. So we took a short term bearish Strategic Mindset on GOOG, 7 days, and decided to target GOOG with a bearish trade.
Our commit criterion was simple:
Thinking GOOG is going to give some back in the short term with some of the uncertainty surrounding the release of various mobile devices and some profit taking. On the technical side,
the 20 day MACD is diverging to the down side and RSI is indicating an overbought condition.
We had some technical indicators and some fundamental uncertainty we thought would lead skittish traders to take some profits off the table. The Commit Criteria is short, sweet and it made sense. Little did we know at the time but this was a turning point for GOOG and it is off about 20% since this call.
Our Tactic was a Bear Call spread two strikes above where GOOG was trading. One of our intermediate tactics and in this instance it had a high probability of success.
Tactic: Bear Call Spread on GOOG, 610/620.
Tactical Employment is petty straight forward and requires just a little math:
Leg Set up: Sell JAN 610 Call at 3.90.
Buy JAN 620 Call at 2.10.
Max Profit: 1.80, 22% return on risk.
Probabilities : 72% probability of max profit.
Theta (Time Value): Time is our Friend, the longer that GOOG stays below our breakeven of 611.80 the stronger our chance of a profit.
Vega (Volatility): For this trade we want volatility to decrease for the duration of the position. An increase in volatility with GOOG can easily threaten our Breakeven (B/E) on the down side.
The last part of our Tactical Employment is an understanding of the Greek effects. In this case Vega and Theta are what we were concerned with and in a bear call spread. Theta is our friend because the longer that we stayed below our breakeven, the better our chance of profit. We also wanted to keep volatility in our scan because an increase in volatility could decrease our chances of success.
Mid-course guidance, which is our trade management plan, is relatively simple:
Profit Target: Profit Target is 1.80, 22% return on risk. 100% return on premium.
Jobs Data is being reported Friday, a positive report could cause a move to the upside. We are going against the longer-term trend of GOOG and buyers could step in if they don’t see any more down side.
Eject Criteria/Contingency Plan:
Commit Criteria becomes invalid We will set our stop loss 25%. Eject if the premium gets to 2.25.
Our threats to success over the trade are researched and listed so we don’t drop them out of our scan.
Our Eject Criteria is set; in this case we had a tight stop for two reasons. First, the short term on the trade did not give us too much time for it to reverse if it went strongly against us. Secondly, we were going against the long term trend and did not want to get caught in a minor downdraft. Our only contingency plan was to get out if the trade went against us; we did not want to roll this trade.
Finally, our Exit Plan was simple:
This is all there is to putting a plan together. Once complete it should fit nicely onto one or two pages. The actual trade plan is depicted below:
Thinking GOOG is going to give some back in the short term with some of the uncertainty surrounding the release of various mobile devices and some profit taking. On the technical side, the 20 day MACD is diverging to the down side and RSI is indicating an overbought condition.
Tactic: Bear Call Spread on GOOG, 610/620.
Leg Set up: Sell JAN 610 Call at 3.90.
Buy JAN 620 Call at 2.10.
Max Profit: 1.80, 22% return on risk.
Probabilities : 72% probability of max profit.
Theta (Time Value): Time is our Friend, the longer that GOOG stays below our breakeven of 611.80 the stronger our chance of a profit.
Vega (Volatility): For this trade we want volatility to decrease for the duration of the position. An increase in volatility with GOOG can easily threaten our B/E on the down side.
Profit Target: Profit Target is 1.80, 22% return on risk. 100% return on premium.
Jobs Data is being reported Friday; a positive report could cause a move to the upside. We are going against the longer-term trend of GOOG and buyers could step in if they don’t see any more down side.
Eject Criteria/Contingency Plan:
Commit Criteria becomes invalid We will set our stop loss 25%. Eject if the premium gets to 2.25.
The time invested in putting a plan together is well worth the effort.
This trade ended up working out for us and we bought it back for 10 cents and made 1.70 on the trade. We got out prior to reaching our profit target because we had made a nice profit in the short time the trade was open and market volatility, the VIX, was starting to show signs of life heading into earnings season back in January.
Having a plan will substantially increase your trading Discipline; it lays out your Risk Management plan and will lead to consistent Superior Execution. You can complete your plan before or after pulling the trigger. If we complete the plan after executing the trade, it is because we are familiar with the target and are comfortable trading it. After we pull the trigger though, we sit back and fill out the plan immediately.
Our planning process represents the minimum knowledge we want to have before we open a trade and it is the tool that gives us the confidence we need to execute our trades with Discipline, manage our risk based on our comfort with the current market climate and consistently manage our trades with Superior Execution. You may want a bit more or a bit less in your plan, but our system provides a solid foundation for customizing your own trade plans to suit your trading needs.
Your Options Pocket Checklist (OPCL) contains a planning guide that will help you build solid plans every time. Plus, we will walk you through many trade plans as we go through Top Gun Options.
CLICK HERE to enroll in our live trading programs and to see this trade plan being used by our professional traders or visit our site - topgunoptions to learn more information.
E. Matthew “Whiz” Buckley is the founder and CEO of Top Gun Options LLC and is the Chief Development Officer and a partner at Black Bay Fund Management LP.
Whiz is a highly experienced financial business executive with decades of leadership and execution experience from the front lines to the front office. Whiz was the founder and CEO of PEAK6 Media LLC, a financial media company. The company provided options and futures news, commentary, analysis, entertainment, and up to the minute reporting directly from the floors of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) and Bo.
Reading Order Flow for Unusual Options Activity What are Options and Why Is Reading Order Flow Important?
By James Ramelli, alphashark.
An option is a contract between the buyer and the seller. هناك نوعان من الخيارات: المكالمات ووضع.
Calls give the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy a specified stock or financial instrument (the “underlying”) at a specified price (the “strike price”) on or before a specific date (“expiration”). The buyer has the right to buy the underlying at the strike price, and the seller has the obligation, but not the right, to sell the underlying should these conditions be met.
Puts give the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to sell the underlying at the strike price on or before expiration. Put buyers have the right, but not the obligation, to sell the underlying stock (or other instrument) at the strike price on or prior to expiration. Alternatively, put sellers are obligated to buy the underlying at the strike price should a buyer choose to exercise these rights.
So what factors determine how these options are priced? Six factors, or price inputs, determine an option “premium:”
The stock price The strike price of the options The time remaining until expiration Dividends Interest rates Implied volatility.
In general, the more a given stock fluctuates in price on a daily or weekly basis, the more expensive its options will be, and vice versa. Options usually tend to be more expensive prior to earnings reports and other major announcements but decrease in price sharply after the announcement, once the “uncertainty” has been removed. A good example of this is biotech stocks and drug announcements.
Options are traded for one of two reasons: as speculation, or to hedge against a stock position.
Options are bought as a speculation that a stock will move in a certain direction. Calls may be purchased because a trader believes the stock will move higher prior to expiration. Alternatively, puts may be purchased because a trader believes the stock will move lower prior to expiration.
The terms “in-the-money,” “at-the-money,” and “out-of-the-money” are used to describe the relationship of an option’s strike price to the price of the underlying stock. A call is in-the-money when the stock price is above the strike price. Alternatively, a call is out-of-the-money when the stock price is below the strike price. As you might guess, if a call is at-the-money, its strike price is equal to the stock price.
The inverse is true when looking at puts: if the strike price is above the stock price, a put is considered to be in-the-money. A put is out-of-the-money if the strike price is below the stock price, while the at-the-money definition is the same as for calls.
Options are also purchased to hedge against stock positions. Each day, I watch over 2,000 trades in real-time as they hit the tape. I always try to determine, are these orders a hedge against a stock position, or a speculative play? In the eleven years I spent trading on the floor, I learned how to “Read the Tape.”
Most certainly a combination of art and science, it is a skill I’ve honed over the years. A large part of my trading strategy is based on my ability to do this. By watching for big block option orders, dubbed “unusual options activity,” I try to determine the positions of Paper. “Paper” is term originating from the trading floor, when orders were actually written on paper and run to traders in the pit by clerks. It is used to describe large institutions such as hedge funds, mutual funds, or large banks. In other words, institutions who have access to better information – even “insider” information – than your average trader or investor.
When trading off of unusual option activity, I only want to take trades based on orders I believe to be speculative plays. Given the sensitive, and even illegal, natures of their positions, hedge funds tend to be a secretive bunch. Thus determining if these trades are speculative or a hedge is like piecing together a puzzle.
Let’s put it another way: what if you could have taken the same trades as Raj Rajatnam, or SAC Capital’s Steve Cohen, the moment they were put on? I’d go to jail for insider trading, you might say? ليس بهذه السرعة.
The moment an order hits the tape, it becomes public information. I can trade off it, based on the fact that I believe someone placing such a large bet has access to insider information, and it is completely, 100% legal. This isn’t a matter of debate, or speculation, ask any SEC lawyer you know. This is why I trade unusual options activity. And this is why it works.
The Unusual Options Activity Trading Plan.
There is no secret to becoming a profitable trader, and you should be skeptical of anyone who tells you otherwise. That being said, the techniques I’ve outlined in this text served me very well in my trading career and without them I would not have made the money I did.
Reading order flow and watching unusual options activity continues to be one of my most profitable techniques, just like it was on the trading floor. I had two very profitable years in Apple stock when my net profits in AAPL were over a million dollars. Once a week for a year, a Merrill Lynch broker would walk into the pit and sell AAPL put spreads. His acronym was “HES,” and whenever I would see him coming, I would know to get long and sell volatility. How did he know? No clue, but by watching him I made quite a few profitable trades.
By combining order flow with technical indicators like the Ichimoku cloud, I devised my OCRRBTT trading plan to trade profitably off of the floor.
The OCRRBTT Trading Plan.
Pronounced “Oak Ribbit,” this trading plan will give you a step-by-step method for breaking down unusual option activity. After evaluating unusual trades with this plan, you will be able to decide if you want to follow it or ignore the trade altogether. The letters in the acronym stand for:
Here you will see the importance of each of these elements in the plan.
Open interest : The first thing you need to look at is if the trade volume is bigger than the current open interest in that line. If it is, this means that this is an opening position and is worth taking a look at. You don’t want to buy an option on unusual activity if it is really just paper covering a short. Only consider trades where volume is greater than open interest.
Chart: This is the second most important element of the plan. Once an unusual order is confirmed to be an opening order you must then look at the chart of the underlying stock. You need to ask questions. Is the stock in a strong bullish or bearish trend? Is there support or resistance at the strikes the institution is trading? Is it more likely they are speculating on more upside or downside or could they be hedging? The answers to these questions will help you determine if the trade is speculation or a hedge. This will keep you from trading against the institution when you actually want to trade with them.
Risk, Reward, and Breakeven: Once the direction of the trade is determined, you have to evaluate if the risk vs. reward profile of the trade the institution executed is in line with your risk tolerances. Some trades they take could be far too risky for the average retail trader. However, since you know the direction the institution is betting, you can tailor a trade that has the right risk setup for you. The risk of each trade must also be measured against the potential reward. If the institution is risking $5 to make $1, this is a trade you would want to avoid. You should also always be aware of the breakeven of each trade. If there is significant support or resistance at the breakeven point, you may want to consider another strategy.
Time and target: Always be aware of potential catalyst events that might be near. You want to know if paper is playing the overall direction of the stock or if they are playing a near-term catalyst event like earnings, drug announcements, or new product launches. This might factor into your decision to take the trade or not. Once you have your time horizon set, you want to pick a profit target. Are you leaving this trade on to expiration? Taking off half at a double and letting the rest ride? Knowing the answers to these questions at the onset of the trade make it easier to manage going forward.
Putting the Plan to Work.
Once a trade hits the tap, a trader must use the OCRRBTT trading plan to analyze the setup and determine if it represents an actionable trading opportunity. Let’s look at the example below and determine if it is a trade setup that we actually want to take. This order hit the tape on June 16 th 2018.
Before running this trade through the plan, we need to understand the information we have.
We are able to get a lot of information from order flow. We can see how many contracts this trader bought, that it was a $540,000 bet and that the trader that bought these options paid through the market maker’s offer to get filled. Although all of these things make this trade interesting, they still do not necessarily qualify it as an actionable setup.
To make this determination, we must evaluate this trade using the OCRRBTT trading plan.
Open Interest: Was this an opening position? This trade is labeled opening, so there is no doubt it was an opening position. If for some reason the trade was not labeled opening, we would still be able to confirm that it is because the volume of 5,000 contracts is greater than the current open interest in the line of only 796 contracts. With open interest smaller than volume, there are not enough open contracts in the line for this to be a closing trade. It is confirmed opening.
Chart: Does the chart indicate this trade is more likely to be a hedge or a speculative bet? We need to confirm that the underlying trend of the stock supports this as a speculative bet. If it does not, the trade may be a hedge, and it is less likely to be actionable. To do this, we will use an indicator called the Ichimoku Cloud. It may look intimidating, but for this purpose a trader only needs to know that anything trading above the shaded area on the chart is in firm bullish territory and anything below it is in bearish territory.
Here is the chart of CAG on the Ichimoku Cloud the day these calls hit the tape:
We can see that the stock is trading above the Ichimoku Cloud and is in an established bullish trend. This does not confirm with 100% certainty that this order was indeed a speculative bet, but it makes it far more likely that this is the case. With the trend supporting the idea of this trade as a speculative bet, we will move on to the next part of the analysis.
Risk and Reward: Does the potential reward justify the risk? This is a very large trade in what is generally a boring stock. ConAgra (CAG) doesn’t usually get much unusual activity, so if the risk and reward setup makes sense, it might be a trade that we want to take. This is an outright call buy, and a trader knows that they can never lose more than $1.08 in this trade. This translates to $108 in risk per one lot with what is a technically unlimited upside reward potential. This sets up for a good reward-to-risk setup, and a trader can take this trade.
Breakeven: Where is the breakeven point in this setup? These options are just out of the money and are being bought for $1.08. At that strike price, this trade’s upside breakeven is $40.08, or about 4.6% higher than the stock’s price at the time of the trade. This is only a 4.6% move to the upside. That is not an unreasonable move. With that in mind the setup becomes even more attractive.
Time and Target: What is the trader expecting? In this trade, they are looking for a move to the upside of at least 4.6% by July expiration. Since the trader bought the July 39 calls, we will buy the same ones. A trader should never trade a different expiration or price target than the institutional trader. Remember, they have better information than us.
Everything about this trade sets up well. All of the evaluations in the OCRRBTT trading plan point to this being an actionable trade setup.
This trade ended up being a fantastic winner. The trader’s motivations behind this trade become much more clear three days later when news breaks of activist activity in CAG.
Look at how the stock responded to the news:
The stock gapped to the upside and these options exploded in value. Anyone looking at the reaction in the stock might be surprised by the huge move to the upside, but those paying attention to unusual options activity were alerted to this potential move three days before it actually happened.
The options that the institutional trader bought saw an enormous move to the upside, trading as high as $6.20 before expiration. This means that at the highs, this trader would have profited $2.56 million dollars at the highs. Look at a chart of the options below.
A retail trader who followed this trader with a 20 lot of these options would have profited $10,240 at the highs. This is a perfect example of how a retail trader can harness the power of institutional order flow and trade more like the biggest and most successful hedge fund managers in the world.
How Can AlphaShark Trading Help Me?
Since founding AlphaShark Trading in February 2018, I’ve been overwhelmed by the positive feedback and response I’ve received. Business is booming, which is great, because I love helping traders improve their P&L through setting up better risk-versus-reward trades. Every day in the office, the other traders and I discuss strategies, options set-ups, and reasons why we did or didn’t take certain trades. AlphaShark trading began as a blog, but I realized I wasn’t just content with sharing my market commentary. After all the monetary success options brought me, I wanted to help others stop losing money at the very least.
To learn more about trading unusual options activity and how you can get unusual options activity alerts live and in real time, please check out our Gold Package here for a HUGE discount!
CLICK HERE to master Unusual Options Activity!
James Ramelli is a trader and options educator at AlphaShark Trading , where he actively trades futures, equity options, currency pairs and commodities. وباعتباره أحد مشرفي غرفة التداول المباشر، يقوم راميلي بتثقيف الأعضاء حول الاستراتيجيات والإعدادات التجارية وإدارة المخاطر أثناء تداول رأسماله الخاص.
Ramelli regularly appears on Bloomberg TV, BNN, and CBOE TV, in addition to writing a weekly column for Futures magazine and being featured in CME Group’s OpenMarkets as a guest contributor.
راملي يحمل شهادة البكالوريوس. في المالية مع تركيز في المشتقات والهندسة المالية من جامعة إلينوي في أوربانا شامبين.
Predicting Major Market Moves by Detecting the Smart Money.
By John Seville, AcornWealthCorp.
In today’s economic climate, investors are faced with a multitude of different sources of information, from Facebook, StockTwits, business news, stock newsletters and anyone who is willing to give you their opinion—which is everyone.
Unfortunately, statistics show that over 85% of investors generally lose money. In fact, in a recent documentary I watched discussing the value of “experts,” it was reported that “economists have studied the wrongness rate in economic journals and have concluded it’s very close to 100%.” In conclusion, “virtually all the studies published in economic journals are wrong.”
Therefore, how does an investor know how to find the true story of what is going on? More importantly how can you find good investment ideas knowing that the likelihood is that 85% of them will be wrong?
The most valuable method I have found to predict major market moves and capture significant profits is by tracking the smart money, how it moves and the key indicators signaling which way the money is flowing. In this e-book we will discuss the ways in which we do this, plus key elements and checkpoints.
A complimentary workshop discussing the concepts and patterns discussed in this e-book will be provided at the end.
Firstly, to set the premise of the ideas set out in this article, we must first look at the nature of how money moves through the stock market in today’s modern age. It is currently estimated that as much as 80% of volume in the stock market is accounted for by buy and sell decisions made by computerized trading. These powerful systems of algorithms make investment and trade decisions almost entirely based on certain patterns. These patterns occur in the charts of a stock and follow extremely precise pre-determined buy and sell targets based on the relative rules for the algorithm being used. Often fundamentals won’t be factored into the decision making at all.
Love it or hate it, we therefore feel that regardless of what opinions we may have of the fundamentals of the market, or what we feel “should” happen next, it is far more important to track what the patterns are saying. Once we know the pattern we can then utilize quantifiable indicators to look at what the “smart money” is doing. Based on this approach, we can observe how some of these techniques predicted the market crash of 2008 long before so called “experts” even started talking about it.
We will break down the reasons into several categories.
Upward Channel Break.
The most easily identifiable pattern on the S&P 500 is that of the longer-term upward channel, which can be observed by looking at a monthly chart dating back to the lows of 2018. While this is an upward moving pattern, the rules almost always dictate that after three touches of the support line there is a very high probability of a breakdown correction to occur. As indicated in the chart below (Figure 1), it can be seen that we have indeed touched three times and on the fourth touch of the week ending Friday Aug 21st , we broke through support and have confirmed this bearish move by rallying back to this line and being unable to break above it.
This “Rule of Three” not only applies to upward channels but also to other highly traded patterns such as ascending and descending triangles, head and shoulders, rising and falling wedges and almost all other oscillating patterns.
Often investors are sucked into buying support they have seen touch multiple times, feeling that the more times support has been respected the better. However, it is quite the opposite. By understanding this rule, we can anticipate when big money is about to step in and short the stock and avoid getting sucked into buying into perceived support at the worst time.
الرأس والكتفين.
While this pattern is harder to recognize for many beginner traders, this pattern is one of the most highly probable and profitable bearish patterns to occur in a bull market. Normally signaling the top of the market is what makes it so effective. This is a pattern designed to fool investors and traders into thinking the stock is making new highs resulting in investors being lured into buying the stock right before it begins its downward decent.
A head and shoulders pattern is characterized by a stock creating a symmetrical triangle up and down forming the left shoulder. This is followed by a larger symmetrical triangle representing the head and then a final right shoulder triangle usually of equal size and shape as the first. When this forms, it is assumed the stock/index will then break down to the amount of at least what the measurement of how large the head was. Also note that the breakdown occurs after three touches of the support line.
In the market meltdown of 2007 to 2008, the top of the market was characterized by a series of this exact head and shoulders setup. (see Figure 3 below)
In other words, experts and news aside, the “chaotic” breakdown of 2008 was in fact a drop that was highly predictable; and, in fact, where it dropped to and where it reversed from were levels that were almost exactly what the pattern of the head and shoulders had predicted. This illustrates how vital it is to understand the role such a powerful pattern plays in predicting big money moves.
An example of how this pattern can be applied in current markets, observe the way the S&P 500 has been currently moving in recent times. As you can see in the chart, it appears to be forming the beginning of yet another head and shoulders pattern and is perfectly timed with the other factors we will discuss later. If this were to continue, we have projected out what this would look like over the months to come. This would mean a likely 1600 target level on the S&P 500 at some time during the first or second quarter of 2018. These are rough measurements, but they offer a prediction of what a head and shoulders would look like if this pattern were to confirm by breaking down from the area displayed in the chart.
A break much above the 2000 level would indicate a failed head and shoulders and that smart money is going a different direction. This would indicate to us a signal to go long. We could see a test of the 2,100 level or a retest of the upward channel at 2,250 as it extends upwards to the right.
Understanding the patterns of the chart is one of the most vital aspects of trading in being able to determine where the money is moving. It also tells us the key levels at which the pattern dictates to us to buy and sell with highest probabilities.
There are two critical factors that we as technical analysts observe to track where the smart money is going. The first is an indicator called Twiggs Money Flow and is similar to Chaikin Money Flow with a few adaptations to account for gapping and some other factors.
Developed by Collin Twiggs, it is a method of tracking if a stock has the key factors that define a true uptrend.
These qualities include:
Price making higher highs and higher lows Higher amounts of money or volume trading in the stock each day Closing higher and higher in its daily trading range Whether the range is expanding or contracting.
If all of these qualities are in play traders agree this confirms an uptrend is truly in place and therefore the smart money is likely accumulating a position in the stock/index the indicator is applied to. If this is taking place, the indicator will rise in value and continue to make new highs along with the stocks movement.
However, if we see that the levels of the market or a stock is increasing and this indicator is in fact going the opposite way, it could quite likely indicate that a bubble is building. This is called the distribution zone and means the rally that the stock or index is enjoying is likely the smart money off loading their positions to the public before a big drop takes place.
Inversely, if we see that the price levels of a stock or the market are dropping but the Twiggs Money Flow is moving opposite this, in the upwards direction, than this indicates accumulation is going on and a possible strong reversal could be coming in the stock.
So let’s apply this indicator to the previous scenario discussed regarding the Head and Shoulders pattern during the market crash of 2007 to 2008. See below a chart of the S&P 500 with the Twiggs Money Flow indicator charted underneath the stock. Note, that as the market climbed higher and higher, eventually going into a sideways movement and then the head and shoulders pattern, the Twiggs Money Flow indicator was actually making substantially lower highs and lower lows and diverging (moving the opposite way).
Now if we compare that to a weekly chart of the S&P 500, you will notice a strikingly similar image.
Of course we do not only apply this to the market but also for for finding potentially powerful moves in stocks.
We will discuss some recent trade set-ups we alerted our students to recently where the Twiggs Money Flow played a key role in being able to predict the major move in the market.
In the example below, you can see a chart of BBOX where you will notice a strong downtrend in place from the 21st of October 2018 onwards and you will notice that the money flow was dropping along with it. However as of the 17th of December all of sudden the Money Flow takes a sharp change to the upside and continues to make higher highs and higher lows as the stock continues to decline.
This divergence tells us that accumulation is going on and that the smart money is starting to shift in the bullish direction. Now of course the trick is to pick the right timing for entering this trade. The perfect entry point occurred on the 2nd of February. Not only did the Money Flow continue to diverge, but it also crossed above 0 making it an even stronger signal. At the same time we also had perfect pattern confirmation with the stock breaking its downtrend line as well as the nine-day exponential moving average and the 20-day simple moving averages that were previously holding this stock down. The resulting move produced almost a 50% profit for anyone entering the trade.
This divergence can also occur over a shorter period of time. For example, below is a trade we took on BCRX. After a massive drop the stock was going sideways yet the money flow was going up sharply. We therefore took advantage of getting into the trade on the 2nd of March. If you were a stock trader and entered in at the open, this would have resulted in a 20% intra-day profit. Instead we opted to go for the June $2.00 calls, which had a 60% intra-day move.
Now let’s take a look at a short set-up. In the chart below we see a similar type of set-up on LGF but with the opposite occurring. As you can see from the 23rd of June 2018, LGF continues to climb higher and higher in an upward channel. Now, of course, as we discussed earlier in this book, we have already identified that an upward channel while it moves in an upward trend actually warns us of an impending break to the downside, making it in fact a bearish pattern.
Notice as the stock climbs higher and higher in its channel, the smart money is in fact moving completely the opposite way. Once again the key is timing the trade. What you will notice in the chart below is that LGF touches the bottom trend line a total of three times (re-enforcing the value of the rule of three) before breaking below it strongly along with the Twiggs Money Flow breaking below 0.
This was not only a great potential stock trade but a trade where we alerted our students to the value of purchasing long, dated put options on the stock that have since moved over 1000% as the stock dropped from $38.00 to its recent low of $18.00.
The second key factor we look at when determining big moves of “smart” money is following the high-yield corporate bonds using one of the relevant ETFs, in this case “HYG.” Typically speaking, in a strong bullish market, money will flow into corporate high-yield bonds showing confidence in corporate America. If you observe the chart below, you will notice that HYG indeed correlated with the S&P in 2008 perfectly.
It followed the market down in 2008 during the crash and reversed with it from the lows of 2009. However, in the middle of 2018, while quantitative easing pumped more and more money into stimulating the market, the big money started to move the opposite way. This divergence was a key factor in how we predicted the crash of 2008 on June 6 along with the recent crash of the S&P back in July of 2018. Watching for when HYG is moving in the opposite direction of the S&P 500 is a fantastic way of predicting when big money moves are about to come along with reversals in either direction of the indexes.
One of the most incredible pieces of the puzzle to predicting big money moves in the market is one of the best kept secrets of stock traders but one of the most powerful methods I have ever discovered. So much so that it is up to 80% accurate in predicting the direction of the S&P 500 and major indexes for a one - to three-week period! The strategy is called open range.
While there may be other interpretations of this term as it applies to the stock market, this specific strategy is applied by observing the daily range of trading on the S&P 500 on the first trading day of the month as well as the monthly options expiration Friday. After the range on one of these days is set, we are then watching for where the market closes in the days following to determine the bias of direction for the market.
In the days following the open range day we are looking to see if the S&P 500 closes more than three points above or below the range set. Whichever direction this occurs in first will set the bias for the market direction until the next open range day occurs.
So, for example, let’s take the month of February of 2018. On February 1st, the trading range of the S&P was a high of 1947.20 and a low of 1920.30. The following day, the S&P 500 closed at 1903.03, more than a three-point close below the open range.
What this signal means in practice is that the market’s bias should be negative. This could mean the market could continue dropping straight down, or at the very least it should close below the top of the range set by the 1st of the month; i. e., close below 1947.20.
When the next open range day occurs on the third Friday of the month, the open range is considered to be reset and we are now looking for whether the market breaks higher or lower than this new open range to determine the bias for the next leg of the market between options expiration and the first trading day of the following month.
This is a key signal to us to decide in which direction we will scan for high probability set-ups for the immediate trading days/weeks following these breaks. Our research over the last several years shows this to be up to 80% accurate in predicting market direction.
In this book we started off by discussing the critical importance of understanding what the pattern is in order to know how to trade it. Ultimately trading should never be about guess work or going to bed stressed over positions that feel more like unhinged gambles than educated, well managed trades.
Of course this is the whole purpose of understanding how to correctly identify what pattern a stock is in, and then to be able to decide whether that pattern is one of the highly probable and profitable patterns worth trading, or a more unreliable one we are better of passing over.
This is where scanning becomes an extremely powerful asset in our trading arsenal. Once we know what the highest probability patterns are, we can scan specifically for only those.
However, this is only the very beginning. We can also build into the scan all of the above conditions discussed throughout this book to search for opportunities where we not only have one of the highest probability patterns, but where all the other factors discussed are coming together in a perfect storm to predict a major money move.
Utilizing scans allows us to therefore specialize in only the highest probability set-ups and strip away all the noise that distracts us into bad trades. We can also then become highly effective in knowing the exact rules of how to trade a small handful of patterns rather than trying to be an expert at everything, which is almost impossible.
As market technicians, we are basing the ideas of the book on rules and measurements drawn from practices that have proven to work over thousands of other set-ups just like this. However, the key to any long-term success in this market also relies on the ability of an investor or trader to know when the idea has been proven wrong and not lock himself or herself into any one mindset that can’t be changed if the data goes the other way. We are therefore always watching closely how the markets perform, and key dates such as open range, to anticipate whether we are on the edge of another large drop or a huge rally.
Once again, for those of you wanting to learn more about the charting techniques and smart money calculations we use along with other key techniques to track smart money activity, you can simply follow the link below to receive instant access to our workshop on this topic along with ways to profit from a major market correction.
If you have liked John’s approach, watch his full class Market Madness: My Favorite Strategy To Trade The Current Environment class - SIMPLY CLICK HERE!
John Seville is the Master Stock Trader of the Acorn Wealth Corporation. John grew up in a family very much involved in the mining arena that spent a great deal of time discussing fundamentals and stocks over the dinner table. John became exposed at an early age to the stock market and would watch the massive rise and fall of many of the mining companies he was observing. It became evident at this point that despite fundamental research, there were terrific moves in stocks prices both up and down that the fundamentals didn’t seem to be able to account for.
Since then, John has spent the last 11 years mastering the art of technical analysis as a method of finding trading opportunities in the North American equity markets. Using such techniques, John and the other Senior Traders at Acorn Wealth Corporation were able to identify exit points on the market prior to the crash in June 2008, again in April 2018 and most recently in July 2018.
Acorn Wealth Corporation opened in 2007 to become one of the few places where students could go to learn such powerful techniques directly from their mentors.
How to Use Straddles to Trade Options.
By Kim Klaiman, SteadyOptions.
For those not familiar with the straddle strategy, it is a neutral strategy in options trading that involves the simultaneous buying of a put and a call on the same underlying, strike and expiration. The trade has a limited risk (which is the debit paid for the trade) and unlimited profit potential. If you buy different strikes, the trade is called a strangle.
You execute a straddle trade by simultaneously buying the call and the put. You can leg in by buying calls and puts separately, but it will expose you to directional risk. For example, if both calls and puts are worth $5, you can buy a straddle for $10. If you buy the call first, you become bullish - if the stock moves down, the calls you own will decrease in value, but the puts will be more expensive to buy.
The Options Guide explains straddle:
خيارات المدى الطويل هي أرباح غير محدودة، استراتيجيات تداول خيارات المخاطر المحدودة التي يتم استخدامها عندما يعتقد تاجر الخيارات أن الأوراق المالية الأساسية سوف تواجه تقلبات كبيرة في المدى القريب.
Maximum loss for long straddles occurs when the underlying stock price on expiration date is trading at the strike price of the options bought. At this price, both options expire worthless and the options trader loses the entire initial debit taken to enter the trade.
INVESTOPEDIA explains straddle:
Straddles are a good strategy to pursue if an investor believes that a stock's price will move significantly, but is unsure as to which direction. The stock price must move significantly if the investor is to make a profit. Should only a small movement in price occur in either direction, the investor will experience a loss. As a result, a straddle is extremely risky to perform. Additionally, on stocks that are expected to jump, the market tends to price options at a higher premium, which ultimately reduces the expected payoff should the stock move significantly.
With AAPL currently trading at $130.28, you could buy AAPL straddle by buying 130 put and 130 call. This is what the P/L chart would look like:
How straddles make or lose money.
A straddle is a vega positive, gamma positive and theta negative trade. وهذا يعني أن جميع العوامل الأخرى متساوية، فإن سترادل سوف تفقد المال كل يوم بسبب تسوس الوقت، وسوف تسارع الخسارة ونحن نقترب من انتهاء. For the straddle to make money, one of two things (or both) has to happen:
The stock has to move (no matter which direction). The IV (Implied Volatility) has to increase.
يعمل سترادل على أساس فرضية أن كلا من الدعوة ووضع خيارات لها إمكانات الربح غير محدود ولكن خسارة محدودة. While one leg of the straddle loses up to its limit, the other leg continues to gain as long as the underlying stock rises, resulting in an overall profit. عندما يتحرك السهم، واحدة من الخيارات سوف تكسب قيمة أسرع من الخيار الآخر سوف تفقد، وبالتالي فإن التجارة الشاملة كسب المال. إذا حدث ذلك، يمكن أن تكون الصفقة قريبة قبل انتهاء الربح.
في كثير من الحالات يمكن زيادة الرابع أيضا أن تنتج مكاسب لطيفة لأن كلا الخيارين سوف تزيد في القيمة نتيجة لزيادة إيف.
When to use a straddle.
Straddles are a good strategy to pursue if you believe that a stock's price will move significantly, but unsure as to which direction. Another case is if you believe that IV of the options will increase - for example, before a significant event like earnings. إيف (التقلب الضمني) عادة ما يزيد بشكل حاد قبل أيام قليلة من الأرباح، وينبغي أن تعوض الزيادة ثيتا السلبية. إذا تحرك السهم قبل الأرباح، يمكن بيع الصفقة من أجل الربح أو تدحرجت إلى إضرابات جديدة. This is one of my favorite strategies that we use in our model portfolio for consistent gains.
Many traders like to buy straddles before earnings and hold them through earnings hoping for a big move. While it can work sometimes, personally I don't like it. The reason is that over time the options tend to overprice the potential move. Those options experience huge volatility drop the day after the earnings are announced. في معظم الحالات، هذا الانخفاض يمحو معظم المكاسب، حتى لو كان السهم قد تحرك كبير.
Buying a straddle before earnings.
Few years ago, I came across an excellent book by Jeff Augen, “The Volatility Edge in Options Trading.” One of the strategies described in the book is called “Exploiting Earnings - Associated Rising Volatility.” Here is how it works:
Find a stock with a history of big post-earnings moves. شراء خنق لهذا المخزون حوالي 7-14 أيام قبل الأرباح. بيع قبل الإعلان عن الأرباح.
إيف (التقلب الضمني) عادة ما يزيد بشكل حاد قبل أيام قليلة من الأرباح، وينبغي أن تعوض الزيادة ثيتا السلبية. إذا تحرك السهم قبل الأرباح، يمكن بيع الصفقة من أجل الربح أو تدحرجت إلى إضرابات جديدة.
مثل كل استراتيجية، والشيطان هو في التفاصيل. The following questions need to be answered:
Which stocks should be used? I tend to trade stocks with post-earnings moves of at least 5-7% in the last four earnings cycles. When to buy? IV starts to rise as early as three weeks before earnings for some stocks and just a few days before earnings for others. شراء في وقت مبكر جدا وسلبية ثيتا سوف تقتل التجارة. شراء في وقت متأخر جدا، وكنت قد تفوت الجزء الكبير من الزيادة إيف. لقد وجدت أن 5-7 أيام عادة ما يعمل على أفضل وجه. Which strikes to buy? If you go far OTM (Out of The Money), you get big gains if the stock moves before earnings. But if the stock doesn’t move, closer to the money strikes might be a better choice.
Under normal conditions, a straddle or a strangle trade requires a big and quick move in the underlying. If the move doesn’t happen, the negative theta will kill the trade. في حالة الخنق قبل الأرباح، يتم تحييد ثيتا السلبية، على الأقل جزئيا، عن طريق زيادة الرابع. في بعض الحالات، ثيتا أكبر من الزيادة الرابعة والتجارة هي الخاسر. ومع ذلك، فإن الخسائر في معظم الحالات صغيرة نسبيا. Typical loss is around 7-10%; in some rare cases it might reach 20-25%. ولكن الفائزين يفوقون بكثير الخاسرين والاستراتيجية مربحة بشكل عام.
Market environment also plays a role in the strategy performance. وتنفذ الاستراتيجية الأفضل في بيئة متقلبة عندما تتحرك الأسهم كثيرا. If none of the stocks move, most of the trades would be around breakeven or small winners. لحسن الحظ، مع مرور الوقت، الأسهم تتحرك. In fact, a big chunk of the gains come from stock movement and not IV increases. The IV increase just helps the trade not to lose in case the stock doesn’t move.
Would you like to rent your options for free?
I would like to explain the "underneath" of this strategy.
Let's take a step back. When someone starts trading options, the first and most simple strategy is just buying calls (if you are bullish) or puts (if you are bearish). However, when doing that, you must be right three times: on the direction of the move, the size of the move and the timing. Be wrong just in one of them - and you lose money. You will also find out very quickly that options are a wasting asset. They lose value every day. If the stock doesn't move, the option is losing value. If it moves but not fast enough, it is losing value as well. It is called a negative theta. You can read more about the options Greeks here.
Another factor having a great impact on options value is IV (Implied Volatility). Rising IV will increase the option value, falling IV will decrease it. For volatile stocks, IV usually becomes extremely inflated as the earnings approach and collapses just after the announcement. This is why if you buy calls or puts before earnings and hold them through the announcement, you might still lose money even if the stock moves in the right direction.
Having said that, I would like to achieve the following three goals when trading options:
Not to bet on the direction of the stock. To minimize the effect of the time decay. To take advantage of the rising IV.
The strategy of buying a strangle (or a straddle) before earnings fits all three parameters. First of all, since I'm buying both calls and puts, I'm not betting on the direction of the stock. Second, I'm holding for a very short period of time, so the impact of the time decay is minimal. Third, since I'm buying a few days before earnings, the IV in most cases will rise into earnings. However, I will be selling just before the announcement, so the options will not suffer from the IV collapse.
Now, few scenarios are possible.
The IV increase is not enough to offset the negative theta and the stock doesn't move. في هذه الحالة التجارة على الأرجح ستكون خاسرة صغيرة. However, since the theta will be at least partially offset by the rising IV, the loss is likely to be in the 7-10% نطاق. It is very unlikely to lose more than 10-15% on those trades if held 2-5 days. The IV increase offsets the negative theta and the stock doesn't move. In this case, depending on the size of the IV increase, the gains are likely to be in the 5-20% نطاق. In some rare cases, the IV increase will be dramatic enough to produce 30-40% gains. For example, AAPL strangle could be purchased on Friday before October 2018 earnings and sold the following Monday for 32% ربح. يرتفع الرابع يليه حركة الأسهم. هذا هو المكان الذي يضيء استراتيجية حقا. ويمكن أن يحقق عدد قليل جدا من الفائزين. For example, when Google moved 7% in the first few day of July 2018, a strangle produced a 178% ربح. In the same cycle, Apple's 3% move was enough to produce a 102% ربح. In August 2018 when VIX jumped from 20 to 45 in a few days, I had the Disney DIS strangle and few other trades doubled in a matter of two days.
This is why I call those trades "renting a strangle/straddle for free" (or almost free). Even under the most unfavorable conditions, your loss is usually limited to 7-10%. But if you get a decent IV increase and/or a stock movement, the gains could be much higher.
Another big advantage of this strategy is the fact that it is not exposed to the gaps in the stock prices - in fact, it benefits from them. So you cannot suddenly find yourself down 30-50%. You can always control the losses and limit them.
Selection of strikes and expiration.
I would like to start the trade as delta neutral as possible. That usually happens when the stock trades close to the strike. If the stock starts to move from the strike, I will usually roll the trade to stay delta neutral. To be clear, rolling is not critical - it just helps us to stay delta neutral. In case you did not roll and the stock continues moving in the same direction, you can actually have higher gains. But if the stock reverses, you will be in a better position if you rolled.
I usually select expiration at least two weeks from the earnings, to reduce the negative theta. The further the expiration, the more conservative the trade is. Going with closer expiration increases both the risk (negative theta) and the reward (positive gamma). If you expect the stock to move, going with closer expiration might be a better trade. Higher positive gamma means higher gains if the stock moves. But if it doesn't, you will need bigger IV spike to offset the negative theta. In a low IV environment, further expiration tends to produce better results.
Profit Target and Stop Loss.
My typical profit target on straddles is 10-15%. أنا قد زيادة في الأسواق أكثر تقلبا. I usually don't set a stop loss on a straddle. والسبب هو أن الأرباح القادمة عادة ما تحدد أرضية تحت سعر سترادل. Typically those trades don't lose more than 5-10%. I believe our biggest loss on a straddle was around 25%, and only a handful of them have lost more than 20% since inception.
أكبر خطر لهذه الصفقات هو ما قبل الإعلان. إذا كانت الشركة تعلن مسبقا الأرباح قبل الموعد المقرر، فإن الرابع من الخيارات تنهار ويمكن أن يكون سترادل خاسر كبير. ومع ذلك، فإن الإعلان المسبق عادة ما يعني أن النتائج لن تكون كما هو متوقع، والتي في معظم الحالات يسبب السهم للتحرك. لذلك معظم الوقت، فإن الخسارة لن تكون مرتفعة جدا، وخاصة إذا كان لا يزال هناك أكثر من أسبوعين لانتهاء الصلاحية. ولكن هذا خطر يجب مراعاته.
As a rule, I will always close those trades before earnings.
Why I don't hold through earnings.
Some people would argue that selling before earnings is premature. Why not tohold through earnings, hoping for a big move?
The problem is you are not the only one knowing that earnings are coming. Everyone knows that those stocks move a lot after earnings, and everyone bids those options. Following the laws of supply and demand, those options become very expensive before earnings. The IV (Implied Volatility) jumps to the roof. The next day the IV crashes to the normal levels and the options trade much cheaper.
For example, holding straddles on stocks like AMZN or NFLX could be very profitable during some of the last cycles. However, we have to remember that those stocks experienced much larger moves than their average move in the last few cycles. Chances are this is not going to happen every cycle. There is no reliable way to predict those events. The big question is the long term expectancy of the strategy. It is very important to understand that for the strategy to make money it is not enough for the stock to move. It has to move more than the markets expect. In some cases, even a 15-20% move might not be enough to generate a profit.
Some people might argue that if the trade is not profitable the same day, you can continue holding or selling only the winning side till the stock moves in the right direction. It can work under certain conditions. For example, if you followed the specific stock in the last few cycles and noticed some patterns, such as the stock continuously moving in the same direction for a few days after beating the estimates. Another example is holding the calls when the general market is in uptrend (or downtrend for the puts). However, it has nothing to do with the original strategy. From the minute you decide to hold that trade, you are no longer using the original strategy. If the stock didn’t move enough to generate a profit, you must be ready to make a judgment call by selling one side and taking a directional bet. This might work for some people, but the pure performance of the strategy can be measured only by looking at a one day change of the strangle or the straddle (buying a day before earnings, selling the next day).
The bottom line:
مع مرور الوقت تميل الخيارات إلى المبالغة في التحرك المحتمل. Those options experience huge volatility drop the day after the earnings are announced. في معظم الحالات، هذا الانخفاض يمحو معظم المكاسب، حتى لو كان السهم قد تحرك كبير.
Jeff Augen, a successful options trader and author of six books, agrees:
“There are many examples of extraordinary large earnings-related price spikes that are not reflected in pre-announcement prices. Unfortunately, there is no reliable method for predicting such an event. The opposite case is much more common – pre-earnings option prices tend to exaggerate the risk by anticipating the largest possible spike.”
It doesn’t necessarily mean that the strategy cannot work and produce great results. However, in most cases, you should be prepared to hold beyond the earnings day, in which case the performance will be impacted by many other factors, such as your trading skills, general market conditions, etc.
On July 28, 2018 we purchased EXPE 80 straddle expiring in 18 days. We paid $8.45 for the trade. The IV of the options was around 59%.
Two days later, the IV of the options jumped to 73% and we sold the straddle at $9.85, for 16.6% ربح. An hour later, IV reached 80%, and the straddle could be sold for 26% ربح. The stock itself moved less than 1%.
On June 24, 2018, we purchased MSFT $42 straddle expiring in August. We were able to roll the straddle twice, and finally closed it on July 17 for 35.4% ربح. In this case, most of the gains came from the stock movement.
Buying a straddle or a strangle few days before earnings can be a very profitable strategy if used properly. Of course, the devil is in the details. There are many moving parts to this strategy:
وأكثر بكثير. But overall, this strategy has been working very well for us.
Here is an example how this strategy performed during the August 2018 crisis:
If you want to learn how to use the straddle strategy , and many other profitable strategies, start your free trial at this link - SteadyOptions/subscribe. You can see our full performance at this link - SteadyOptions/performance.
Kim Klaiman is a full time options trader. He is a founder of SteadyOptions - options education and trade ideas, earnings trades and non-directional options strategies. Kim has been trading stocks and options for more than 10 years. He likes to trade variety of non-directional trades with low correlation to limit the total portfolio risk. Kim wrote over 100 articles for Seeking Alpha. He started the SteadyOptions educational forum after numerous requests from his Seeking Alpha readers, to share his experience and trading ideas. Kim holds a BSc degree in Computer Science. He lives in Toronto, Canada.
SteadyOptions is a combination of a high quality education and actionable trade ideas. Our style is non-directional trading. We aim for steady and consistent gains with a high winning ratio and limited risk. Our focus is on trading Earnings-Associated Implied Volatility rise, Iron Condors, Calendar spreads, etc. Our performance is based on real fills, not hypothetical performance. We provide a full trading plan with complete portfolio approach.
Best Advice for Options Traders.
By Michael McNelis, OptionStrategist.
As an Option Strategist at Key2Options, I am often asked for advice on how to trade options. Quite frankly, people expect me to be able to answer that question in a single sentence. But let’s be honest. If you want to be successful in any endeavor, there are no quick fixes.
Are you trying to create income? Is your trading for hedging your portfolio or is this speculative money look for high returns? Every time we make a trade, whether buying stocks or options, we want to make money. We have to realize that there are different strategies when buying or sell¬ing options. What is your personality? Can you handle four losses in a row to get to a fifth option trade that makes 150%?
Options give us tremendous flexibility which can be a blessing and a curse. This leads to my first piece of advice for options traders:
خطة التجارة الخاصة بك والتجارة خطتك.
Wall Street preys on peoples’ fear and greed, and these two emotions can be detrimental to your portfolio. With flexibility, it is easy to change your mind or strategy, and then you end up chasing the market constantly.
What’s my second piece of advice ?
Diversify your options portfolio into different strategies.
Option trading is a business and it needs to be treated as such. When creating a stock portfolio, it is important to diversify. There are times in the market when it makes sense to buy options and there are times when selling options is a better decision. Become a buyer and seller of op¬tions depending on market conditions.
Which leads me to my third piece of advice:
Time can be a friend or foe.
As buyers of options, we want to have enough time for our prediction to come to fruition. People tend to buy front month options because the price is cheaper. Op¬tions are a wasting asset and the extrinsic value of an option erodes greatly during the last 30 days of an op¬tion. Extrinsic Value refers to the price component of the option that includes time and volatility.
On the other hand, as an op¬tion seller, we have to gauge how much risk we want to take. The further out in time we sell an option, the more premium we take in, but it also gives us more of a chance to be wrong.
At Key2Options, we’ve devel¬oped a software program that empowers traders with insti¬tutional-grade trade analytics and gives them the ability to test trading strategies with historical options data.
You no longer need to hypothesize what has been the best Facebook option to buy since it went public. Key2Options gives you the ability to analyze, create, backtest and trade your op¬tion strategies.
The Key2Options program allows you to create buy and sell signals, input your money manage¬ment parameters, and pick your strike price and expiration date to find out historically what op¬tion has performed the best.
Key2Options is not a Holy Grail. What it is , though, is a tool that gives you the ability to analyze data and, based on your risk/reward profile, create quantitative models that increase ROI and reduce risk.
How do we do that?
We have a proprietary trade signal that classifies each stock or index in one of 8 States. Using an algorithm is based off finite mathematics, we will classify and quantify each stock and index as bullish or bearish as well as giving you an expected price movement over a defined period of time. This helps keep you on the correct side of the market.
Tip #1: Plan the Trade and Trade the Plan.
Plan your trade and trade your plan is our motto at Key2Options. and it should be the motto for all options traders. Because after all, how often does making rash decisions pay off?
Typically, when it comes to trading, volatile swings can create turmoil for the trader. You must be incredibly disciplined to trade options. By the very nature of options, the leverage created from option can cause your Profit and Loss statement to have huge swings.
It is important to know why you made the trade, and how you will react to possible scenarios. What’s the solution? Plan the trade and trade the plan!
Before we get to specific trades, let’s take a look from 10,000 feet.
Your plan should start as a business plan. If you are trading options as fun or for just a couple hours a week, don’t expect to be successful. I like to go fishing on the weekends. I catch fish, but at the end of the day, the charter boat captains that fish full time, day after day, will always perform better than I do.
Are you properly capitalized?
Most businesses fail due to undercapitalization. Even savvy options traders will have a draw¬down. It is important to set up your business knowing how you will allocate your money. That means you will need to determine what strategies you will use and on which markets.
Any good trader also needs to incorporate a risk management strategy into their trade plan. Here, we will determine how much we will invest per trade. A common method might be to take 2-5% of your trading capital per trade.
You will also need to decide where to take our profits and take losses. One of the hardest things for traders to do is let winners run and cut losses. So many times, I see people suffer with two or three losses, then as soon as the next trade makes a little money, they want to capture the profit.
The problem for most traders is they have no idea what when they should sell for profit or when to take a loss. It’s great to have a theory, but is it correct?
The Key2Options program takes the idea of “plan the trade and trade the plan” to another level. With it, you can backtest your theory and find out where you should be taking profits and cutting losses.
Backtesting: Don’t Trade Without It!
Backtesting is a key part of developing your trading plan. Why backtest? You want to make sure your strategy is profitable. If you are getting recom¬mendation from a noted “guru,” it just makes sense to see how his meth¬odology has performed in the past. I always recommend doing your own homework.
With the Key2Options program, you can test to find out the movement pattern of the particular stock or index you are looking to trade. Unlike the majority of other backtesting systems, which are extremely complicated to navigate or feel as if you need to know how to write computer programming code, Key2Options was designed so that you could backtest a trading plan with no computer coding experience needed.
You simply enter your profit targets and stop losses to find the optimal spot to take profits. It is as easy as putting a number into the profit target box and then running the backtest.
Of course, past performance does not guarantee future performance, but it will at least give you an idea of how your strategy has performed in different time periods and market conditions. After all, if a strategy has not worked in the past, it probably will not work in the future.
Because of Key2Options, when I enter a trade, I have the confidence of knowing that my plan has been vetted over a nine year period.
Tip #2: Diversify Your Option Strategies.
The concept of diversification is the primary tenet of portfolio theory. The market is dynamic and ever changing, and in options trading, you are basing your trading on either direction or volatil¬ity.
You can be short or long direction or volatility, and there are multiple combinations of trading strategies for each. I am not saying you need to know every option strategy, but you do need to know what environment the market is in.
We want to make sure we have a few different strategies for different market conditions. When volatility is low, we want to be a buyer of options. When volatility is high, we want to be a seller of options.
لماذا ا؟ Implied volatility (IV).
Implied volatility is one component of an option price. Even if the stock price doesn’t move, an option may increase or decrease in value due to an increase or decrease in implied volatility. Implied volatility shows how volatile the market may be in the future.
Things like earnings announcements or pending news of FDA approval on a drug can drive up implied volatility and, there¬fore, make the option more expensive. Implied volatility helps you gauge the expected price movement.
Option sellers might drive up the prices so high that it becomes too costly to buy the options. Once the news has been released, the volatility comes down and the option loses value. Even though we had a move from the news, the options proved to be more costly than movement in the stock, making a losing trade for the person who bought the option.
When you are making your trade plan and determining your strategy mix, you need to keep in mind your trading style. This can be the key to your success. If you are going to buy out of the money calls, don’t expect to be right on 80% of your trades. Can you mentally and financially stand to lose on trades? Using the Key2Options program, you can find out how your strategy performed historically.
The markets generally do not go straight up or down, you can have upside and downside trades running simultaneously. If you spread the expirations over 90 days, you will likely have an op¬portunity to take a profit on both positions at a given point in time.
If you are conservative buy nature, I would suggest a mix of 70% selling options and buying calls or credit spreads, 30 % of the time. We want to be selling options when volatility is high. With Key2Options, you can find stocks that have high implied volatility.
See the below screenshot, for example.
Not only can I find stocks with high IV, I can also use the IV Rank. This judges the stock versus itself. It is important to know when the IV of a stock is high relative to itself.
From here, I can pick an option selling strategy, create a trading model and backtest it prior to implementing the strategy.
Tip #3: Time – Friend or Foe?
Part of an option price is the time premium. Theta is the measurement of an options time decay. The theta of an option reflects the amount by which the options value decreases every day.
لنلقي نظرة على مثال. Pretend a call option is priced at $3.00 and has a theta of -.05. After two days, and assuming the underlying price didn’t move and everything else is equal, the op¬tion would lose $0.10.
Is this good or bad?
Well, that depends on whether you are the buyer or seller of the option.
As the buyer of an option, this is not good. Regard¬less of what the underlying does, your option is losing money on a daily basis. The decay speeds up as expirations nears.
In the chart to the right, we can see the dramatic de¬cline in the final 30 days.
The most frustrating thing about buying a call option is watching the stock price rise the week after your option expires. When we buy options, it is important we buy expirations past 60 days. There are 2 reasons why we do this.
First, we are making a directional trade. We would always like our move to happen immediately whether it be up or down. The fact is the further out your option expiration is, the better chance you have of being correct.
Secondly, the time decay of our option is dramatically reduced. It is more expensive to buy the option but the payoff is far greater.
I ran a long call model on Netflix (NFLX). The only parameter I changed was the days until expi¬ration; I used 30, 60, and 90 days to expiration.
The differences are dramatic. By going further out in time the profit dollars go from $43,744.00 for 30 days of expirations to $90,763.00 for 90 days of expiration. The profit factor goes up dra¬matically as well. The profit factor measures the gains divided by losses for a particular run.
Many people who start out in options are lured by the price of options with 30 days until expira¬tion because they are less expensive. We can now quantify exactly what the changes can do by going further out in time by using the Key2Options program.
Would you rather buy a cheap option or one that makes money? Whether you’re a buyer or seller of options, it’s essential that you make sure to use time to your advantage.
We want to make sure we treat trading like any other start-up business. With Tip #1, we see the importance of a plan and how essential it is to know what to do under different circumstances. How will I handle losses? Gains? Do I have a profit target? If my profit target is hit, will I close out the position or convert it into another strategy? With the Key2Options program, you can cre¬ate and backtest all of your theories without the need for extensive programming experience.
With Tip #2, we explored diversifying your trading strategy. It’s important to both buy and sell options, and to understand that certain market conditions will determine whether we should be a buyer or seller. You need not put all of your eggs in one basket. Different strategies will make you a more successful trader.
And finally, with Tip #3, we discussed keeping time on your side. Time is one of the pricing components of extrinsic value in an option. Each day, an options value erodes. We need to be aware that the price of options erodes greatly during the last 30 days.
Options trading can create dramatic returns, both positive and negative. At Key2Options, we believe that it is important to backtest to minimize the negative returns. Like we say at Key2Options:
Plan Your Trade and Trade Your Plan!
Inner Confidence, Outer Discipline.
Michael McNelis is an Option Strategist with Key2Options . He began his career working for J. W. Investment Bankers, then co-founded Hatshack, a mall-based retail chain that eventually grew to 49 stores before being acquired by the publicly traded company Genesco.
Michael has been trading financial markets for over 20 years and has managed portfolios including equities, options and futures contacts. He has extensive use of options for income through covered call writing, hedging, and for capital appreciation, and has traded S&P, oil, natural gas, gold and U. S. dollar futures contracts. 5.
My 27% Weekly Option Strategy.
By Ryan Jones, SmartTrader.
Are you looking for the best options strategy? My 27% Option Strategy is one of the best option trading opportunities you will come across. When you see the power and long-term probabilities of this strategy, you are going to wish you had known about this sooner.
My 27% Option Strategy is not the holy grail of trading strategies. There are risks, and I will fully and completely explain those risks in this report. Do not take a trade with this strategy unless you have thoroughly gone through the risks and have determined that these risks are acceptable to you. In this report I will go into detail about what the risks are, why they exist, and in what market conditions they exist in.
Having said that, it is my opinion that the risk/reward metrics associated with this strategy are some of the best out there.
Each Trade Risk is Absolutely Limited (Most Trades Around $200 - $225) Average Size Losses are $100 or Less Probability of Success is Upwards of 70% - 80% (sometimes greater) Average Expected Gain Win/Lose or Draw is 27% Per Trade.
What does this mean? It means if you risk $200 each week, after 100 trades, you will have produced approximately $5,400. Not bad considering that it is very conceivable that you will never suffer a drawdown of more than $1,000 if you follow these guidelines. Add to this that you are GUARANTEED a 25% - 35% gain if the market stays the same or moves down (even crashes), thus making this an incredible opportunity all around. The risk only exists if the market moves up significantly within a short period of time We are therefore limited in the application of this strategy to SPY.
As you may know, SPY is the largest stock index ETF (Exchange Traded Fund). Stock indexes have an inherent “governor” if you will, that prevent large weekly moves to the upside from being a normal event. In fact, over the last 22-years, SPY has only moved higher from Friday to Friday 3% or more just 5% of the time. That means that 95% of the time, SPY has not moved 3% higher during the week.
We will be trading “My 27% Weekly Option Strategy” to take advantage of this characteristic of SPY.
The graph below represents the Friday to Friday move in SPY over the last 1½ years. As you can see, SPY has only moved higher by 3% just one time. It has only moved higher from Friday to Friday by at least 2% on just 6 occurrences, and this during one of the most consistently bullish years in the stock market.
With this strategy, there is no risk to the downside. If SPY tanks, even goes to zero, we are guaranteed to make money that week, usually about $60 - $75 per position.
Once a trade is placed, the breakeven level is usually around the 2.5% level (meaning that on Friday of the option expiration, if SPY closes at around 2.5% above the previous Friday’s close, the trade could suffer a loss). This level is different for each trade, but is relatively close to this regardless as long as the guidelines are met. When a loss occurs based on a 2.5% movement higher, it is almost always small (less than $100). Only if the market makes a move higher by more than 3% (in most cases) is there a risk of suffering a loss closer to the maximum risk ($200 - $230). For the maximum risk of $230 to be suffered, the market would have to make a move higher of about 7% in 1-week (which is technically impossible barring a reaction from a significant decline occurring first).
In other words, the risk/reward metrics are tremendously in our favor, but why? In this report, I will show you exactly why that is.
Weekly Options & PPD.
If you have not watched my video entitled “The Power of PPD”, you need to do so. I will briefly cover PPD in this section and how they relate to weekly options.
Weekly Options are relatively new. Back in 2009, the CBOE introduced the first weekly options for a limited number of securities. The option would come on the board on the opening of Thursdays and expire the following Friday (8-days later).
So every Thursday, there would be 2 different weekly options available. One that expired the next day, and another that would expire the following Friday.
Then, in 2018, CBOE extended weekly options to exist for 6 different expirations at the same time. In other words, weekly options exist for this coming Friday, and each Friday after that for the next 6-Fridays. I can buy or sell options for 6 different expirations at any given time, or at the same time if I wish.
This provides unprecedented opportunities for individual traders. This is because of the characteristics of options in general. The greatest time decay occurs at the end of the life of an option. Prior to weekly options, the benefits that can be taken advantage of from accelerated time decay were only available once a month. Now, there is a continual ability to take advantage of accelerated time decay.
To demonstrate the magnitude of this benefit, we will take a look at a couple of examples. I want to introduce to you what I call PPD. This stands for “Price Per Day”. It is a simple, straight-forward way to gauge the value of an option during any given time link.
Let’s use SPY as an example since that is what we will be using with My 27% Weekly Option Strategy. We will look at “at the money” options since those will ALWAYS have the greatest time value associated with them. The example below is based on calls, but the same process is used for puts.
8-Days left = 1.70.
30-Days Left = 3.25.
To determine the PPD of these options, simply divide the time value of the price by the days left until expiration. Since these are “at the money” options, the entire price of the option is time value.
8-Days left = 1.70 = 0.21 PPD.
30-Days Left = 3.25 = 0.11 PPD.
Here, you can see that the price of the 30-day option is obviously more expensive, but based on the PPD, it is half the price of the 8-Day option.
However, this is not an accurate comparison. The reason is because we are comparing all 30-days to all 8-days. The question is, what the PPD value is for each of the options over the next 8-days only.
We already know that the 8-day option PPD value will remain the same since it expires in 8-days. However, we can get a more accurate idea of the true PPD value over the next 8-days of the 30-day option by subtracting the 8-day price and 8-days from the 30-days and re-calculating.
In other words, what will the 30-day option be worth when there is only 8-days left? That will give us the PPD value between the 30-day and 8-day time span.
3.25 (30-day option price) – 1.70 (8-day option price) = 1.55.
30-Days – 8-Days = 22-Days.
1.55/22-days = 0.07 PPD.
Accordingly, we can say that over the next 8-days, the 30-day option should devalue by 0.07 cents per day, or by a total of 0.52 cents. This means the 30-day option should drop from 3.25 down to 2.73.
Meanwhile, the 8-day option will drop to 0.00, or by 1.70 total.
So the 30-day option loses 0.52 while the 8-day option loses 1.70 over the next 8-days. The total net difference is 1.18.
This is, of course, assuming that the underlying price of SPY goes nowhere over the next 8-days, and is there for an illustration only of the time decay arbitrage that is available as a result of weekly options. Obviously, markets move, so you cannot rely solely on the differences in PPD.
I cover this more thoroughly in my video “The Power of PPD” and I strongly suggest you watch that video.
PPD is the major contributing factor to the unprecedented opportunities we have with trading weekly options. However, it is not the ONLY contributing factor.
For example, the obvious play in this situation would be to sell the 8-day option and buy the 30-day option and make money off of the advanced time decay of the 8-day option. And, if that were the only thing to consider, then you need to look at the lowest PPD option available.
We already know that the 30-day option has a PPD value of approximately 0.07. However, if you look at an option that expires in 47-days, it has a PPD value over the next 8-days at only 0.04 cents PPD. Accordingly, it should only devalue by 0.32 total, while the 8-day option devalues by 1.70 total. That difference is 1.38, a full 0.20 better than the 30-day option.
But the price of the 47-day option is 5.00.
What if the market tanks, say, by 2% - 3%?
You’ll still make 1.70 on the 8-day call option because it will expire worthless, but the 47-day option drops from 5.00 down to around 2.25, meaning you would lose 2.75 on that leg. That is a loss of 1.05.
In this same scenario, the move down would drop the 30-day option from 3.35 to around 1.00 for a loss of 2.35. This is a 0.40 difference in loss size (1.05 net loss compared to a 0.65 net loss).
In short, price movement can negate the time decay arbitrage, which is why it is very important to make sure you are taking into consideration both PPD and price movement before determining a strategy, or trade to make.
I want you to notice something about this example. If SPY goes nowhere, you will make about 1.20 on the example trade. However, for you to lose about the same amount, SPY has to make a significant move in either direction. So, on the one hand, you have to take into consideration price movement, but on the other, the time decay arbitrage is a very powerful foundation from which to build any weekly option strategy, whether spreads, or buying or selling individual options.
The principle is buy low PPD options and sell high PPD options.
With that as the foundation, let’s get to the strategy.
My 27% Weekly Option Strategy.
What is the 27% Weekly Options Strategy? This is a simple strategy where you buy one option that has a low PPD and sell another option that has a high PPD.
The type of strategy is what is called an ITM Diagonal Put spread. ITM means “in the money” diagonal put spread.
A diagonal spread is simply where you buy one option and sell another option that has a different strike price and expiration date from the option you bought. As long as those two things are different, you have created a diagonal spread. There are thousands of possible combination diagonal spreads, so don’t think they are all the same. Remember, our foundation is going to be to buy a low PPD option and sell a high PPD option within the confines of this strategy.
Here is what an ITM Diagonal Spread according to My 27% Weekly Option Strategy looks like (actual trade).
Short Jan 30th 206.00 put from 1.81.
Long Feb 6th 209.00 put from 4.04.
For a Debit of 2.23.
At the time of this trade, there was about one week left on the January 30th option and SPY was trading at 205.50. This means the Jan 30th 206.00 put was 0.50 point in the money, while the 209.00 strike option was 3.50 points in the money.
The first thing I want to point out is the PPD of each of these options.
Short 206.00 put is 0.50 in the money. We therefore subtract that from the total price of the option to determine the time value.
Since there is 7-days left on the option, we divide the time value by 7:
1.31/7-days = 0.18 PPD.
We do the same thing for the long option. The total time value of the long option is only 0.54. However, we won’t be holding onto it until expiration, we will only be holding onto it for the next 7-days. It is projected that this option will still have 0.25 of time value in 7-days if SPY goes nowhere.
0.25/7-days = 0.04 PPD.
Short Jan 30th 206.00 put from 1.81 (0.18 PPD)
Long Feb 6th 209.00 put from 4.04 (0.04 PPD)
For a Debit of 2.23.
This means that our short option will decay at a rate of about 450% faster than the rate of decay on the long option.
But, there is something else going on here. Remember, PPD is not the only contributing factor to profitable (or losing) option strategies. Price movement is also a factor. Accordingly, My 27% Weekly Option Strategy is a strategy that is designed to guarantee a profit if the market stays the same or moves down (and even if it moves up within a certain amount).
And, in this case, it is guaranteed to make $77 if SPY stays the same or moves down.
The greatest time value of any option is always “at the money”. If SPY is trading at 205.00, the 205.00 put option will be the option with the greatest amount of time value. It will have more time value than either the 204.00 put, or the 206.00 put (one is 1.00 “out of the money” and the other is 1.00 “in the money”). The further away the strike is from the “at the money” strike, the less time value.
Notice that we sold an option that is closer to the “at the money” option, and bought an option that further away, meaning that it should have less time value associated with it.
Here is a graph of a 7-day expiration of time value as of the close on January 23rd:
If I were to overlay the 14-day option time value graph, this is what it would look like:
The red graph is the 7-day option time value, the blue graph is the 14-day option time value. We sell the 1.00 in the money put with 7-days left and buy the 14-day option that is 4.00 in the money. Based on the close of option prices on January 23rd, this is what it would look like:
Here is what the PPD graph looks like:
This should be abundantly clear why we structure the option spreads to sell high PPD and buy low PPD. Let’s move on and take a closer look at the actual trade example:
Short Jan 30th 206.00 put from 1.81.
Long Feb 6th 209.00 put from 4.04.
For a Debit of 2.23.
Before looking at the P/L range it is important to take notice that the difference between strikes is at 3.00. This means that when the Jan 30th put expires, if SPY is at or below 206.00, that put will be worthless. However, the absolute minimum value the 209.00 put can be is at 3.00. This would mean that if SPY closes at 206.00 or lower on the short option expiration, the spread has to be at least 3.00, no matter what (and will often be more than 3.00 because there could still be time value left on the long option so that it is worth more than 3.00).
Since we bought the spread at 2.23, we know that at 206.00 or below, my minimum profit is going to be 0.77 because we will be able to in essence exit the spread at 3.00.
We also know that our MINIMUM breakeven level is 209.00 – the Debit, or 206.77.
That is because the long option has to be worth at least 2.23 if SPY closes at 206.77 on the short option expiration.
Since we bought the spread when SPY was trading at 205.50ish, we know we are going to make money if SPY closes at or below 206.77 in 1-week.
The key here is how big the difference is between the debit on the trade, and the strike differences. The smaller the debit, the better the trade (general rule).
The maximum risk with this trade is technically the debit of the trade. In this case, 2.23, or $223 trading a single lot. However, I use the term technical because in order for this risk to actually occur, SPY has to SKY-ROCKET to ridiculous levels within about a 1-week period. In fact, it has to move higher so much that the long put is worthless. That is the ONLY way you can lose the maximum loss here.
Currently, a 1-week put that is 10.00 points out of the money is worth about 0.10. Accordingly, we would lose 2.13 on the trade if SPY moved from 205.50ish (when we bought the spread) to 219.00 in just 1-week. That is almost a 7% move in a single week, and you still don’t quite lose the maximum risk on the trade.
The Key with the risk is the value of the long put option at the time the short put option expires. Here is where this gets really interesting.
Remember the time value graph above? The “at the money” options ALWAYS have the greatest time value.
That means if SPY moves from 205.50 to 209.00 in 1-week, our long 209.00 put becomes the “at the money” put, and we gain the greatest value possible from this leg of the trade with regard to time value. That value is generally between 1.25 and 1.75, depending on the volatility in the market (I have seen it over 2.00 in the past).
We will split the difference and use the average of 1.50. This means that we bought the put spread for a debit of 2.23 and will exit it at 1.50, for a loss of 0.73.
That would occur with a move of about 2% in SPY from when we bought the spread. There will be times when that loss is smaller, and times when that loss is bigger. Based on the projections, check out the P/L chart of this trade:
SPY Closed right under 205.00 on January 23rd. The projected breakeven is around 208.50ish. At around 210.00 is when you would be projected to lose what your minimum gain is at 206.00 or below. The largest profit projection on this trade is about $135 and would occur if SPY closed at 206.00 on the short option expiration.
Over the long run, SPY has averaged a 2% move higher about 15% of the time from Friday to Friday. However, that includes times when the market has been down significantly the previous week(s), increasing the odds of a bounce of at least 2% the following week (or within a few weeks of the move down).
On the chart above, there are 64 weeks. The blue bar is the SPY movement from Friday to Friday.
12 Times Down > 1% for Minimum Profit of $81. +$972.
34 Times Within 1% Higher or Lower for Avg Profit of $95 +$3,230.
12 Times Between 1% - 2% Higher for Avg Profit of $30 +360.
6 Times Up > 2% for an Avg. Loss of $100 ($600)
The net profit would be $4,022.
At 64 trades total, that comes to an average gain win/lose or draw of $61. If you risk $220 on each trade, that average gain comes to 27.7%
There is a lot of room for error. Consider this, of the 64 weeks above, 46 of them saw SPY close LESS than 1% higher from the previous Friday’s close. If we only won the minimum $81 gain 72% of the time, and lost an average of $100 on every other trade (28% of the time), that still comes to an average of just over $30 profit, or a gain of almost 15% per trade.
This is where many traders say bet the farm, mortgage the house and go all-in. This is where many traders are foolish. There is a lot of room for error, but, there are also a lot of things that can prevent this from being quite as consistent as we would like.
Increased volatility can skew these numbers. What if, over the next 6-months, instead of seeing 6 times when the market moves higher by 2% or more, SPY sees the market move higher 6-times by 3% or more, virtually guaranteeing a sizeable loss. Let’s average that at $200 per trade, for a total loss of $1,200.
Then, we see that it moved higher between 2% - 3% on 12 occasions. That is another $1,200 loss at $100 per occurrence. That is 18 times in 26 weeks. If we gain the average of $80 the remaining 8 weeks, we are looking at a gain of $640 from those weeks, and a total net loss of $1,760.
Could that happen? Anything is possible. Is it probable? بالطبع لا. From the 18-weeks the market is higher in this example, it would be higher by 48%. If the other 8-weeks were down 2%, that is still a 32% gain in the stock market index in just 6-months. That would be some crazy manipulation.
What if you can’t get a debit of $220? What if the volatility tanks and you can only get a debit of $270? At that point, the potential gain is not worth it and I wouldn’t take the trade (see “Guidelines” below). But what if that is what happens during weeks the market moved down and you aren’t in to capture a gain? The next week, you can get your $220 debit, but then the market moves higher and you take a loss. It doesn’t take too many of these types of occurrences to take a big swipe out of your profit potential.
Or, what if you can get your debit of $220, the market moves up 2% and instead of breaking even, the volatility in the puts drops like a rock and you end up losing $100?
You get the point. The probabilities are incredibly good long-term. But probabilities are not certainties, and to trade them accordingly would be foolish.
Start small and apply proper money management. This will ensure that you can trade through the anomalies, which will happen from time to time.
How to Address the Variables that can Diminish the Probabilities.
There are a couple of things you can do to help diminish the risks associated with these variables. The biggest thing you can do is, as I have said many times, START SMALL. I always prepare for the worst case scenario. Compounding is what makes trading worth the risks. Start small, then as you ACTUALLY make money with the strategy, start to compound.
There is a specific compounding table I have included in this report you can follow starting with only $2,500. If you are only filled on trades half the time but can average the 27% gain per trade, $2,500 turns into over $300,000 in just 5-years using this straight-forward, powerful compounding plan.
If you only get filled half the time and can only manage to gain an average of 15% per trade, you can still grow the account from $2,500 into over $100,000 during the same time period.
It pays to stick with a strategy and compound.
The second thing you can do is follow these guidelines for putting on the trades. You should increase your probability of success and address at least some of the variables that could diminish the overall potential profitability.
My 27% Weekly Option Strategy Guidelines.
Make Breakeven at 2% above where the market is with 1-Week (approximately) left on the short option.
A good estimate for breakeven is about 1.50 points above the short strike. Structure the trade signal so this level is 2% above where the market is trading.
For example, if the market is trading at 200.00 with approximately 1-week left on the short option, a 2% move to the upside would be 204.00. You would then sell the 1-week 202.50 put and buy the 2-week 205.50 put for a debit of 2.40 on a limit.
You won’t always be filled, but that should be a very solid trade 90% of the time. Also, by the time you are filled, the market may be closer to an at the money situation with the short option. That is fine, whether you were filled immediately or 2-days after you placed the order and the market moved higher a bit, you would still have the same position.
Make Sure You Place a Maximum 2.40 Debit Limit Order.
You really don’t want to go higher than 2.40 on the debit. That gives you a minimum profit of $60 per position. You can often get better than a 2.40 debit, especially if you place the trade a day or two early after the market has made a significant move to the upside. I have been able to get filled at almost 2.00 in some cases. However, if you are a day or two early, there is a slight additional risk of the market exceeding the 2% level above where the market was trading when you placed the order. However, that is offset by the minimum profit level, smaller maximum risk and bigger overall average trade. 3-days early would be about the earliest I would consider (Wednesday prior to the following Friday).
Don’t Take Trades After a Significant Down Move.
4 of the 6 times on the weekly SPY movement chart that SPY went up by at least 2% were preceded by a down week of more than 2%. There are some issues with this guideline, especially if we move into more of a sideways to bearish market trend. This might keep you out of a lot of good trades in that situation. You could then simply wait for a bit of a bounce and still get in, or you could implement another strategy that is designed to make money if SPY moves higher to diminish the overall risk of this strategy. This will drop your profit potential a bit, but it will also drop your average loss size considerably.
My 27% Weekly Option Strategy Compounding Plan.
You start with an account size of $2,500 trading a single lot on every trade. As your account grows eclipsing each number in the “Account Size” column, you increase to the corresponding trade size. If you begin increasing and then start to hit a drawdown, you would decrease trade size according to the same levels at which you originally increased. By the time you hit 8-lots in the trade size, it will be virtually impossible to give back all the profits.
The “Non-Compounded column is where your account would be if you stuck with a single lot the entire time. Notice that once you hit $6,000 in the non-compounded column ($3,500 in non-compounded profits), the compounded account has grown to a whopping $65,500! If you don’t stick with the trading, it is impossible for you to ever realize this kind of success.
In closing, the Key to extraordinary success in trading is not whether you have the Holy Grail trading strategy. In fact, such a strategy does not exist. The Key in trading is applying the proper money management approach to whatever strategy you are trading.
As you know by now, PPD stands for Price Per Day, and is one of the most powerful techniques for finding the best option trading opportunities regardless of the option strategy you are trading. As mentioned earlier, if you have not watched my video entitled “The Power of PPD”, you need to do so.
My 27% Weekly Option Strategy is a simple, but powerful strategy designed to take advantage of warped time decay between two options. Applied to weekly options in stock index ETF markets like SPY, QQQ and IWM, I fully reveal the strategy with actual trade examples in the link below.
CLICK HERE to learn more about Killer Weekly Option Spreads That Average 10%+ Average Returns Per Week .
Ryan Jones is considered one of the trading industries "most complete traders." Starting his trading career at the early age of 16, he had traded nearly every major market and strategy by the age of 21. At the age of 26,
Mr. Jones signed a book deal with John Wiley, making him one of the youngest authors ever in the field of futures trading. His book, The Trading Game, Playing by the Numbers to Make Millions , is still considered the authority on the subject of trading and money management by many leading traders.

Breakthrough a consistent daily options trading strategy for high flying stocks

Being a stock trader can be quite profitable.
Once you have realized that there is a great deal of benefit in stock trading, as well as the backing of valid reasons in your decision to enter the arena of stock trading, it is now time to decide what type of trader type you may be so as to adapt the correct strategy in your future investment profit making!
It is important to note that there are many different trading types in the marketplace. Each new person looking to make money in the market should decide for themselves which type of trader they are and perfect that strategy if it is applicable and profitable as part of their overall financial management.
To learn how to trade stocks, it's important to know the trader types that there are, and the decisions that each type of stock trader makes. Understanding the types of traders is the first step in helping you understand stock movement. Knowing what people do when trading, how they think and how they trade, will help a potential trader to prepare for his/her foray into the stock market jungle by having an understanding of why and how the stock market moves and fluctuates.
Stock Traders and Stock Investors' Roles in the Marketplace.
Many people use the words "trading" and "investing" interchangeably when, in reality, they are two very different activities. While both traders and investors participate in the same marketplace, they perform two very different tasks using very different strategies. Both of these parties are necessary, however, for the market to function smoothly.
Dictionary Definition of Stock Trader.
Trader: One that trades.
Stock trader: Someone who buys and sells stock shares.
Investor: One who invests.
Looking more thoroughly at the differentiation of an investor as opposed to a stock trader when actually applied to the stock market we can see that :-
A Stock Investor.
A stock investor is the market participant that the general public most often associates with the stock market. Stock investors can be firms or individuals who purchase stocks with the intention of holding them for an extended period of time, usually several months to years. They rely primarily on fundamental analysis for their investment decisions and fully recognize stock shares as part-ownership in the company. Many investors believe in the buy and hold strategy, which as the name suggests, implies that investors will buy stock ownership in a corporation and hold onto those stocks for the very long term, generally measured in years.
These investors, who purchase shares of a company for the long term with the belief that the company has strong future prospects, typically concern themselves with two things:
• Value - Investors must consider whether a company's shares represent a good value. For example, if two similar companies are trading at different earnings multiples, the lower one might be the better value because it suggests that the investor will need to pay less for $1 of earnings when investing in Company A relative to what would be needed to gain exposure to $1 of earnings in Company B.
• Success - Investors must measure the company's future success by looking at their financial strength and evaluating their future cash flows.
Both of these factors can be determined through the analysis of the company's financial statements along with a look at industry trends that may define future growth prospects. At a basic level, investors can measure the current value of a company relative to its future growth possibilities by looking at metrics such as the PEG ratio - that is, their P/E (value) to growth (success) ratio.
A stock trader is a market participant, either an individual or firm, who purchases shares in a company with a focus on the market itself rather than the company's fundamentals. A stock trader usually tries to profit from short-term price volatility with trades lasting anywhere from several seconds to several weeks. The stock trader is usually a professional. Persons can call themselves full or part-time stock traders/investors while maintaining other professions.
Markets that trade commodities lend themselves well to a stock trader. After all, very few people purchase wheat because of its fundamental quality - they do so to take advantage of small price movements that occur as a result of supply and demand. A stock trader typically concerns him/herself with:
• Price Patterns - A stock trader will look at past price history in an attempt to predict future price movements, which is known as technical analysis.
• Supply and Demand - Traders keep close watch on their trades intraday to see where money is moving and why.
• Market Emotion - Traders play on the fears of investors through techniques like fading, where they will bet against the crowd after a large move takes place.
• Client Services - Market makers (one of the largest types of traders) are actually hired by their clients to provide liquidity through rapid trading.
Ultimately, it is traders that provide the liquidity for investors and always take the other end of their trades. Whether it is through market making or fading, traders are a necessary part of the marketplace.
Clearly, both traders and investors are necessary in order for a market to function properly. Without traders, investors would have no liquidity through which to buy and sell shares. Without investors, traders would have no basis from which to buy and sell. Combined, the two groups form the financial markets as we know them today.
Different Types of Traders.
The type of stock trader in the market place is only limited to the number of people trading.
Having said that, there are two very broad areas that stock traders can be classified as:-
1. Informed Trader: This type of stock trader is anyone who has information about the right side of the market.
2. Uninformed Trader: anyone who takes the opposite side of informed traders.
From these two very broad classifications there are quite a few trading types with similar traits, but bear in mind, that each individual stock trader will take on traits from other classifications as well, as no one area will be completely correct for each person or trading group. Many trader groups also have similar names. Therefore an overlapping will occur making the stock market what it is ….. an exciting atmosphere made up of many types of traders.
Classification of Trader Types.
These are traders who try to predict the near term movements of the stock based on how the company is doing. Fundamental traders spend their days looking through research. It might be research about the economy, a specific sector or a company. But it could also be SEC filings, financial results, etc. There are many possibilities but the end goal is simple. Look at dozens or even hundreds of companies in order to find those that look the most undervalued.
They may try to buy strong stocks after a pullback and vice versa. While fundamental analysis can be a great long term approach to the market it loses its strength in the short term. These traders may decide it is best to combine fundamentals with one of the other strategies like breakout trading or trend trading. Such traders usually will spend entire days trying to figure out why a company’s stock has not increased more. Is it because the company will come out with bad results or is the whole crowd missing something important? Investors are always on the lookout for the next Microsoft.
Buy and Hold Traders.
Buy and Hold Traders, also called Long Term Traders, are stock market investors who are buying stocks and holding them for a long period of time. This category most likely constitutes the largest group of people who are buying stocks as it requires the least amount of time spent focused on the stock market.
Typically people who fall into this category purchase a stock based on their calculated criterion and hold it for a longer period of time, this could be months to several years. This category of stock trader is one who may hold a stock during a down point in the stock market believing that once the down trend is over the stock will rise.
Swing Traders use a slightly longer time horizon than day traders, watching a stock for weeks or months before trading. They try to follow the momentum of the stock market when buying stocks. When markets are, in general, moving to the upside swing traders will buy stocks that fit whatever criterion they are using to select stocks, selling when this swing in the market has topped or nearing what they have calculated to be the top.
This type of stock market trading relies on careful monitoring of fundamental and technical analysis. Swing traders often specialize in a certain business or industry so that they become experts in the movement within those stocks. They also have more time to study the company financial reports and industry forecasts. Swing traders will hold stocks a matter of a few days, weeks, or even months depending on the momentum of the stock market. Although swing traders don’t spend quite as much time focused on the stock markets as they are following the momentum of the market, this style of trading still requires a great deal of time spent researching and monitoring the markets.
They also have more time to study the company financial reports and industry forecasts. Since swing trading does not require hours of daily monitoring, it is a good strategy for the trader who wants to make money from stock market trading without turning it into a full time job. Even the study of reports could be done during the daily commute or lunch hour so that the swing trader stays well informed.
Day Traders are investors who generally buy and sell the same stock in the same day. This type of trading is not limited to just buying stocks, they may also buy and sell stock options, currencies, or a whole range of futures. Typically day traders may hold a stock for a matter of seconds or minutes, additionally they may buy and sell the same stock several times during the course of a day. They tend to be out of the market (sell all of their stocks) before the trading day ends to avoid any possible after market gap downs (a situation where a stock may open the next day at a lower point than it closed the previous day). They avoid the risks of long term buy and hold.
Day trading requires a significant amount of time on a daily basis. Generally people who day trade are doing this for a living, spending their entire day at the computer buying and selling stocks. This type of strategy for stock market trading is only effective for day traders, who apply analysis rather than emotion to trading decisions.
The name 'intra-day trader' refers to a stock trader who opens and closes a position in a security in the same trading day. This can be buying and selling to capitalize on a potential rise in a security's value or shorting and covering the short to capitalize on a potential drop in value. Intraday traders capitalize on small moves in the value of a security by using "leverage" or "margin", which basically means borrowing money.
Day traders and intra-day traders are at the top of the risk spectrum. They participate in rapidly changing market conditions, looking for quickly developing profit opportunities. Mostly these traders employ technical analysis to determine when conditions are right to enter either long or short, and then to exit (hopefully with a profit).
With the elevated risk comes the potential for extraordinary ROI (Return on Investment).
Intra-day Scalp Trading.
Intra-day scalp trading is a particularly short-term form of day trading. It is generally based on technical analysis of indicators such as moving averages, MACD, momentum oscillators, Fibonacci sequences, etc. Trades are often held only for minutes at a time, and sometimes even shorter than that.
Channel trading is a powerful yet often overlooked form of trading that capitalizes on the tendencies of markets to trend. The channel trader combines several forms of technical analysis to provide precise points from which to buy and sell, put stop-loss and take-profit levels, etc. 
Price Action Traders.
Keeping things simple can also be an effective methodology when it comes to trading. There are groups of traders known as price action traders who are a form of technical traders that rely on technical analysis but do not rely on conventional indicators to point them in the direction of a trade or not.
These traders rely on a combination of price movement, chart patterns, volume, and other raw market data to gauge whether or not they should take a trade. This is seen as a "simplistic" and "minimalist" approach to trading but is not by any means easier than any other trading methodology. It requires a sound background in understanding how markets work and the core principles within a market, but the good thing about this type of methodology is it will work in virtually any market that exists (stocks, foreign exchange, futures, gold, oil, etc.).
An Option Trader is also known as an Options Trader. It is anyone who buys and sells options in the capital market.
Option Trading, or options trading, is the trading of stock options over an exchange. As options trading is most commonly conducted through online option trading brokers, it is also commonly known as Online Options Trading or even Online Option trading.
There are many people who confuse options trading with futures trading. Futures and options are two distinctly different derivative instruments with their own characteristics.
Options trading means that instead of trading stocks, you trade the options that are offered on these stocks.
There are 4 main types of futures traders in the futures market, creating the liquid futures trading environment that we see today. No matter what you choose to do in futures trading, you will inevitably fall in one or more of these types. The 4 types of futures traders are really classified based on the purpose of their trades rather than the actual trading strategy itself as the same futures strategy can be applied for various purposes. The 4 types of futures traders in the futures trading market are; Hedgers, Speculators, Arbitrageurs and Spreaders.
Hedgers do with futures contracts what futures contracts were initially designed to do when they were first developed along the rivers of Chicago, which is to hedge against price risk. You are a hedger when you go short on futures contracts while owning the underlying asset or other futures contracts of the same or related underlying in order to protect your existing positions against price fluctuations.
Speculators form the backbone of the futures trading market we see today. They provide liquidity and activity in the futures trading market through their day trading or swing trading strategies, buying and selling futures contracts outright in order to speculate on a strong directional move. This is also the most dangerous way of trading futures as the price of the underlying asset could just as easily come around and put your position in a loss deep enough for a margin call.
Arbitrageurs are futures traders that are in the market in order to spot price anomalies between futures contracts and their underlying assets in order to reap a risk free return. Arbitrage is another huge source of volume and liquidity in the market as it typically takes an extremely big fund and big trading volume in order to return a worthwhile profit in arbitrage. Arbitrage is such a competitive area right now that super computers with powerful programs to spot such opportunities are set to perform such arbitrage automatically.
Spreaders are futures traders that specialize in trading futures contracts in combination with other futures contracts or underlying assets in order to reduce risk and to extend profitability. Such complex futures positions are what is known as "Futures Spreads" or "Futures Strategies". This is a very professional and specialized field that has only recently been made known to the general public and makes use of the difference in price and rate of change in price of different offsetting futures contracts in order to create futures positions that move within certain limits and have a much higher chance of profit with a lot lower commissions.
Online Stock Traders.
Online stock traders place buy/sell orders for financial securities and/or currencies with the use of a brokerage's internet-based proprietary trading platforms. The use of online trading increased dramatically in the mid - to late-'90s with the introduction of affordable high-speed computers and internet connections.
Stocks, bonds, options, futures and currencies can all be traded online.
Another benefit of online trading is the improvement in the speed of which transactions can be executed and settled, because there is no need for paper-based documents to be copied, filed and entered into an electronic format.
Option Seller Trader.
Instead of being one of the many people gambling by buying stock options these traders become the house. They take advantage of the fact that 80% of options expire worthless by selling out of the money option. No other traders have as high a probability of being right as they do and they take advantage of it. Their goal is to make a consistent 5-10% a month off of their money.
Astrology traders use a method of trading which is based on the principle that the financial markets are affected by planetary movements and lunar cycles. Predicting these effects may assist the trader in determining which stocks to trade and when to trade them.
As with many approaches to trading, astrology trading is not recommended as a stand-alone technique, but rather to be used alongside technical analysis. Astrology traders use an astrological calendar, and a program which facilitates the calculation of astrological charts.
There are various tools available for astrology trading, including Gann Angles, as well as financial astrology software programs that may be beneficial to a trader’s strategy.
This type of stock trader can have a longer term approach to trading. They will try to find a great up trending stock, buy it and ride it until the trend changes. After all if a stock keeps going up wouldn’t it be great to just buy it and let it double, triple, do what it does.
Because up trending stocks go through stages of higher highs and higher lows these traders should have a loose stop and should not be worried about outside factors such as their stock being overextended, as long as the stock is still going up.
Range-bound trading is a purely technical method of predicting a stock's short-term highs and lows. Range-bound traders are more active in a range-bound market, where they trade stocks within a defined channel. 
A Break-out Trader is a stock trader who is looking for strong stocks. He buys when a stock has just broken out and follows it up because breakouts on high volume are normally a strong buy signal, especially in bull markets. These traders can sometimes find stocks that move astonishing amounts in short periods of time.
This stock trader often has his/her own set of rules to help determine if a breakout trade is a false signal or a great buy. They may decide to add fundamental analysis or other indicators to help weed out breakouts that produce false signals.
Momentum traders generally agree that attempting to determine the absolute value of a stock is pointless. They tend to say the absolute value of a stock is obvious: It's the price the stock just traded at-that's what your stock is worth.
The "last price theory" is both obvious and worthless. Obvious because the stock value has just been demonstrated and worthless because in investment terms, it gives you know idea what the stock is going to be worth in the future.
Momentum traders fundamentally rely on three types of information: Moving Averages, Market Direction and Elliot Waves.
The idea is to ride the momentum of a current stock move. The basic idea is that a stock in motion will tend to stay in motion.
KISS is an acronym for the design principle "Keep it simple, Stupid!" , meaning "Don't be stupid, keep it simple!". Other variations include "keep it short and simple" or "keep it simple and straightforward". The KISS principle states that simplicity should be a key goal in design, and that unnecessary complexity should be avoided.
I particularly like this type of trading at certain times, and the stock trader that adheres to this principle must be aware that it does not mean throwing out all the technical analysis and indicators but to simply (as it says) “KEEP IT SIMPLE”.
The most profitable trades, a great deal of the time, are those that are the simplest to spot. This type of stock trader views this scenario as one of the simplest in nature, but realizes that it is the smartest type of trade because it produces the greatest profits.
The Price Trader.
The price trader is the analyst who tries to figure out exactly what a stock is worth.
Price traders are the most common type of trader in the stock market. Price traders buy a stock based on a fixed price. For example, they study Apple Computer (AAPL) and determine that based on the company's public information the stock is worth $100 or $125 or $97.25 a share. Price Traders buy the stock if it is below that value and sell the stock if it is above that value.
Because of price traders, stocks often trade up to a certain value and stop. Stocks also tend to trade between values quickly. For example, stocks - any stocks - tend to be more volatile when their stock price is between $45 and $50 as well as $90 and $100.
Some stocks also tend to "trade on the fives and tens" - meaning that the stock will trade at $5, move very quickly to $10, and then move very quickly to $15. This is due in part to option strike prices which have either $5 or $10 separation in strike prices. Stocks with $5 option strike prices will often trade at the $2.50 level as well. This phenomena is often seen most clearly at the end of a month when option expiration occurs.
Price traders never arrive at the same value for a stock. Given the thousands, perhaps millions, of individual criteria that can affect stock value, the only way two price targets end up being the same is by agreement or cohesion among analysts. As such, stocks tend to move quickly between common price targets.
In the end, the systems by which we buy and sell stocks force us to be price traders and people tend to enter round numbers into these systems. This creates a situation where stocks tend to trade to round numbers: $1, $0.50, $0.25 and $0.75.
Pivot Traders basically say that the exact value (or price of a stock) at any given time is unknowable. You cannot say that your stock is worth $100 because there are too many variables to contend with. Pivot traders tend to say that a stock moves between popular values for that stock based on past company performance.
Based on the unknowable premise, a pivot trader tends to say a stock will trade to levels that it has traded in the past and then pivot - either turn around or "breakthrough" that support or resistance level.
So, pivot traders look at past performance as the best predictor of future performance.
Traders look at charts a bit, and even more into company fundamentals, but the biggest factor that remains is a general feeling, momentum not only in the individual stock but in the company itself. The trader may look at numbers and find specific opportunities but tends to develop a general feel for many of these companies they wish to invest in.
While this category of investing is maybe not well recognized, many traders fit the pattern.
Technical traders, in general, are traders that use stock charts to trade. This type of stock trader relies on factors such as momentum, patterns, moving averages, etc. The basic premise is that all assets move based on offer and demand more than anything else. They would not even care to look at which stock or commodity they are trading; they only require the trading data to decide if they want to buy or sell.
High frequency traders, fitting into the technical traders category, is a term used for traders who mostly use technical factors.
More Articles on Trading Types or Trader Types.
An active trader is the type of stock trader who sometimes borders on the fanatic. They read everything on investing, study the stocks, and subscribe to magazines, associations, or newsletters. ويمكن أن يكون الدافع وراءها هو الوجه الأسهم وكسب المال بسرعة، أو يمكن أن يكون رضا العثور على كنز تفويتها من قبل وول ستريت النقاد. سواء مدفوعا الثروة أو الأنا، وهذا النوع من المستثمر يتحول الاستثمار في هوايتهم وحتى العاطفة.
يتعلم هؤلاء المستثمرين كيفية قراءة البيانات المالية، وتوقعات السوق، وتقارير التحليل الاقتصادي، والافتتاحيات. They learn the names of the world's best economists, and are familiar with the London and New York Times Newspapers.
These investors prefer stocks that are rising and promise to be a forerunner for future outperformance. They have one focus, accelerating earnings, from a company which has tapped into a new product or innovation that promises to hit the market hard. هناك العديد من النهج لاختيار الأسهم، استنادا إلى عدد من العوامل بما في ذلك السلوك سعر السهم، والأسواق، ونمو الأرباح.
هذا النوع من المتداول الأسهم غالبا ما ترغب في استثمار أموالهم، ولكنهم لا يريدون لقضاء عطلة نهاية الأسبوع دراسة البيانات المالية والأسواق، وحتى تقارير الطقس. هذا النوع من المستثمرين يضحك على التغني حظا سعيدا والسحر المستخدمة من قبل بعض المستثمرين. وغالبا ما يكونون سعداء لوضع أموالهم في يد وسيط والمشي بعيدا.
يقوم المتداول السلبي بإنشاء خطة، والبحوث الأسهم، ويستثمر، ثم ينتظر بصبر لعودة في المستقبل. A passive investor takes a look at the company's value, assets, debt, and financial health. They consider market and competition when estimating the company's opportunity for success. فهي ليست عدوانية، أو تبحث عن مكاسب سريعة.
وطالما أن خسائرهم ليست في مستوى المخاطر العالية، فإنها تترك محفظتها وحدها. They follow the 10% rule when estimating acceptable loss. Once a stock falls 10% below what they paid, it is time to sell to the bargain hunters.
Bargain Hunter Trader.
These traders circle like eagles waiting for the weak and wounded to fall, then they pick up the pieces. Many companies owe their survival in hard times to the bargain hunter. Kmart is one company that pulled through and recovered after Wall Street left it for dead.
The Player Trader.
At first glance this person may not seem to have a viable place in the market, but looks can be deceiving. This person wants to roll their money over and trade stocks constantly - that is part of the game. They are only interested in research and learning as long as there is money to play with.
Unlike value traders, news traders do not estimate value of an instrument from first principle and all available data. Their object is merely to estimate how value will change in response to their news information. They estimate total instrument values by adding to current prices their estimates of how their news changes prices.
• Time constrained since position should be taken before information becomes publicly available.
• Faster price adjusts to trades, discouragement to further informed trading and decreases realized spread.
Sentiment-oriented Technical Traders.
When technical traders trade in response to predictable price patterns (“judge market sentiment”) caused by uninformed traders, they effectively act as dealers or order anticipators. If they offer liquidity to the uninformed traders they are essentially dealers. Their trading tends to make the prices more informative.
Information-oriented Technical Traders.
An information-oriented technical trader is the stock trader who profits by identifying predictable price patterns that result when other traders make mistakes. Technical trading strategies that exploit informed traders’ mistakes are rarely consistently profitable. Strategies that worked well in the past fail when informed traders learn from their mistakes. They buy extreme winners or sell extreme losers.
Market Manipulators and Bluffers.
This stock trader profits by disseminating misinformation through media, rumors, prices or volumes.
This type of stock trader seeks assistance from financial analysts, statisticians, actuaries, macro-economists, industry economists, market professionals, accountants, engineers, scientists, computer programmers, librarians, and research assistants.
This type of stock trader simultaneously buys undervalued and sells overvalued instruments.
Unsuccessful Types of Stock Traders.
Opposite the successful day traders who trade with the necessary moderation, there are those who trade excessively without realizing that they are signing up for sure losses….their money disappearing into the dark, blue yonder. Here are two types of over traders:
Type I: Technical Over Trader.
Novices in trading justify their actions by the technicalities of this field. Many of them find some technicalities working to their advantage. They then make pre-determined positions and look for some indicators to confirm their choices.
Type II: Impulsive Over Trader.
People who make use of non-statistical or non-mathematical data often rely on other people's opinions, on the news, on their personal observations and hunches and advice by so-called experts or gurus. The problem with these is that they cannot compensate for quantifiable data and that the discretional over trader finds it hard to stay put because of them. He cannot stand inactivity thus he has to satisfy his compulsion to trade. The lack of assessment of sufficient indicators and enough technical knowledge is often the downfall of a trader.
They act late and then lose because they tend to buy when prices are already high and sell when prices are already low.
No matter which style of stock trader you fall into or feel best matches your stock buying interests, they all carry risks to your financial well being.
All in all there are many different strategies. It is not a one size fits all market. Anyone looking to join the list of stock market traders and make money in the short term should decide which strategy or strategies work best for them.
There is a place for all traders and investors, and while there are winners and losers in the market, the important thing is to pick a comfortable place and don't let anyone force you out of your comfort zone, particularly if you are doing well.
النجاح بسيط. تفعل ما هو الصحيح، والطريقة الصحيحة، في الوقت المناسب.
السيطرة على الازدهار مستقبلك طريقة سهلة. تصبح عضوا في خيارات الأسهم سهلة اليوم!
فئات المادة.
معلومات عامة.
البحث عن خيارات الشراء.
تتمتع الاسترخاء أو سرعة وتيرة التداول؟ اختر نمط عضويتك.
إذا كنت تفضل أن تأخذ نهج مسترخي لتداول الخاص بك،
أو لتوجيه الاتهام إلى الأمام في خيارات التداول الخاصة بك،
& # xa0؛ خيارات الأسهم سهلة كرسي بذراع المتداول و قطع إلى مطاردة تاجر وضعت كل ما تحتاجه للنجاح في متناول يدك ل & # xa0 فقط؛ 39 دولارا أمريكيا أو 79 دولارا أمريكيا في الشهر.

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